Yesterday I accidentally drag-and-dropped an OBJ file onto Visual Studio 2022 (I was aiming for G3D’s viewer, which I love for OBJs, despite one annoying bug – hoping it’s fixed someday). To my surprise, VS2022 opened and displayed it! It even looked fairly reasonable. Googling a bit, they seem to also support FBX and DAE (who uses DAE nowadays?). Sadly, this feature doesn’t work for glTF or USD files (yet…).
The controls are little odd, e.g., use the mouse wheel and the model moves a bit up and down. But, control-mousewheel does what you’d expect, move in and out. Shift-mousewheel moves right and left. Control-leftmouse pans, alt-leftmouse rotates. Lots of other UI buttons around the viewport to explore. Fun!