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ACM Digital Library: Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance Graphics 2012
the Eurographics Digital Library Link for the paper
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Paper Session 1: Higher-Order Rasterization
- Design and Novel Uses of Higher-Dimensional Rasterization
Jim Nilsson,
Petrik Clarberg,
Bjorn Johnsson,
Robert Toth,
Jacob Munkberg,
Marco Salvi,
Tomas Akenine-Moller
- Adaptive Image Space Shading for Motion and Defocus Blur
Karthik Vaidyanathan,
Robert Toth,
Marco Salvi,
Aaron Lefohn,
Solomon Boulos
- High-Quality Parallel Depth-of-Field Using Line Samples
Stanley Tzeng,
Anjul Patney,
Andrew A. Davidson,
Mohamed S. Ebeida,
Scott A. Mitchell,
John D. Owens
Paper Session 2: Spatial Indexing
- Maximizing Parallelism in the Construction of BVHs, Octrees and k-d Trees
Tero Karras
- kANN on the GPU with Shifted Sorting
Shengren Li,
Lance Simons,
Fatemeh Abbasinejad,
Jagadeesh Parkaravoor,
Nina Amenta,
John D. Owens
- SRDH: Specializing BVH Construction and Traversal Order Using Representative Shadow Ray Sets
Nicolas Feltman,
Kayvon Fatahalian,
Minjae Lee
Paper Session 3: Hardware
- Algorithm and VLSI Architecture for Real-Time 1080p60 Video Retargeting
Pierre Greisen,
Manuel Lang,
Simon Heinzle,
Aljoscha Smolic
- Power Efficiency for Software Algorithms running on Graphics Processors
Bjorn Johnsson,
Per Ganestam,
Michael Doggett,
Tomas Akenine-Moller
Paper Session 4: Real-Time Rendering
- Reducing Aliasing Artifacts through Resampling
Alexander Reshetov
- Clustered Deferred and Forward Shading
Ola Olsson,
Markus Billeter,
Ulf Assarsson
- Scalable Ambient Obscurance
Morgan McGuire,
Michael Mara,
David Luebke
Paper Session 5: Texture and Appearance
- Adaptive Scalable Texture Compression

Tom Olson,
Jorn Nystad,
Anders Lassen,
Andy Pomianowski,
Sean Ellis
- Parallel Patch-based Texture Synthesis
Anass Lasram,
Sylvain Lefebvre
- Representing Appearance and Pre-filtering Subpixel Data in Sparse Voxel Octrees
Eric Heitz,
Fabrice Neyret