On July 31st a Korean edition of Real-Time Rendering will be available for purchase from the Kyokobook store, YES24 online bookstore, and Aladin online bookstore.

On July 31st a Korean edition of Real-Time Rendering will be available for purchase from the Kyokobook store, YES24 online bookstore, and Aladin online bookstore.
The indefatigable Ke-Sen Huang has collected links for papers at both HPG 2023 and EGSR 2023:
HPG at https://www.realtimerendering.com/kesen/hpg2023Papers.htm – includes direct links to recordings
EGSR at https://www.realtimerendering.com/kesen/egsr2023Papers.htm
I’ve heard both were well-attended this year (and I’m sad I missed them – it didn’t time out), with about 150 attendees at EGSR, something of a record.
Elena Garces and I are co-chairing papers for EGSR 2024, so keep up the great work and interest, all! I would expect the papers deadline to be around April, similar to this year’s Call for Papers deadlines.