Today’s theme is interactive mash-ups and remixes:
- Play Lunar Lander in the Windows copy dialog when you’re copying lots of files from one place to another.
- Live the dream: you can be an unpaid K-Mart associate in VR. Closed for Christmas, but now back and chock-full of post-holiday White Sale and bluelight specials, along with everyday deals, like buying six cassette tapes and getting the seventh free. One explanation here.
- Put “Doom running on” in Google and you’ll see some fun autocompletes. The pregnancy test one’s a hoax. But running Doom in Windows Notepad seems legit.
- There’s candy bar Doom, which is frankly pretty dumb but for the slogan, “do not eat if it’s Turing complete.”
- You might have missed how rats have been trained to play Doom II. They don’t seem to be very good at it, though, but are kinda cute running on the ball.
- Sadly, Doom running on an IKEA TRÅDFRI GU10 RGB lamp controller has only left a trace after a takedown. But, through the magic of, there’s more that can be unearthed, including the code (but not the video, sadly).
- Katamari Hack. The items above are all pretty involved to do yourself. This last one’s a little fussy to get going, but just 30 seconds work. On that page is a bit of Javascript at the top, in a box. Copy it. Go to some web page, such as this one or this, on Chrome (may work on others) and hit F12 (on the PC; on a Mac it’s command-option-i). In the debug area that appears, choose the Console tab, paste the Javascript, hit return. A dialog should appear in the web page. Hit “Start!” and then right-click hold to roll the ball around. Have fun! Note that browsers and https security has evolved such that this little hack won’t work on many pages, so enjoy it on the few that do.