Point-based Graphics Resource
Symposium on Point-Based Graphics
- Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2006 (On-line Papers)

- Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2006 (On-line Papers)
- Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2005 (On-line Papers)
- Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2004 (On-line Papers)
- Point-Based Graphics
Edited By
Markus Gross, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland
Hanspeter Pfister, MERL (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories), Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Tutorials/Course Notes/Survey
- Point-Based Computer Graphics

Marc Alexa,
Markus Gross,
Mark Pauly,
Hanspeter Pfister,
Marc Stamminger,
Matthias Zwicker
SIGGRAPH 2004 Course Notes
- Point-Based Computer Graphics

Marc Alexa,
Carsten Dachsbacher,
Markus Gross,
Mark Pauly,
Jeroen van Baar,
Matthias Zwicker
Eurographics 2003 Tutorial Notes
- Point-Based Computer Graphics

Marc Alexa,
Markus Gross,
Mark Pauly,
Hanspeter Pfister,
Marc Stamminger,
Matthias Zwicker
Eurographics 2002 Tutorial Notes
- A Survey of Point-Based Techniques in Computer Graphics
Leif Kobbelt, Mario Botsch
to appear in Computers & Graphics
- Point-Based Modeling, Animation and Rendering of Dynamic Objects
Bart Adams
PhD Thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, May 2006
- Point-Based Multi-Resolution Rendering
Michael Wand
PhD Thesis, University of Tubingen, Department of Computer Science and Cognitive Science, 2004
- Dynamic Point Samples as Primitives for Free-Viewpoint Video
Stephan Wurmlin
PhD Thesis, ETH Zurich, 2004
- Reconstruction and Rendering of Implicit Surfaces from Large Unorganized Point Sets
Patrick Reuter
PhD Thesis, LaBRI - Universite Bordeaux-1, 2003
- Point Primitives for Interactive Modeling and Processing of 3D Geometry
Mark Pauly
PhD Thesis, ETH Zurich, 2003
- Continuous Reconstruction, Rendering, and Editing of Point-Sampled Surfaces
Matthias Zwicker
PhD Thesis, ETH Zurich, 2003
- Point Set Surfaces
Shachar Fleishman
PhD Thesis, 2003
- Image-Based Rendering of Range Data with Depth Uncertainty
Christian Hofsetz
PhD Thesis, Center for Image Processing and Integrated Computing, University of California, Davis, 2003
- Point Sample Rendering
J.P. Grossman
Master's Thesis, August 1998
- Pointshop3D
Computer Graphics Lab at ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
- QSplat
Computer Graphics Lab at Stanford
- CoTeX (a texturation plugin for Pointshop3D)
Tamy Boubekeur
- Getting to the Point...?
Markus Gross (2006)
- Enhancing Interactive Editing on Point Set Surfaces Through Touch-based Haptics
Xiaohu Guo,
Jing Hua,
Hong Qin (November/December 2004)
- A simple approach for point-based object capturing and rendering
Miguel Sainz,
Renato Pajarola,
Anotnio Susin,
Albert Mercade (July/August 2004)
- Image-Based Rendering of Range Data with Estimated Depth Uncertainty
Christian Hofsetz,
Kim Ng, George Chen, Peter McGuinness, Nelson Max, Yang Liu (July/August 2004)
- Scalar-Function-Driven Editing on Point Set Surfaces
Xiaohu Guo,
Jing Hua,
Hong Qin (July/August 2004)
- Normal Improvement for Point Rendering
Thouis Jones,
Fredo Durand,
Matthias Zwicker (July/August 2004)
- Flexible Point-Based Rendering on Mobile Devices (TR Version
Florent Duguet,
George Drettakis (July/August 2004)
- Hierarchical Splatting of Scattered 4D Data
Matthias Hopf,
Michael Luttenberger,
Thomas Ertl (July/August 2004)
- Point-Based Multi-Scale Surface Representation
Mark Pauly,
Leif Kobbelt,
Markus Gross (TOG 2006)
- Progressive Point Set Surfaces
Shachar Fleishman,
Marc Alexa,
Daniel Cohen-Or,
Claudio T. Silva (TOG 2003)
- Global Non-Rigid Alignment of 3-D Scans
Benedict J. Brown,
Szymon Rusinkiewicz
(Princeton University) (SIGGRAPH 2007)
- Parameterization-free Projection for Geometry Reconstruction
Yaron Lipman,
Daniel Cohen-Or,
David Levin
(Tel Aviv University),
Hillel Tal-Ezer
(Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo) (SIGGRAPH 2007)
- Algebraic Point Set Surfaces
Gaël Guennebaud,
Markus Gross
(ETH Zürich) (SIGGRAPH 2007)
- Direct Visibility of Point Sets
Sagi Katz,
Ayellet Tal
Ronen Basri
(The Weizmann Institute of Science) (SIGGRAPH 2007)
Point-Sampled Cell Complexes

