Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Flocking on steroids

Flocking (running a large number of independent agents with simple proximity-based rules and letting interesting behavior emerge) has been a popular graphics technique since the 1987 SIGGRAPH paper by Craig Reynolds.  The idea is, of course, inspired by examples from the animal kingdom such as bird flocks and fish schools.  Today I saw an internet clip of 300,000 (!) starlings flocking. With such a large number of entities, the flock looks like some kind of bizarre physical fluid or smoke simulation.

Radeon HD 5800 Demos

AMD has posted executables and videos for two new demos for the Radeon HD 5800 series. Both demos require Windows 7 (I guess that means that Vista support for DirectX11 isn’t quite here yet).

One of the demos show order-independent transparency; from the description it sounds like an A-buffer-like approach, which is interesting. The other shows a high-quality depth of field effect.

NVIDIA Optix ray-tracing API available – kind of

We’ve written about the NVIDIA Optix ray-tracing API (which used to be called NVIRT) once or twice before.  Well, today it is finally available – for free.  While it’s very nice of NVIDIA to make this available, there are a few caveats.

We already knew Optix would only work on NVIDIA hardware (duh), but the system requirements reveal another unwelcome fact; it does not even run on GeForce cards, only Tesla and Quadro (which are significantly more expensive than GeForce despite being based on exactly the same chips).  They say GeForce will be supported on their new Fermi architecture – I call shenanigans.

Award-Winning Architectural Renderings

I don’t know much about architectural renderings; I guess I always thought of them as utilitarian.  This page of award-winners proved me very wrong – there is true artistry on display here.  The bottom of the page also has a real-time category; of the five nominees in that category three (including the winner – Shockwave required) are available to view online.

Looping Through Polygon Edges

We mostly avoid coding issues in our book, as our focus is on algorithms, not syntax and compiler vagaries. There’s a coding trick that I want to pass on, as it’s handy. Graphics programmers appear to be divided into two groups with this method: those who think it’s intuitively obvious and learnt it on their pappy’s knee, and those who never saw it before and are glad to find out.

You want to loop through the edges of a polygon. The vertex data is stored in some array vertexData[count], an array of count of some sort of Vertex data structure. The headache is attaching the last and first vertices together to make the connecting edge. There are plenty of weak ways to walk through the edges and connect last and first:

  • Double the beginning vertex so it’s added to the end of array; the final edge is then just another pair of adjacent points. This is perhaps even fastest to actually execute but is generally a hideous solution, adding a copy of a vertex to the array.
  • Form the last edge explicitly, outside the loop. Poor for maintenance, as you then need to copy whatever other code is inside the loop to be called one more time.
  • Use an “if” statement to know if you’re at the end of the loop; if so, then connect the first and last vertices for the last edge. The “if” special case is needed for only one vertex, which is wasteful and we’d like to avoid “ifs”.
  • Use modulo arithmetic on the counter for one of the vertices, so that it loops back to the start.

Modulo isn’t terrible, but is overkill and costs processing speed, as the modulo operation is truly needed for only the very last iteration:

for ( int v = 0; v < count; v++ ) {
   // access vertexData[v] and vertexData[(v+1)%count] for the edge

Here’s the solution I prefer:

for ( int v1 = count-1, int v2 = 0; v2 < count; v1 = v2++ ) {
   // access vertexData[v1] and vertexData[v2] for the edge

The simple trick is that v1 starts at the end of polygon, so dealing with the tough “bridge” case immediately; v2 counts through the vertices, and v1 follows behind. You can, similarly, make a pointer-based version, updating the pV1 pointer by copying from pV2. If register space is at a premium, then modulo might be a better fit, but otherwise this loop strikes me as the cleanest solution.

This copy approach can be extended to access any number of neighboring vertices per iteration. For example, if you wanted the two vertices vp and vn, previous and next to a given vertex, it’s simply:

int vp, v, vn;
for ( vp = count-2, v = count-1, vn = 0; vn < count; vp = v, v = vn++ ) {
   // access vertexData[vp], [v], [vn] for the middle vertex v.

I’ve seen this type of trick in code in Geometric Tools, and Barrett formally presents it in jgt. I mention it here because I think it’s a technique every computer graphics person should know.

First DirectX11 GPU Ships

Today, AMD shipped the Radeon HD 5870, the first GPU to support the DirectX11 feature set.  Most of the resources have been doubled in comparison to AMD’s previous top GPU, including two triangle rasterization units. The Tech Report has a nice writeup – to help make sense of the various counts of ALUs / “wavefronts” / cores / etc.  I recommend reading the slides from Kayvon Fatahalian’s excellent presentation at SIGGRAPH this year.

Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, 3rd Edition

coversmallOne bit of deja vu for me at SIGGRAPH this year was another book signing at the A K Peters booth.  Last year’s SIGGRAPH had the signing for Real-Time Rendering; this year I was at the book signing for the third edition of Fundamentals of Computer Graphics.  My presence at the signing was due to the fact that I wrote a chapter on graphics for games (this edition also has new chapters on implicit modeling, color, and visualization, as well as updates to the existing chapters).  As in the case of Real-Time Rendering, I was interested in contributing to this book as a fan of the previous editions.  Fundamentals is targeted as a “first graphics book” so it has a slightly different audience than Real-Time Rendering, which is meant to be the reader’s second book on the subject.

At the A K Peters booth I also got to try out the Kindle edition of Fundamentals (the illustrations in Real-Time Rendering rely on color to convey information, so a Kindle edition will have to wait for color devices).  I haven’t jumped on the Kindle bandwagon personally (the DRM bothers me; when I buy something I like to own it), but I know people who are quite pleased with their Kindle (or iPhone Kindle application).

HPG and SIGGRAPH: pix and links

Some seven links to keep you busy while we digest HPG and SIGGRAPH:

  • Pictures of HPG and SIGGRAPH – even though just about everyone at these conferences has a camera in some form on them, we just about never take pictures. I decided to try to photograph anyone I recognized this year.
  • Tim Sweeney’s HPG keynote slides – I didn’t attend the keynote, unfortunately, but heard about it. Main takeaway for me is that programming these highly parallel machines is hard, and the more that IHVs can do to ease the burden and remove limitations the more successful they will be.
  • While waiting for our HPG reports, read Steve Worley’s.
  • The course notes for “Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games” will be up in a few weeks, if not sooner. Crytek’s presentation is available at their website.
  • The “Beyond Programmable Shading” course notes are available now. I particularly liked Johan Andersson’s talk, partially for the sheer complexity of it all. The various factors that affect making a game engine fast are a bit mind-boggling.
  • The place to go for interactive ray tracing development information is the forum.
  • This was the first year ever that I didn’t attend the Electronic Theater. Well, I did attend the first half-hour (live real-time demos), but then found myself looking at my watch as colorful but meaningless things occurred on the screen. I think the fact that we could attend the E.T. without needing a ticket meant that I could keep putting it off and also wouldn’t feel I lost anything if I missed it. If SIGGRAPH had issued me a ticket for a specific night, I suspect I would have willingly stayed for all of it, not wanting to lose the value of the ticket. Psychology. All that said, the best colorful but meaningless real-time demo I saw was “DT4 Identity SA“, freeware which runs on a Mac and is quite charming.