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ACM Digital Library: Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance Graphics 2011
the Eurographics Digital Library Link for the paper
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Paper Session 1: Approximate Global Illumination
- SSLPV: Subsurface Light Propagation Volumes
Jesper Borlum,
Brian Bunch Christensen,
Thomas Kim Kjeldsen,
Peter Trier Mikkelsen,
Karsten Ostergaard Noe,
Jens Rimestad,
Jesper Mosegaard
- Real-Time Diffuse Global Illumination Using Radiance Hints
Georgios Papaioannou
- The Alchemy Screen-Space Ambient Obscurance Algorithm
Morgan McGuire,
Brian Osman,
Michael Bukowski,
Padraic Hennessy
Paper Session 2: Parallel Ray Tracing
- Voxelized Shadow Volumes
Chris Wyman
- Improving SIMD Efficiency for Parallel Monte Carlo Light Transport on the GPU
Dietger van Antwerpen
- Active Thread Compaction for GPU Path Tracing

Ingo Wald
Paper Session 3: Acceleration Structures
- Simpler and Faster HLBVH with Work Queues
Kirill Garanzha,
Jacopo Pantaleoni,
David McAllister
- MSBVH: An Efficient Acceleration Data Structure for Ray Traced Motion Blur
Leonhard Gruenschloss,
Martin Stich,
Sehera Nawaz,
Alexander Keller
- SAH KD-Tree Construction on GPU
Zhefeng Wu,
Fukai Xhao,
Xinguo Liu
Paper Session 4: GPU Computing & Computational Graphics
- High-Performance Software Rasterization on GPUs
Samuli Laine,
Tero Karras
- Randomized Selection on the GPU
Laura Monroe,
Joanne Wendelberger,
Sarah Michalak
- VoxelPipe: A Programmable Pipeline for 3D Voxelization
Jacopo Pantaleoni
Paper Session 5: Rethinking Rasterization
- Hierarchical Stochastic Motion Blur Rasterization
Jacob Munkberg,
Petrik Clarberg,
Jon Hasselgren,
Robert Toth,
Masamichi Sugihara,
Tomas Akenine-Moller
- Adaptive Transparency
(GDC version Paper and Code)
Marco Salvi,
Jefferson Montgomery,
Aaron Lefohn
- Depth Buffer Compression for Stochastic Motion Blur Rasterization
Magnus Andersson,
Jon Hasselgren,
Tomas Akenine-Moller
Paper Session 6: Geometric Computations
- Farthest-Point Optimized Point Sets with Maximized Minimum Distance
Thomas Schlomer,
Daniel Heck,
Oliver Deussen
- An Inexpensive Bounding Representation for Offsets of Quadratic Curves
Erik Ruf
- Rapid Simplification of Multi-Attribute Meshes
Andrew Willmott
Paper Session 7: Hardware & Textures
- Precision Selection for Energy-Efficient Pixel Shaders
Jeff Pool,
Anselmo Lastra,
Montek Singh
- Primitive processing and advanced shading architecture for embedded space
Max Kazakov,
Eisaku Ohbuchi
- Lossless Compression of Already Compressed Textures
Jacob Strom,
Per Wennersten