- Anders
Adamson (Technische
Universität Darmstadt), Marc
Alexa (Technische Universität
Berlin) (SIGGRAPH 2006)
- Meshless Animation of Fracturing Solids

Mark Pauly
(Stanford University),
Richard Keiser
(Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich ),
Bart Adams,
Philip Dutr?
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven),
Markus Gross
(Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich),
Leonidas Guibas
(Stanford University) (SIGGRAPH 2005)
- Meshless Deformations Based on Shape Matching

Matthias Müller,
Bruno Heidelberger
(Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich ),
Matthias Teschner
(Universität Freiburg),
Markus Gross
(Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich ) (SIGGRAPH 2005)
- Defining Point-Set Surfaces
Nina Amenta,
Yong Joo Kil
- Combining Edges and Points for Interactive High-Quality Rendering
Kavita Bala,
Bruce Walter,
Donald Greenberg
- Shape Modeling with Point-Sampled Geometry
Mark Pauly,
Richard Keiser
Leif Kobbelt
Markus Gross
- Interactive Boolean Operations on Surfel-Bounded Solids
Bart Adams,
Philip Dutre
- Sequential Point Trees
Carsten Dachsbacher,
Christian Vogelgsang,
Marc Stamminger
- Pointshop 3D: An Interactive System for Point-Based Surface Editing
Matthias Zwicker,
Mark Pauly,
Oliver Knoll,
Markus Gross (SIGGRAPH 2002)
- Spectral Processing of Point-Sampled Geometry
Mark Pauly,
Markus Gross (SIGGRAPH 2001)
- Surface Splatting
Matthias Zwicker,
Markus Gross (SIGGRAPH 2001)
- The Randomized z-Buffer Algorithm: Interactive Rendering of Highly Complex Scenes
Michael Wand,
Matthias Fischer,
Ingmar Peter,
Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide,
Wolfgang Straber (SIGGRAPH 2001)
- Surfels: Surface Elements as Rendering Primitives
Hanspeter Pfister,
Matthias Zwicker,
Jeroen van Baar,
Markus Gross (SIGGRAPH 2000)
- QSplat: A Multiresolution Point Rendering System for Large Meshes
Szymon Rusinkiewicz,
Marc Levoy (SIGGRAPH 2000)
- Bayesian Point Cloud Reconstruction

Philipp Jenke
(WSI/GRIS, University of Tuebingen),
Michael Wand
(Stanford University),
Martin Bokeloh,
Andreas Schilling,
Wolfgang Straßer,
(WSI/GRIS, University of Tuebingen) (EUROGRAPHICS 2006)
- Competing Fronts for Coarse-to-Fine Surface Reconstruction

Andrei Sharf
(School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University),
Thomas Lewiner
(Department of Mathematics, PUC-Rio de Janiero),
Ariel Shamir
(Efi Arazi School of Computer Science, The Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya),
Leif Kobbelt
(Computer Graphics Group, RWTH Aachen),
Daniel Cohen-Or,
(School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University) (EUROGRAPHICS 2006)
- Volume-Surface Trees

Tamy Boubekeur
(LaBRI - INRIA - CNRS - University Of Bordeaux),
Wolfgang Heidrich
(University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada),
Xavier Granier,
Christophe Schlick
(LaBRI - INRIA - CNRS - University Of Bordeaux) (EUROGRAPHICS 2006)
- Interpolatory Refinement for Real-Time Processing of Point-Based Geometry

Gael Guennebaud,
Loic Barthe,
Mathias Paulin (EUROGRAPHICS 2005)
- Efficient Animation of Point-Sampled Thin Shells

Martin Wicke,
Denis Steinemann,
Markus Gross (EUROGRAPHICS 2005)
- Efficient Raytracing of Deforming Point-Sampled Surfaces

