Old graphics papers don’t get enough respect nowadays; for example, Porter and Duff’s original paper is still the best place to get a good understanding of alpha blending (which too many people get wrong nowadays). There are many more gems to be found in papers from the 70s and 80s. A while ago, I pointed out Pixar’s online paper library, which includes a lot of “golden oldies” (as well as good new stuff). I just saw this great list of old papers on the codersnotes blog. I heartily concur with Kayamon’s assessment of the value of an ACM digital library subscription, though I wish ACM would find a way to go the Open Access route. It’s not just a matter of expense; the registration wall adds a huge amount of friction to the process of finding information.
Tag Archives: papers
I3D 2009 Papers Listed
I3D 2009, the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, will be in Boston on February 27 to March 1. Along with Morgan McGuire I’m a papers cochair this year. Naty served on the papers committee along with 81 others, plus external reviewers; over 300 reviewers were written. We were happy to see a large number of submissions: 87, up from 57 last year. 28 papers were accepted. The papers to be presented are now listed at http://kesen.huang.googlepages.com/i3d2009Papers.htm.
Heh, I just noticed Naty also posted this site; well, a little duplication won’t kill you. Amazing to me, Ke-Sen had already tracked down 9 of the papers accepted at I3D – acceptance notices went out on the 5th. I sent the list of all papers accepted to Ke-Sen, as this became open knowledge on the 15th. Ke-Sen’s listing is about as official as it will get until the final program is published at the I3D site.
I should also note that the Posters deadline is just a few days away, on December 19. Posters are a great way to present an idea or a demo and get feedback from the community, without having to spend the time and effort of writing a full formal paper.
Papers from 2008 conferences
One extremely valuable resource mentioned in our portal page is Ke-Sen Huang’s lists of paper preprints from recent conferences. In the last two months, a whole bunch of these have popped up for this year’s conferences. The most relevant of these are:
Some of the other conferences listed on Ke-Sen’s central page deal with topics, such as animation or geometry processing, which may also be of interest. In general, conferences such as these are fertile ground for finding cool and useful new ideas (along with some wildly impractical ones!).