Last changed: September 7, 2010
This pages gives links to various sites related to courses, papers, talks, etc., given at SIGGRAPH 2010. Our focus is interactive rendering; this page is not meant to be all-encompassing. That said, we're happy to add any related links: email us.
This is a list of websites for the SIGGRAPH 2010 courses. The ACM Digital Library has PDFs for some courses. All courses are listed below but not all have links; either the course doesn't have any online materials, or we haven't found its URL yet. Please email us any links you know.
Ke-Sen Huang's page is the best place to go.
Talks, once known as "Sketches", are the most ephemeral of material presented at SIGGRAPH. The ACM Digital Library has an incomplete archive of single-page summaries, as talks are not official publications. The ACM DL also does not collect code, slidesets, videos, etc. We list the sites we know for talks.
Various exhibitors give talks about technologies relevant to researchers and developers, then put the material on the web.
Birds of a Feather (BOF) sessions are a chance for people interested in a particular topic to get together. Here are related websites for some of these sessions.