Bart Adams,
Richard Keiser,
Mark Pauly,
Leonidas J. Guibas,
Markus Gross,
Philip Dutre (EUROGRAPHICS 2005)
- Point Cloud Collision Detection
Jan Klein,
Gabriel Zachmann (EUROGRAPHICS 2004)
- Optimized Sub-Sampling of Point Sets for Surface Splatting
Jianhua Wu,
Leif Kobbelt (EUROGRAPHICS 2004)
- Deferred splatting
G. Guennebaud,
M. Paulin,
Loic Barthe (EUROGRAPHICS 2004)
- VOTS: VOlume doTS as a Point-Based Representation of Volumetric Data
Soren Grimm,
Stefan Bruckner,
Armin Kanitsar,
Eduard Groller (EUROGRAPHICS 2004)
- Multi-Scale Feature Extraction on Point-Sampled Models
Mark Pauly,
Richard Keiser,
Markus Gross (EUROGRAPHICS 2003)
- Object Space EWA Surface Splatting: A Hardware Accelerated Approach to High Quality Point Rendering
Liu Ren,
Hanspeter Pfister,
Matthias Zwicker
- Tetrahedralization of Point Sets Using Expanding Spheres
Martin S. Maltz (TVCG 2005)
- Confetti: Object-Space Point Blending and Splatting
Renato Pajarola,
Miguel Sainz,
Patrick Guidotti (TVCG 2004)
- Computing and Rendering Point Set Surfaces
Marc Alexa,
Johannes Behr,
Daniel Cohen-Or,
Shachar Fleishman,
Claudio T. Silva (TVCG 2003)
- EWA Splatting
Matthias Zwicker,
Hanspeter Pfister,
Jeroen van Baar,
Markus Gross (TVCG 2002)
- Point Based Animation of Elastic, Plastic and Melting Objects
Matthias Muller,
Richard Keiser,
Andrew Nealen,
Mark Pauly,
Markus Gross,
Marc Alexa (SCA 2004)
- Voronoi-based Variational Reconstruction of Unoriented Point Sets
Pierre Alliez,
David Cohen-Steiner,
Yiying Tong,
Mathieu Desbrun (SGP 2007)
- Reconstruction of Deforming Geometry from Time-Varying Point Clouds
Michael Wand,
Philipp Jenke,
Qi-Xing Huang,
Martin Bokeloh,
Leonidas Guibas,
Andreas Schilling (SGP 2007)
- Data-Dependent MLS for Faithful Surface Approximation
Yaron Lipman,
Daniel Cohen-Or,
David Levin (SGP 2007)
- Multilevel Streaming for Out-of-Core Surface Reconstruction
Matthew Bolitho,
Michael Kazhdan,
Randal Burns,
Hugues Hoppe (SGP 2007)
- A Streaming Algorithm for Surface Reconstruction
Remi Allegre,
Raphaelle Chaine,
Samir Akkouche (SGP 2007)
- Shape reconstruction from unorganized cross-sections

Pooran MEMARI (SGP 2007)
Robust Reconstruction of Watertight 3D Models from Non-uniformly Sampled
Point Clouds Without Normal Information

Alexander Hornung,
Kobbelt (SGP 2006)
Surface Reconstruction with Radial Basis Functions using Voronoi
Vertices as Centers

Marie Samozino, Marc
Mariette Yvinec (SGP 2006)
- Poisson
Surface Reconstruction

- Michael Kazhdan,
Matthew Bolitho,
Hugues Hoppe (SGP 2006)
- Error Bounds and
Optimal Neighborhoods for MLS Approximation

- Yaron Lipman,
Danny Cohen-Or,
David Levin (SGP 2006)
- Global
Registration of Multiple 3D Point Sets via Optimization-on-a-Manifold

- Shankar Krishnan,
Pei Yean Lee,
John B Moore,
Suresh Venkatasubramanian
(SGP 2005)
- Multiscale Features for Approximate Alignment of Point-based Surfaces

Xinju Li,
Igor Guskov (SGP 2005)
- An Adaptive MLS Surface for Reconstruction with Guarantees

Tamal K. Dey,
Jian Sun (SGP 2005)
- Surface Reconstruction for Noisy Point Clouds

Nina Amenta,
Boris Mederos,
Luiz Velho,
Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo (SGP 2005)
- Triangulating Point Set Surfaces with Bounded Error

Carlos E. Scheidegger,
Shachar Fleishman,
Claudio T. Silva (SGP 2005)
- Reconstruction of Solid Models from Oriented Point Sets

