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Eurographics Digital Library: Computer Graphics Forum Volume 24 (2005) Issue 3 (EG 2005 Proceedings)
- A Semantic Space Partitioning Approach to Virtual Camera Composition
Marc Christie,
Jean-Marie Normand
- Predictive Feedback for Interactive Control of Physics-based Characters
Joe Laszlo,
Michael Neff,
Karan Singh
- Pen-and-Ink for BlobTree Implicit Models
Kevin Foster,
Pauline Jepp,
Brian Wyvill,
Mario Costa Sousa,
Callum Galbraith,
Joaquim A. Jorge
Geometry I
- Structure Recovery via Hybrid Variational Surface Approximation
Jianhua Wu,
Leif Kobbelt
- Support Vector Machines for 3D Shape Processing
Florian Steinke,
Bernhard Schoelkopf,
Volker Blanz
- GeoFilter: Geometric Selection of Mesh Filter Parameters
Byungmoon Kim,
Jarek Rossignac
Rendering I
- Real-Time Ray-Casting and Advanced Shading of Discrete Isosurfaces
Markus Hadwiger,
Christian Sigg,
Henning Scharsach,
Katja Buhler,
Markus Gross
- Hierarchical Penumbra Casting
Samuli Laine,
Timo Aila
- Fast Final Gathering via Reverse Photon Mapping
Vlastimil Havran,
Robert Herzog,
Hans-Peter Seidel
- The Occlusion Camera
Chunhui Mei,
Voicu Popescu,
Elisha Sacks
- Morphology-independent Representation of Motions for Interactive Human-like Animation

Richard Kulpa,
Franck Multon,
Bruno Arnaldi
- Automatic Synchronization of Background Music and Motion in Computer Animation
Hyun-Chul Lee,
In-Kwon Lee
- Fast Collision Detection for Skeletally Deformable Models
Ladislav Kavan,
Jiri Zara
- Skinning With Deformable Chunks
Zheng Guo,
Kok Cheong Wong
Rendering II
- BRDF and Geometry Capture from Extended Inhomogeneous Samples Using Flash Photography
James Paterson,
David Claus,
Andrew Fitzgibbon
- N-Buffers for Efficient Depth Map Query
Xavier Decoret
- Temporally Coherent Irradiance Caching for High Quality Animation Rendering
Miloslaw Smyk,
Shin-ichi Kinuwaki,
Roman Durikovic,
Karol Myszkowski
- Spectral Volume Rendering Based on the Kubelka-Munk Theory
Alfie Abdul-Rahman,
Min Chen
Image and Video Processing
- Re-coloring Images for Gamuts of Lower Dimension
Karl Rasche,
Robert Geist,
James Westall
- Light Waving: Estimating Light Positions From Photographs Alone
Holger Winnemoeller,
Ankit Mohan,
Jack Tumblin,
Bruce Gooch
- Garment Motion Capture Using Color-Coded Patterns
Volker Scholz,
Timo Stich,
M. Keckeisen, M. Wacker,
Marcus Magnor
- Towards Realism in Facial Image Transformation: Results of a Wavelet MRF Method

Bernard Tiddeman,
Michael Stirrat,
David Perrett
Geometry II
- Hierarchyless Simplification, Stripification and Compression of Triangulated Two-Manifolds
Pablo Diaz-Gutierrez,
M. Gopi,
Renato Pajarola
- Freelence - Coding with Free Valences
Max Wardetzky,
Felix Kalberer,
Konrad Polthier,
Ulrich Reitebuch
- Automatic Generation of Structure Preserving Multiresolution Models
Martin Marinov,
Leif Kobbelt
Modelling Nature
- Interactive Design of Botanical Trees Using Freehand Sketches and Example-based Editing
Makoto Okabe,
Shigeru Owada,
Takeo Igarashi
- Modelling Plant Variation Through Growth
Lisa Streit,
Pavol Federl,
Mario Costa Sousa
- Realistic Real-Time Rendering of Landscapes Using Billboard Clouds
Stephan Behrendt,
Carsten Colditz,
Oliver Franzke,
Johannes Kopf,
Oliver Deussen
Geometry III
- Exploiting the Scanning Sequence for Automatic Registration of Large Sets of Range Maps
Paolo Pingi,
Andrea Fasano,
Paolo Cignoni,
Claudio Montani,
Roberto Scopigno
- Structure Preserving CAD Model Repair
Stephan Bischoff,
Leif Kobbelt
- Cubical Marching Squares: Adaptive Feature Preserving Surface Extraction from Volume Data
Chien-Chang Ho,
Fu-Che Wu,
Bing-Yu Chen,
Yung-Yu Chuang,
Ming Ouhyoung
- Fast Summed-Area Table Generation and Its Applications

Justin Hensley,
Thorsten Scheuermann,
Greg Coombe,
Montek Singh,
Anselmo Lastra
- Pinchmaps: Textures with Customizable Discontinuities
Marco Tarini,
Paolo Cignoni
- Fractional Fourier Texture Masks: Guiding Near-Regular Texture Synthesis
Andre Nicoll,
Jan Meseth,
Gero Mueller,
Reinhard Klein
Geometry IV
- D-Charts: Quasi-Developable Mesh Segmentation
Dan Julius,
Vladislav Kraevoy,
Alla Sheffer
- An Efficient Information Hiding Algorithm for Polygon Models
Chung-Ming Wang,
Yu-Ming Cheng
- Harmonic Guidance for Surface Deformation
Rhaleb Zayer,
Christian Rossl,
Zachi Karni,
Hans-Peter Seidel
- Real-Time Shape Editing Using Radial Basis Functions
Mario Botsch,
Leif Kobbelt
- Perceptual Evaluation of Impostor Representations for Virtual Humans and Buildings
John Hamill,
Rachel McDonnell,
Simon Dobbyn,
Carol O'Sullivan
- Lightness Perception in Tone Reproduction for High Dynamic Range Images
Grzegorz Krawczyk,
Karol Myszkowski,
Hans-Peter Seidel
- Semanticons: Visual Metaphors for Files
Vidya Setlur,
Conrad Albrecht-Buehler,
Amy Gooch,
Bruce Gooch
- Interpolatory Refinement for Real-Time Processing of Point-Based Geometry
Gael Guennebaud,
Loic Barthe,
Mathias Paulin
- Efficient Animation of Point-Sampled Thin Shells
Martin Wicke,
Denis Steinemann,
Markus Gross
- Efficient Raytracing of Deforming Point-Sampled Surfaces
Bart Adams,
Richard Keiser,
Mark Pauly,
Leonidas J. Guibas,
Markus Gross,
Philip Dutre
GPUs & Hardware
- GPU Simulation and Rendering of Volumetric Effects for Computer Games and Virtual Environments
Jens Kruger,
Rudiger Westermann
- Approximate Ray-Tracing on the GPU with Distance Impostors
Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos,
Barnabas Aszodi,
Istvan Lazanyi,
Matyas Premecz
- Adaptive Instant Displays: Continuously Calibrated Projections Using Per-Pixel Light Control
Daniel Cotting,
Remo Ziegler,
Markus Gross,
Henry Fuchs