I3D Posters submission is open. The submission deadline is March 16th. Submitting a poster is a fairly easy way for researchers and developers in the field to get involved and receive feedback from their peers. We hope you can take advantage of it. One silver lining of our mutual circumstances: this year has the advantage of needing no travel budget.
Last year’s poster session was a highlight of I3D 2020 for me, as they were presented in a 3D VR space. I was particularly impressed by one presenter who brought up a screen and did live coding during their Q&A. We expect to have a similar space this year. My photo album of last year’s event is here.
The other I3D 2021 news is that we have just finished the first, major part of the paper review process. Keynote speakers are also lined up. We should soon be able to form a schedule and open registration, likely in early March. Like last year, registration will be free. Mark your calendar: I3D 2021 is April 20-22.
One photo below, to lure you into looking at the album 🙂 – there’s also a short video (no sound).