Michael Kazhdan (SGP 2005)
- Spectral Surface Reconstruction From Noisy Point Clouds
Ravi Krishna Kolluri,
Jonathan Richard Shewchuk,
James F. O'Brien (SGP 2004)
- Registration of Point Cloud Data from a Geometric Optimization Perspective
Niloy J. Mitra,
Natasha Gelfand,
Helmut Pottmann,
Leo Guibas (SGP 2004)
- Comparing Point Clouds
Guillermo Sapiro
Facundo Memoli (SGP 2004)
- Approximating and Intersecting Surfaces from Points
Anders Adamson,
Marc Alexa (SGP 2003)
- Statistical Point Geometry
Aravind Kalaiah,
Amitabh Varshney (SGP 2003)
- PointWorks: Abstraction and Rendering of Sparsely Scanned Outdoor Environments
Hui Xu,
N. Gossett,
Baoquan Chen (EGSR 2004)
- Efficient high quality rendering of point sampled geometry
Mario Botsch,
Andreas Wiratanaya,
Leif Kobbelt (EGSR 2002)
IEEE Visualization
- Interactive Point-based Isosurface Exploration and High-quality Rendering
Arie Kaufman (IEEE Visualization 2006)
- Interactive point-based
rendering of higher-order tetrahedra data
Yuan Zhou,
Michael Garland
(IEEE Visualization 2006)
- Reconstructing Manifold and Non-Manifold Surfaces from Point Clouds
Jianning Wang,
Manuel M. Oliveira,
Arie Kaufman
(IEEE Visualization 2005)
- Stream-Processing Points
Renato Pajarola (IEEE Visualization 2005)
- Hardware Accelerated Adaptive EWA Volume Splatting
Wei Chen,
Liu Ren,
Matthias Zwicker,
Hanspeter Pfister (IEEE Visualization 2004)
- Efficient Simplification of Point-Sampled Surfaces
Mark Pauly,
Markus Gross,
Leif Kobbelt (IEEE Visualization 2002)
- Point Set Surfaces
Marc Alexa,
Johannes Behr,
Daniel Cohen-Or,
Shachar Fleishman,
Claudio T. Silva (IEEE Visualization 2001)
- EWA Volume Splatting
Matthias Zwicker,
Hanspeter Pfister,
Jeroen van Baar,
Markus Gross (IEEE Visualization 2001)
Pacific Graphics
- Point-Based Minkowski Sum Boundary
Jyh-Ming Lien (Pacific Graphics 2007)
- Fitting Unorganized Point Clouds with Active Implicit B-Spline Curves
Zhouwang Yang, Jiansong Deng,
Falai Chen (Pacific Graphics 2005)
- Radiosity for Point-Sampled Geometry
Yoshinori Dobashi,
Tsuyoshi Yamamoto,
Tomoyuki Nishita (Pacific Graphics 2004)
- CSG-Tree Rendering for Point-Sampled Objects
Martin Wicke,
Matthias Teschner,
Markus Gross (Pacific Graphics 2004)
- Fitting Subdivision Surfaces to Unorganized Point Data using SDM
Dominic Cheng,
Wenping Wang,
Hong Qin,
Kenneth K.Y. Wong,
Huaiping Yang,
Yang Liu (Pacific Graphics 2004)
- Dynamic Sculpting and Deformation of Point Set Surfaces
Xiaohu Guo,
Hong Qin (Pacific Graphics 2003)
- Iso-Splatting: A Point-based Alternative to Isosurface Visualization
Christopher S. Co,
Bernd Hamann,
Kenneth Joy (Pacific Graphics 2003)
- High-Quality Point-Based Rendering on Modern GPUs
Mario Botsch,
Leif Kobbelt (Pacific Graphics 2003)
Shape Modeling International
Segmenting Point Sets

- Ichitaro Yamazaki,
Vijay Natarajan,
Zhaojun Bai,
Bernd Hamann (Shape Modeling International 2006)
- Reconstructing B-spline Curves
from Point Clouds -- A New Growing Approach

- Yang Liu,
Huaiping Yang, Wenping Wang (Shape Modeling International 2005)
- Smooth
Adaptive Fitting of 3D models using hierarchical triangular splines

