SIGGRAPH rejection notices went out yesterday, so time to note a few other graphics conference venues to consider.
I3D 2024: May 8-10, Cesium, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Well, you’re too late for the Call for Papers, but you should consider going.
EGSR 2024: July 3-5, Imperial College, London, UK. On July 2nd is a material appearance workshop at the same location. Call for Papers. I’m biased towards this one, since I’m a program co-chair this year.
HPG 2024: July 26-28, co-located with SIGGRAPH, Denver, CO, USA. Call for Participation.
I like these small conferences. There’s usually around 100 attendees, mostly researchers or interested people from academia or industry. Everyone in the room is someone you likely have a fair bit in common with, graphics-wise, compared to the vast but wide-ranging set of people at SIGGRAPH.