I enjoyed the previous ray tracing monday two weeks ago, so let’s do it again.
Since it’s been two weeks, two resources:
- “Real-Time Ray Tracing” – this is a free chapter (number 26) of Real-Time Rendering that we just finished and is free for download. 46 pages with a focus on DXR, but also including a detour through everyone’s favorite topic, spatial data structures for efficient ray tracing. Tomas, Angelo, and Seb did the heavy lifting on this one over the past 3 months, I helped edit and added bits where I could.
- Ray Tracing Resources Page – along the way we ran across lots of resources. With the chapter finished as of today, I was inspired to make a page of links, mostly things I don’t want to lose track of myself or found of historical interest. Please do feel free to send me awesome resources to add, etc.
One entertaining thing I ran across was an image in the gallery for Chunky, a quite-good custom path tracer for Minecraft worlds:

Cornell blox