SetScopeIcon Property

   ObjectTemplate.SetScopeIcon image

Argument values:

argument 1:    "binocular.tga", "sniper.tga"

Description: This sets the soldier's view of the world when using a particular handweapon. By setting this property, the foreground of the screen is overlaid with the specified image. The filename is the name of a Targa file (not DDS) in Menu.rfa's Texture subdirectory.

This property is used in BF 1942 to set the image for the sniperscope and binoculars views.

See the HUD Icon Tutorial for more details and examples.

Related properties: SetSniperSight

Used in object types (and how often in each type): HandFireArms (4%)

Used in a total of 4 .con files: Objects.con

Parent directory of these .con files: objects/HandWeapons

Example: (from objects/HandWeapons/Binoculars/Objects.con)
   ObjectTemplate.Create HandFireArms Binoculars
   ObjectTemplate.ItemIndex 5
   ObjectTemplate.MagType 2
   ObjectTemplate.NumOfMag 1
   ObjectTemplate.MagSize -1
   ObjectTemplate.FireOnce 1
   ObjectTemplate.AltFireOnce 1
   ObjectTemplate.SoldierCameraPosition 0/-0.03/0.2
   ObjectTemplate.ProjectileTemplate BinocularsProjectile
   ObjectTemplate.Projectile2Template BinocularsProjectile2
   ObjectTemplate.CreateSkeleton animations/Binoculars.ske
   ObjectTemplate.UseSkeletonPartAsMain base
   ObjectTemplate.ZoomFov 0.2
   ObjectTemplate.UseScope 1
   ObjectTemplate.FireInCameraDof 1
   ObjectTemplate.ProjectilePosition 0/0/2
   ObjectTemplate.GUIIndex 84
   ObjectTemplate.SetScopeIcon "binocular.tga"
   ObjectTemplate.SetSightIcon "scout_ring_128x128.tga"
   ObjectTemplate.SetSniperSight 0
   ObjectTemplate.HasDynamicShadow 1
   ObjectTemplate.CreateSkeleton animations/Binoculars.ske
   ObjectTemplate.UseSkeletonPartAsMain Binoculars
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate BinocularsLod

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