Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang.
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Thus you may need to search on the page to find the actual document.
- Deterministic Importance Sampling with Error Diffusion
Szirmay-Kalos Laszlo,
Laszlo Szecsi
- Anomalous Dispersion in Predictive Rendering
Andrea Weidlich,
Alexander Wilkie
- Efficient and accurate rendering of complex light sources

S. Kniep, S. Haering,
Marcus A. Magnor
- Locally Adapted Projections to Reduce Panorama Distortions
Johannes Kopf,
Dani Lischinski,
Oliver Deussen,
Daniel Cohen-Or,
Michael Cohen
- Designing and Draping Textures in 2D Images
Holger Winnemoller
Alexandrina Orzan,
Laurence Boissieux,
Joelle Thollot
- A Robust Illumination Estimate for Chromatic Adaptation in Rendered Images
Alexander Wilkie,
Andrea Weidlich
- Soft Textured Shadow Volume
Vincent Forest,
Loïc Barthe,
Gaël Guennebaud,
Mathias Paulin
- Packet-based Hierarchal Soft Shadow Mapping
Baoguang Yang,
Jieqing Feng,
Gaël Guennebaud,
Xinguo Liu
- Fast Global-Illumination on Dynamic Height Fields
Derek Nowrouzezahrai,
John Snyder
- Hierarchical Image-Space Radiosity for Interactive Global Illumination
Greg Nichols,
Jeremy Shopf,
Chris Wyman
- Interactive Global Photon Mapping

Bartosz Fabianowski,
John Dingliana
- Estimating Specular Roughness and Anisotropy from Second Order Spherical Gradient Illumination
Abhijeet Ghosh,
Tongbo Chen,
Pieter Peers,
Cyrus A. Wilson,
Paul Debevec
- Single Photo Estimation of Hair Appearance
Nicolas Bonneel,
Sylvain Paris,
Michiel van de Panne,
Fredo Durand,
George Drettakis
- BTF Compression via Sparse Tensor Decomposition
Roland Ruiters,
Reinhard Klein
- Spatial Directional Radiance Caching
Vaclav Gassenbauer,
Jaroslav Krivanek,
Kadi Bouatouch
- The Use of Precomputed Triangle Clusters for Accelerated Ray Tracing in Dynamic Scenes
Kirill Garanzha
Important Points and NPR
- Motion based painterly rendering
Hochang Lee,
Chang Ha Lee,
Kyunghyun Yoon
- Dart throwing on surfaces
David Cline,
Stefan Jeschke,
Anshuman Razdan,
Kenric White,
Peter Wonka
- Characteristic Point Maps
Hongzhi Wu,
Julie Dorsey,
Holly Rushmeier
Visibility and Particles
- FastV: From-point Visibility Culling on Complex Models
Anish Chandak,
Lakulish Antani,
Micah Taylor,
Dinesh Manocha
- GPU-Assisted High Quality Particle Rendering
Deukhyun Cha,
Sungjin Son,
Insung Ihm