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Eurographics Digital Library: Computer Graphics Forum Volume 35 - Issue 2 (EG 2016 Proceedings)
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FP1 Shape M & M
- Shapes In a Box: Disassembling 3D Objects for Efficient Packing and Fabrication
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- Fast and Robust Inversion-Free Shape Manipulation
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Ming Gao,
Lifeng Zhu,
Eftychios Sifakis,
Ladislav Kavan
- Building Construction Sets by Tiling Grammar Simplification
Javor Kalojanov,
Michael Wand,
Philipp Slusallek
FP2 Editing, Sketch & Drawing
- Structure-Adaptive Shape Editing for Man-made Objects
Qiang Fu,
Xiaowu Chen,
Xiaoyu Su,
Jia Li,
Hongbo Fu
- SmartCanvas: Context-inferred Interpretation of Sketches for Preparatory Design Studies
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- Shading Curves: Vector-Based Drawing With Explicit Gradient Control
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FP3 Fabrication
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- Improved Surface Quality in 3D Printing by Optimizing the Printing Direction
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Weiming Wang,
Haiyuan Chao,
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Zhouwang Yang,
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Xiuping Liu,
Ligang Liu
FP4 Image Editing & Processing
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- Automatic Portrait Segmentation for Image Stylization

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FP5 Character Animation
- Motion Grammars for Character Animation
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Kyungho Lee,
Jehee Lee
- Animation Setup Transfer for 3D Characters
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Donya Ghafourzadeh,
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Sarah Ribet,
Olivier Dionne,
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- Character contact re-positioning under large environment deformation
Steve Tonneau*,
Al-Ashqar Rami*,
Julien Pettre,
Taku Komura,
Nicolas Mansard
(* Joint first authors)
FP6 HDR Imaging
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FP7 Terrains & Fluids
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Eric Galin,
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FP8 Data-Driven Images
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- Smooth Image Sequences for Data-driven Morphing
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FP9 Fluid Simulation
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FP10 Global illumination
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- Specular Lobe-Aware Filtering and Upsampling for Interactive Indirect Illumination
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- Global Illumination Using Well-Separated Pair Decomposition
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Venceslas Biri
FP11 Meshes
- CPH: a compact representation for hierarchical meshes generated by primal refinement
Lionel Untereiner,
Pierre Kraemer,
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- Structure-Aware Mesh Decimation
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Florent Lafarge,
Pierre Alliez
- Multi-Resolution Meshes for Feature-Aware Hardware Tessellation
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Pierre Benard,
Gael Guennebaud (Inria Bordeaux)
FP12 Rendering Techniques
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FP13 Curves & Surfaces
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FP14 Shadows
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FP15 Faces & Motion
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Nicolas Stoiber,
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- Example-Based Retargeting of Human Motion to Arbitrary Mesh Models
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Tolga Capin
- Near-Instant Capture of High-Resolution Facial Geometry and Reflectance
Graham Fyffe,
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Borom Tunwattanapong,
Abhijeet Ghosh,
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FP16 Reflectance, Video & Display
- Mobile Surface Reflectometry
Jeremy Riviere,
Pieter Peers,
Abhijeet Ghosh
- Line-Drawing Video Stylization
Nir Ben-Zvi,
Jose Bento Ayres Pereira,
Moshe Mahler,
Jessica Hodgins,
Arik Shamir
- Reducing Lateral Visual Biases in Displays
Inbar Huberman,
Raanan Fattal
FP17 Shape Collections & Clouds
- Autocorrelation Descriptor for Efficient Co-alignment of 3D Shape Collections
Melinos Averkiou,
Vladimir G. Kim,
Niloy J. Mitra
- Detection of Geometric Temporal Changes in Point Clouds
Gianpaolo Palma,
Paolo Cignoni,
Tamy Boubekeur,
Roberto Scopigno
- Consistent Partial Matching of Shape Collections via Sparse Modeling
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Daniel Cremers
FP18 Deformable & Soft Objects
- Learning 3D Articulation and Deformation using 2D Images
Angjoo Kanazawa,
Shahar Kovalsky,
Ronen Basri,
David W. Jacobs
- Effect of Low-level Visual Cues in Perception of Deformation
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John Keyser
- Modeling and Estimation of Energy-Based Hyperelastic Objects
Eder Miguel,
David Miraut,
Miguel A. Otaduy
FP19 Texturing & Compression
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Elmar Eisemann
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Abhinav Golas,
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Dinesh Manocha
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FP20 Geometric Modeling
- Space-Time Co-Segmentation of Point Cloud Sequences

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Kai Xu,
Hui Huang
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- Anisotropic Diffusion Descriptors
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Jonathan Masci,
Emanuele Rodola,
Michael M. Bronstein,
Daniel Cremers
FP21 Visualization
- A Visualisation Tool used to Develop New Photon Mapping Techniques
B. Spencer, M. W. Jones, I. S. Lim
- General Projective Maps for Multidimensional Data Projection
Dirk Joachim Lehmann,
Holger Theisel
- Inertial Steady 2D Vector Field Topology
Tobias Gunther,
Holger Theisel
FP22 Video
- Multisampling Compressive Video Spectroscopy
Daniel S. Jeon,
Inchang Choi,
Min H. Kim
- Seamless Video Stitching from Hand-held Camera Inputs
Kaimo Lin,
Shuaicheng Liu,
Loong-Fah Cheong,
Bing Zeng
- Interactive Videos: Plausible Video Editing using Sparse Structure Points
Chia-Sheng Chang,
Hung-Kuo Chu,
Niloy J. Mitra
FP23 Images & Geometry
- Single Image Weathering via Exemplar Propagation
Satoshi Iizuka,
Yuki Endo,
Yoshihiro Kanamori,
Jun Mitani
- Probably Approximately Symmetric: Fast Rigid Symmetry Detection with Global Guarantees
Simon Korman,
Roee Litman,
Shai Avidan,
Alex Bronstein
- Trivariate Biharmonic B-Splines
Fei Hou,
Hong Qin,
Aimin Hao
- Partial Shape Matching using Transformation Parameter Similarity
Paul Guerrero,
Thomas Auzinger,
Michael Wimmer,
Stefan Jeschke
FP24 Cloth & Animation
- CAMA: Contact-Aware Matrix Assembly with Unified Collision Handling for GPU-based Cloth Simulation
Min Tang,
Huamin Wang,
Le Tang, Ruofeng Tong,
Dinesh Manocha
- Dexterous Manipulation of Cloth
Yunfei Bai,
Wenhao Yu,
C. Karen Liu
(*co-first author)
- Data-guided Model Predictive Control Based on Smoothed Contact Dynamics
Daseong Han, Haegwang Eom,
Junyong Noh,
Joseph Shin
- Emotion analysis and classification: understanding the performers¡¦ emotions using the LMA entities
Andreas Aristidou,
Panayiotis Charalambous,
Yiorgos Chrysanthou