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ACM Digital Library: Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance Graphics 2015
the Eurographics Digital Library Link for the paper
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Papers Session 1: Efficient Ray Tracing
- Efficient Ray Tracing of Subdivision Surfaces using Tessellation Caching
Carsten Benthin,
Sven Woop,
Matthias Niessner,
Kai Selgrad,
Ingo Wald
- Bounding Volume Hierarchy Optimization through Agglomerative Treelet Restructuring

Leonardo R. Domingues,
Helio Pedrini
- Reorder Buffer: An Energy-Efficient Multithreading Architecture for Hardware MIMD Ray Traversal
Won-Jong Lee,
Youngsam Shin, Seok Joong Hwang, Seok Kang, Jeong-Joon Yoo, Soojung Ryu
Papers Session 2: Future Graphics Pipelines
- Decoupled Coverage Anti-Aliasing
Yuxiang Wang,
Chris Wyman,
Yong He,
Pradeep Sen
- Deferred Attribute Interpolation for Memory-Efficient Deferred Shading
Christoph Schied,
Carsten Dachsbacher
- An Incremental Rendering VM
Georg Haaser,
Harald Steinlechner,
Stefan Maierhofer,
Robert F. Tobler
Papers Session 3: Rendering and Display
- Perception of Highlight Disparity at a Distance in Consumer Head-Mounted Displays
Robert Toth,
Jon Hasselgren,
Tomas Akenine-Moller
- An Adaptive Acceleration Structure for Screen-space Ray Tracing
Jan Kautz,
Sven Widmer,
Dawid Pajak,
Andre Schulz,
Kari Pulli,
Michael Goesele,
David Luebke
- Adaptively Layered Statistical Volumetric Obscurance
Quintijn Hendrickx,
Leonardo Scandolo,
Martin Eisemann,
Elmar Eisemann
Papers Session 4: High-Performance Data Processing
- Compiling High Performance Recursive Filters
Gaurav Chaurasia,
Jonathan Ragan-Kelley,
Sylvain Paris,
George Drettakis,
Fredo Durand
- Grid-Free Out-Of-Core Voxelization to Sparse Voxel Octrees on GPU
Martin Patzold,
Andreas Kolb
- Morton Integrals for High Speed Geometry Simplification
Helene Legrand,
Tamy Boubekeur