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Eurographics Digital Library: Computer Graphics Forum Volume 37 - Issue 2 (EG 2018 Proceedings)
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FP1: Curves and Details
- Feature Curve Co-Completion in Noisy Data
Anne Gehre,
Isaak Lim,
Leif Kobbelt
- Wavejets: A Local Frequency Framework for Shape Details Amplification
Yohann Bearzi,
Julie Digne,
Raphaelle Chaine
- Repairing Inconsistent Curve Networks on Non-parallel Cross-sections

Zhi Yang Huang,
Michelle Holloway,
Nathan Carr,
Tao Ju
FP2: It's all about light
- ExpandNet: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for High Dynamic Range Expansion from Low Dynamic Range Content
Demetris Marnerides,
Thomas Bashford-Rogers,
Jonathan Hatchett,
Kurt Debattista
- From Faces to Outdoor Light Probes

Dan A. Calian,
Jean-François Lalonde,
Paulo Gotardo,
Tomas Simon,
Iain Matthews,
Kenny Mitchell
- Multiple Scattering in Inhomogeneous Participating Media Using Rao-Blackwellization and Control Variates
Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos,
Milan Magdics,
Mateu Sbert
FP3: Geometry Learning
- PCPNET: Learning Local Shape Properties from Raw Point Clouds
Paul Guerrero,
Yanir Kleiman,
Maks Ovsjanikov,
Niloy Mitra
- PointProNets: Consolidation of Point Clouds with Convolutional Neural Networks

Riccardo Roveri,
A. Cengiz Oztireli,
Ioana Pandele,
Markus Gross
- Terrain Super-resolution through Aerial Imagery and Fully Convolutional Networks
Oscar Argudo,
Antonio Chica,
Carlos Andujar
FP4: Material Appearance
- A new microflake model with microscopic self-shadowing for accurate volume downsampling
Guillaume Loubet,
Fabrice Neyret
- Real-Time Rendering of Wave-Optical Effects on Scratched Surfaces
Zdravko Velinov,
Sebastian Werner,
Matthias B. Hullin
- A Versatile Parameterization for Measured Material Manifolds
Cyril Soler,
Kartic Subr,
Derek Nowrouzezahrai
FP5: Points and Meshes
- Super-resolution of Point Set Surfaces using Local Similarities
A. Hamdi-Cherif,
Julie Digne,
Raphaelle Chaine
- Laplace-Beltrami Operator on Point Clouds based on Anisotropic Voronoi Diagram
(CGF Paper)
Hongxing Qin, Yi Chen,
Yunhai Wang,
Xiaoyang Hong,
Kangkang Yin,
Hui Huang
- Field-Aligned Isotropic Surface Remeshing
Xingyi Du,
Xiaohan Liu,
Dong-Ming Yan,
Caigui Jiang,
Juntao Ye,
Hui Zhang
FP6: Simulating Fluids
- A Physically Consistent Implicit Viscosity Solver for SPH Fluids
Marcel Weiler,
Dan Koschier,
Magnus Brand,
Jan Bender
- Fast Fluid Simulations with Sparse Volumes on the GPU
Kui Wu,
Nghia Truong,
Cem Yuksel,
Rama Hoetzlein
- Extended Narrow Band FLIP for Liquid Simulations
Takahiro Sato,
Chris Wojtan,
Nils Thuerey,
Takeo Igarashi,
Ryoichi Ando
FP7: Mapping and Analysis
- Improved functional mappings via product preservation
Dorian Nogneng*, Simone Melzi*,
Emanuele Rodola,
Umberto Castellani,
Michael Bronstein,
Maks Ovsjanikov
(*equal contribution )
- On the Stability of Functional Maps and Shape Difference Operators
Ruqi Huang,
Frederic Chazal,
Maks Ovsjanikov
- Localized manifold harmonics for spectral shape analysis
(CGF Paper)
Simone Melzi,
Emanuele Rodola,
Umberto Castellani,
Michael Bronstein
FP8: Gaze and Attention
- Visual Attention for Rendered 3D Shapes
Guillaume Lavoue,
Frederic Cordier,
Hyewon Seo,
Chaker Larabi
- Watch to Edit: Video Retargeting using Gaze
Kumar Kranthi, Kumar Moneish,
Gandhi Vineet,
Subramanian Ramanathan
- GazeDirector: Fully articulated eye gaze redirection in video
Erroll Wood,
Peter Robinson
FP9: Collision and Motion
- Efficient BVH-based Collision Detection Scheme with Ordering and Restructuring
X. L. Wang, Min Tang,
Dinesh Manocha,
Ruo-Feng Tong
- Fast Penetration Volume for Rigid Bodies
Dan Nirel,
Dani Lischinski
- Easy Generation of Facial Animation Using Motion Graphs
Jose Serra,
Ozan Cetinaslan,
Shridhar Ravikumar, Veronica Orvalho, Darren Cosker
FP10: Computational Fabrication
- Packable Springs
Katja Wolff,
Roi Poranne,
Oliver Glauser,
Olga Sorkine-Hornung
- String Art: Towards Computational Fabrication of String Images
Michael Birsak,
Florian Rist,
Peter Wonka,
Przemyslaw Musialski
- Watercolor Woodblock Printing with Image Analysis
Athina Panotopoulou,
Sylvain Paris,
Emily Whiting
FP11: Motion and Control
- Real-time Locomotion Controller using an Inverted-Pendulum-based Abstract Model