- Alex Yvart,
Stefanie Hahmann,
Georges-Pierre Bonneau (Shape Modeling International 2005)
Visualization of Point-Based Surfaces with Locally Reconstructed Subdivision

- Tamy Boubekeur,
Patrick Reuter,
Christophe Schlick (Shape Modeling International 2005)
Convection-Driven Dynamic Surface Reconstruction

- Remi Allegre,
Raphaelle Chaine,
Samir Akkouche (Shape Modeling International 2005)
- Robust Watermarking of Point-Sampled Geometry
Daniel Cotting,
Tim Weyrich,
Mark Pauly,
Markus Gross (Shape Modeling International 2004)
- Multiresolution Reconstruction of Implicit Surfaces with Attributes from Large Unorganized Point Sets
Ireneusz Tobor,
Patrick Reuter,
Christophe Schlick (Shape Modeling International 2004)
- Approximating Bounded, Non-orientable Surfaces from Points
Anders Adamson,
Marc Alexa (Shape Modeling International 2004)
- Ray Tracing Point Set Surfaces
Anders Adamson,
Marc Alexa (Shape Modeling International 2003)
Journal of WSCG
- Efficient reconstruction of large scattered geometric datasets using the partition of unity and radial basis functions
Ireneusz Tobor,
Patrick Reuter,
Christophe Schlick (Journal of WSCG 2004)
- Direction Fields over Point-sampled Geometry
Marc Alexa, Tobias Klug, Carsten Stoll (Journal of WSCG 2003)
Computer Animation and Social Agents
- Physically-based Morphing of Point-sampled Surfaces

Yunfan Bao,
Xiaohu Guo,
Hong Qin (Computer Animation and Social Agents 2005)
- Robust Morphing of Point-sampled Geometry
Chunxia Xiao, Wenting Zheng, Qunsheng Peng, Robin Forrest (Computer Animation and Social Agents 2004)
Graphics Interface
- Perspective Accurate Splatting
Matthias Zwicker,
J. Rasanen, M. Botsch,
Carsten Dachsbacher,
Mark Pauly (Graphics Interface 2004)
Computer Graphics International
- Point Set Surface Editing Techniques based on Level-Sets
Xiaohu Guo,
Jing Hua,
Hong Qin (Computer Graphics International 2004)
- Fairing of Point Based Surfaces

Ulrich Clarenz,
Martin Rumpf,
Alexandru Telea (Computer Graphics International 2004)
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games
- Streaming QSplat: A Viewer for Networked Visualization of Large, Dense Models
Szymon Rusinkiewicz,
Marc Levoy (I3D 2001)
IEEE Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing
- The Quantized kd-Tree: Efficient Ray Tracing of Compressed Point Clouds
Erik Hubo,
Tom Mertens,
Tom Haber,
Philippe Bekaert
(IEEE Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing 2006)
ACM Graphite
- Surfel Stripping
Tamy Boubekeur,
Patrick Reuter,
Christophe Schlick (Proceedings of ACM Graphite 2005)
- Point-based modelling and rendering using radial basis functions
Patrick Reuter,
Ireneusz Tobor,
Christophe Schlick,
Sebastien Dedieu (Proceedings of ACM Graphite 2003)
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage
- Rapid Visualization of Large Point-Based Surfaces

Tamy Boubekeur,
Florent Duguet,
Christophe Schlick (Proceedings of Eurographics VAST 2005)
A Point-Based Approach for Capture, Display and Illustration of Very Complex Archeological Artefacts

Florent Duguet,
George Drettakis,
Daniel Girardeau-Montaut,
Jean-Luc Martinez,
Francis Schmitt (Proceedings of Eurographics VAST 2004)
Related Papers
Anisotropic Point Set Surfaces

- Anders
Adamson (Technische
Universität Darmstadt), Marc
Alexa (Technische Universität
Berlin) (Proceedings of the 4th international Conference on Computer
Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and interaction in Africa 2006)
- An Integrating Approach to Meshing Scattered Point Data

Yutaka Ohtake,
Alexander Belyaev,
Hans-Peter Seidel (SPM 2005)
- Contact Handling for Deformable Point-Based Objects
Richard Keiser,
Matthias Muller,
Bruno Heidelberger,
Matthias Teschner,
Markus Gross (Proceedings of Vision, Modeling, Visualization 2004)
- Real-time Streaming of Point-based 3D Video
Edouard Lamboray,
Stephan Wurmlin,
Markus Gross (Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality 2004)