Argument values:
argument 1: | 1; most commonly 1 |
Description: Used by battleships, carriers, and destroyers. Determines whether the object spawned by an ObjectSpawner is 'held' to the root object or is detached/independent.
Landing craft attached to ships.
Planes positioned on carrier runway.
Attachment position is determined by the ObjectSpawner position. Spawned object ceases to be attached once it moves under its own power. Spawned objects require an Engine to be attachable.
HoldObject can also work through a chain of non-Engine objects. For example:
PlayerControlObject -> Bundle (via AddArmorEffect) -> Spring -> Bundle -> ObjectSpawner
A held object will try to stay at the ObjectSpawner position at all times but will be released if the object chain to the root object is broken for some reason. Examples of object chain breakages that would release a held object:
Root PlayerControlObject is destroyed (e.g. the carrier sinks)
PCO's AddArmorEffect is overridden with another
Related properties: Distance, MaxSpawnDelay, MinSpawnDelay, SetObjectTemplate, SpawnOffset, Team
Used in object types (and how often in each type): ObjectSpawner (1%)
Used in a total of 8 .con files: Objects.con
Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, Bf1942/Levels
Example: (from objects/Vehicles/Sea/Enterprise/Objects.con)
rem *** Enterprise_corsairSpawner ***
ObjectTemplate.Create ObjectSpawner Enterprise_corsairSpawner
ObjectTemplate.SetObjectTemplate 1 corsair
ObjectTemplate.SetObjectTemplate 2 corsair
ObjectTemplate.MinSpawnDelay 20
ObjectTemplate.MaxSpawnDelay 40
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 120
ObjectTemplate.Distance 200
ObjectTemplate.SpawnOffset 0/0/0
ObjectTemplate.HoldObject 1
ObjectTemplate.Team 1
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