Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang.
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Thus you may need to search on the page to find the actual document.
- Multi-finger Cursor Techniques
Tomer Moscovich,
John F. Hughes
(Brown University)
- symTone: Two-Handed Manipulation of Tone Reproduction Curves
Celine Latulipe
(University of Waterloo),
Ian Bell (Luminand Imaging Science),
Charlie Clarke,
Craig Kaplan
(University of Waterloo)
- Concurrent Bimanual Stylus Interaction: A Study of Non-Preferred Hand Mode Manipulation
Edward Lank,
(University of Waterloo),
Jaime Ruiz,
(San Francisco State University ),
William B. Cowan
(University of Waterloo)
- TNT: Improved Rotation and Translation on Digital Tables
Liu Jun,
David Pinelle,
Samer Sallam,
Sriram Subramanian,
Carl Gutwin
(University of Saskatchewan)
- Style Components
Ari Shapiro,
Yong Cao,
Petros Faloutsos
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Realistic and Interactive Simulation of Rivers
Peter Kipfer,
Rüdiger Westermann
(Technische Universität München)
- Particle-Based Immiscible Fluid-Fluid Collision (Project)
Hai Mao,
Herb Yang
(University of Alberta)
- Spherical Billboards and their Application to Rendering Explosions
Tamas Umenhoffer,
Lászl? Szirmay-Kalos,
Gabor Szijarto
(Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
- Faster Cascading Menu Selections with Enlarged Activation Areas
Andy Cockburn,
Andrew Gin
(University of Canterbury)
- Performance Measures of Game Controllers in a Three-Dimensional Environment
Chris Klochek,
I. Scott MacKenzie
(York University)
- Human On-Line Response to Visual and Motor Target Expansion
Andy Cockburn,
Philip Brock
(University of Canterbury)
- Early-Split Coding of Triangle Mesh Connectivity
Martin Isenburg
(University of California at Berkeley),
Jack Snoeyink
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill )
- Compression of Time Varying Isosurfaces
Ilya Eckstein
(Univ. of Southern California),
Mathieu Desbrun
(California Institute of Technology),
C.-C. Jay Kuo
(Univ. of Southern California)
- Surfacing By Numbers
Steve Zelinka,
Michael Garland
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Streaming Compression of Tetrahedral Volume Meshes
Martin Isenburg
(University of California at Berkeley),
Peter Lindstrom
(Lawrence Livermore National Labs),
Stefan Gumhold
(Technische Universitaet Dresden),
Jonathan Shewchuk
(University of California at Berkeley)
- Evaluation of Viewport Size and Curvature of Large, High-Resolution Displays
Lauren Shupp,
Robert Ball,
Beth Yost,
John Booker,
Chris North
(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
- The Importance of Accurate VR Head Registration on Skilled Motor Performance
David Sprague,
Barry Po,
Kellogg Booth
(University of British Columbia)
- Increased Display Size and Resolution Improve Task Performance in Information-Rich Virtual Environments
Tao Ni,
Doug A. Bowman,
Jian Chen
(Virginia Tech)
- Phrasing Techniques for Multi-Stroke Selection Gestures
Ken Hinckley
(Microsoft Research),
Francois Guimbretiere,
Georg Apitz,
Nicholas Chen
(University of Maryland),
Maneesh Agrawala
(Microsoft Research)
- Fluid Inking: Augmenting the Medium of Free-Form Inking with Gestures
Robert Zeleznik,
Timothy Miller
(Brown University)
- Superflick: a Natural and Efficient Technique for Long-Distance Object Placement on Digital Tables
Adrian Reetz,
Carl Gutwin,
Tadeusz Stach,
Miguel Nacenta,
Sriram Subramanian
(University of Saskatchewan)
- Hinge Slicer: Interactive Exploration of Volume Images Using Extended 3D Slice Plane Widgets
Tim McInerney,
Sara Broughton
(Ryerson University)
- Image Synthesis using Adjoint Photons
R. Keith Morley
(Princeton University),
Solomon Boulos
(University of Utah),
Jared Johnson
(University of Central Florida),
David Edwards,
Peter Shirley
(University of Utah),
Michael Ashikhmin
(SUNY Stony Brook),
Simon Premoze
(Industrial Light and Magic)
- Light Animation with Precomputed Light Paths on the GPU
Laszlo Szecsi,
Lászl? Szirmay-Kalos,
(Budapest University of Technology and Economics),
Mateu Sbert
(University of Girona)
- Modelling and Rendering of Geometry with Relief Textures
Lionel Baboud,
Xavier Décoret
- Fast GPU Ray Tracing of Dynamic Meshes using Geometry Images
Nathan A. Carr
(Adobe Corp),
Jared Hoberock,
Keenan Crane,
John C. Hart
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Implementing the Render Cache and the Edge-and-Point Image On Graphics Hardware
Edgar Velázquez-Armendáriz,
Eugene Lee
(Cornell University),
Bruce Walter
(Program of Computer Graphics, Cornell University),
Kavita Bala
(Cornell University)
- Cycle Shading for the Assessment and Visualization of Shape in One and Two Codimensions
Daniel Weiskopf
(Simon Fraser University),
Helwig Hauser
Web and Design
- Generating Custom Notification Histories by Tracking Visual Differences between Web Page Visits
Saul Greenberg,
Michael Boyle
(University of Calgary)
- The Impact of Task on the Usage of Web Browser Navigation Mechanisms

Melanie Kellar,
Carolyn Watters,
Michael Shepherd,
(Dalhousie University)
- A Case-Study of Affect Measurement Tools for Physical User Interface Design
Colin Swindells,
Karon E. MacLean,
Kellogg S. Booth,
Michael Meitner,
(University of British Columbia)