
The SimpleObject in Battlefield 1942 is a basic object that has only one part, and no children. This object is mainly used for static objects (chairs, tables, vegitation) and for details on more complex objects (parts of vehicles, or effects).



ObjectTemplate.create SimpleObject EU_Birtch1_M1
ObjectTemplate.geometry EU_Birtch1_M1
ObjectTemplate.setHasCollisionPhysics 1


ObjectTemplate.create SimpleObject euchair_M1
ObjectTemplate.geometry euchair_M1
ObjectTemplate.setHasCollisionPhysics 1


Valid Properties for this Object

hasdynamicshadow - object has a shadow in the .sm* model file, and *geometryTemplate
hplostwhileupsidedown - damage lost per second when object is upside down
explosiondamage - amount of damage created when object explodes *
damagefromwater - specifies if object takes damage from exposure to water
timetostartfadeafterdeath - amount of time before object begins to fade after dying
fadeattimetoliveafterdeath - specifies whether and object fades after dying
timetoliveafterdeath - amount of time an object remains after being destroyed
hitpoints - amount of hitpoints the object has
hasarmor - specifies whether an object should use the collision model for damage calculations
saveinseparatefile -
mass - mass in kilograms of an object
dragoffset -
drag - amount of resistance to motion an object has
destroyed - object spawns as destoyed, used mainly for effects
cullradiusscale - multiplier for distance culling, make object visible farther / closer in fog
loadsoundscript - attach sound script to object
hasmobilephysics - object can move
hasresponsephysics, sethasresponsephysics - specifies whether object can respond to environment / other objects
hascollisionphysics, sethascollisionphysics - can collide with objects, uses collision model in .sm file
addtocollisiongroup - adds a special collision group to objects, see link for more details
aitemplate - attach AITemplate to object so bots can use /avoid object
geometry - attach visible + collision model from GeometryTemplate