This page tracks the new paper links made to my list of HPG 2014 papers.
Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang.
If you have additions or changes, send an e-mail.
July 28, 2014
- Register Efficient Memory Allocator for GPUs
- SegTC: Fast Texture Compression using Image Segmentation
- Reduced Precision for Hardware Ray Tracing in GPUs
- High-performance Delaunay triangulation for many-core computers
- High-Performance Rendering of Realistic Cumulus Clouds using Pre-computed Lighting
June 30, 2014
- Interactive Rendering of Giga-Particle Fluid Simulations
- A Fast and Stable Feature-Aware Motion Blur Filter
June 17, 2014
- Streaming G-Buffer Compression for Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing
- A Fast and Stable Feature-Aware Motion Blur Filter
June 14, 2014
June 8, 2014
- Real-Time Deformation of Subdivision Surfaces from Object Collisions
June 7, 2014
- Layered Reflective Shadow Maps for Voxel-based Indirect Illumination
- Real-Time Deformation of Subdivision Surfaces from Object Collisions
- Fast ANN for High-Quality Collaborative Filtering
May 25, 2014
- Out-of-Core Proximity Computation for Particle-based Fluid Simulations
- Layered Reflective Shadow Maps for Voxel-based Indirect Illumination
- Exploiting Local Orientation Similarity for Efficient Ray Traversal of Hair and Fur
- Page Created