Jaepyung Hwang,
Jongmin Kim,
Il Hong Suh,
Taesoo Kwon
- Self-similarity Analysis for Motion Capture Cleaning
Andreas Aristidou,
Daniel Cohen-Or,
Jessica K. Hodgins,
Ariel Shamir
- Aura Mesh: Motion Retargeting to Preserve the Spatial Relationships between Skinned Characters

Taeil Jin,
Sung-Hee Lee
FP12: Segmentation and Noise
- Flexible Live-Wire: Image Segmentation with Floating Anchors

Brian Summa,
Noura Faraj, Cody Licorish,
Valerio Pascucci
- Semantic Segmentation for Line Drawing Vectorization Using Neural Networks
Byungsoo Kim,
Oliver Wang,
A. Cengiz Oztireli,
Markus Gross
- Sequences with Low-Discrepancy Blue-Noise 2-D Projections
Helene Perrier,
David Coeurjolly,
Feng Xie,
Matt Pharr,
Pat Hanrahan,
Victor Ostromoukhov
FP13: Physical Simulation
- Hair Modeling and Simulation by Style
Seung-Hwan Jung,
Sung-Hee Lee
- Direct Position-Based Solver for Stiff Rods
Crispin Deul,
Tassilo Kugelstadt,
Marcel Weiler,
Jan Bender
- An Implicit SPH Formulation for Incompressible Linearly Elastic Solids
(CGF Paper)

Andreas Peer, Christoph Gissler, Stefan Band,
Matthias Teschner
FP14: Image Magic
- Practical Radiometric Compensation for Projection Display on Textured Surfaces using a Multidimensional Model
Yuqi Li,
Aditi Majumder,
Meenakshisundaram Gopi,
Chong Wang, Jieyu Zhao
- Single-Image Tomography: 3D Volumes from 2D Cranial X-Rays
Philipp Henzler,
Volker Rasche,
Timo Ropinski,
Tobias Ritschel
- Deep Joint Design of Color Filter Arrays and Demosaicing
Bernardo Henz,
Eduardo S. L. Gastal,
Manuel M. Oliveira
FP15: Procedural Modeling
- Example-based Authoring of Procedural Modeling Programs with Structural and Continuous Variability
Daniel Ritchie,
Sarah Jobalia,
Anna Thomas
- Procedural Modeling of a Building from a Single Image
Gen Nishida,
Adrien Bousseau,
Daniel G. Aliaga
- Procedural Cloudscapes

Antoine Webanck,
Yann Cortial,
Eric Guerin,
Eric Galin
FP16: Optimized Rendering
- Approximate Program Smoothing Using Mean-Variance Statistics, with Application to Procedural Shader Bandlimiting
Yuting Yang,
Connelly Barnes
- Fast Catmull-Rom Spline Interpolation for High-Quality Texture Sampling
Balazs Csebfalvi
- Parallel reinsertion for Bounding Volume Hierarchy Optimization
Daniel Meister,
Jiri Bittner
FP17: Perception and Senses
- Stereo-consistent Contours in Object Space
Dennis R. Bukenberger,
Katharina Schwarz,
Hendrik P. A. Lensch
- Frame rate vs Resolution: a subjective evaluation of spatio-temporal perceived quality under varying computational budgets
Kurt Debattista, Keith Bugeja, Sandro Spina,
Thomas Bashford-Rogers,
Vedad Hulusic
- Olfaction and Selective Rendering
Carlo Harvey,
Thomas Bashford-Rogers,
Kurt Debattista, Efstratios Doukakis,
Alan Chalmers
- Motion Sickness Simulation Based on Sensorimotor Control

Chen-Hui Hu,
Wen-Chieh Lin
FP18: Modeling and Visualization
- Controllable Dendritic Crystal Simulation Using Orientation Field
Bo Ren,
Jiahui Huang,
Ming C. Lin,
Shi-Min Hu
- Interactive Generation of Time-evolving, Snow-Covered Landscapes with Avalanches
Guillaume Cordonnier, Pierre Ecormier,
Eric Galin,
James Gain,
Bedrich Benes,
Marie-Paule Cani
- MIQP-based Layout Design for Building Interiors
Wenming Wu,
Lubin Fan,
Ligang Liu,
Peter Wonka
- Enhanced Visualization of Detected 3D Geometric Differences
Gianpaolo Palma,
Manuele Sabbadin,
Massimiliano Corsini,
Paolo Cignoni