No tree characteristics chosen; all trees follow.
Jack Pine/Gray Pine (photos)
Virginia Pine (photos)
Scotch Pine (photos)
Table Mountain Pine/Hickory Pine (photos)
Shortleaf Pine (photos)
Austrian Pine/European Black Pine (photos)
Red Pine (photos)
Pitch Pine (photos)
Pond Pine/Marsh Pine/Pocosin Pine (photos)
Loblolly Pine/Oldfield Pine/North Carolina Pine (photos)
Longleaf Pine (photos)
Eastern White Pine (photos)
Tamarack/Hackmatack/Eastern Larch (photos)
European Larch (photos)
Eastern Hemlock/Canadian Hemlock (photos)
Carolina Hemlock (photos)
Balsam Fir/Eastern Fir (photos)
Fraser's Fir/She-balsam (photos)
Baldcypress/Cypress/Swamp-cypress (photos)
American Yew (photos)
Japanese Yew (photos)
Black Spruce/Bog Spruce/Black Spruce (photos)
Red Spruce/Eastern Spruce/Yellow Spruce (photos)
White Spruce/Canadian Spruce/Skunk Spruce (photos)
Norway Spruce (photos)
Colorado Spruce (photos)
Northern White-cedar/Eastern White-cedar/Eastern Arborvitae (photos)
Atlantic White-cedar/Southern White-cedar/Swamp-cedar (photos)
Dwarf Juniper (photos)
Eastern Redcedar/Red Juniper (photos)
Chinese Juniper (photos)
Common Juniper (photos)
Redbud (photos)
Princess Tree (photos)
Common Catalpa/Catawba (photos)
Fraser Magnolia/Earleaf Magnolia (photos)
Bigleaf Magnolia (photos)
Sweetbay (photos)
Cucumbertree (photos)
Umbrella Magnolia (photos)
Black Tupelo/Sour Gum (photos)
Water Tupelo (photos)
Pawpaw (photos)
Persimmon (photos)
Flowering Dogwood (photos)
Osage Orange (photos)
Shingle Oak (photos)
Laurel Oak (photos)
Live Oak (photos)
Willow Oak (photos)
Sourwood (photos)
Russian Olive (photos)
Willow (photos)
Basswood (photos)
Hackberry (photos)
American Elm (photos)
Slippery Elm (photos)
Winged Elm/Cork Elm/Wahoo (photos)
Lombardy Poplar (photos)
Bigtooth Aspen (photos)
Quaking Aspen/Golden Aspen (photos)
Cottonwood (photos)
Balsam Poplar/Tacamahac/Balm (photos)
White Poplar/Silver Poplar (photos)
Apple (photos)
Prairie Crabapple (photos)
Black Cherry (photos)
Common Chokecherry (photos)
Pin Cherry (photos)
Carolina Laurelcherry (photos)
American Plum (photos)
American Holly (photos)
Gray Birch (photos)
River Birch (photos)
Sweet Birch/Cherry Birch (photos)
Yellow Birch/Silver Birch (photos)
Paper Birch/Canoe Birch (photos)
American Hornbeam/Blue-beech/Water-beech (photos)
Eastern Hophornbeam/Ironwood (photos)
Beech (photos)
American Chestnut (photos)
Hawthorns (photos)
Red Mulberry (photos)
White Mulberry (photos)
Sassafras (photos)
Ginkgo/Maidenhair-tree (photos)
Water Oak/Possum Oak (photos)
Blackjack Oak (photos)
Chinkapin Oak (photos)
Chestnut Oak (photos)
Swamp White Oak (photos)
Post Oak/Iron Oak (photos)
Bur Oak/Blue Oak/Mossycup Oak (photos)
White Oak/Stave Oak (photos)
Overcup Oak/Swamp Post Oak/Water White Oak (photos)
Pin Oak/Spanish Oak (photos)
Northern Red Oak/Gray Oak (photos)
Black Oak/Yellow Oak/Quercitron Oak (photos)
Scarlet Oak (photos)
Northern Pin Oak/Hill's Oak (photos)
Tulip Tree (photos)
Sycamore (photos)
Sweet Gum (photos)
Sugar Maple (photos)
Black Maple (photos)
Norway Maple (photos)
Silver Maple (photos)
Red Maple (photos)
Sycamore Maple (photos)
Striped Maple (photos)
Mountain Maple (photos)
Ohio Buckeye (photos)
Yellow Buckeye/Sweet Buckeye (photos)
Horsechestnut (photos)
Boxelder (photos)
Red Ash (photos)
White Ash (photos)
Blue Ash (photos)
Black Ash (photos)
Shagbark Hickory/Scalybark Hickory (photos)
Pignut Hickory/Smoothbark Hickory (photos)
Bitternut Hickory (photos)
Shellbark Hickory/Kingnut (photos)
Mockernut Hickory/White Hickory (photos)
Pecan (photos)
Butternut/White Walnut/Oilnut (photos)
Black Walnut/American Walnut (photos)
Staghorn Sumac (photos)
Smooth Sumac (photos)
Poison Sumac (photos)
Ailanthus (photos)
American Mountain-Ash (photos)
European Mountain-Ash (photos)
Yellow Wood (photos)
Honey Locust (photos)
Black Locust (photos)
Kentucky Coffeetree (photos)
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