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ACM Digital Library: Proceedings of the 2023 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and games
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Papers 1: Neural Rendering and Image Warping
- NeRFshop: Interactive Editing of Neural Radiance Fields

Clement Jambon,
Bernhard Kerbl, Georgios Kopanas,
Stavros Diolatzis,
Thomas Leimkuhler,
George Drettakis
- NeRFahedron: A Primitive for Animatable Neural Rendering with Interactive Speed
Zackary P. T. Sin,
Peter H. F. Ng,
Hong Va Leong
- Metameric Inpainting for Image Warping
(invited TVCG paper presentation)

Rafael Kuffner Dos Anjos,
David R. Walton,
Sebastian Friston,
David Swapp,
Kaan Aksit,
Anthony Steed,
Tobias Ritschel
Papers 2: Rendering and Sampling
- Efficient Rendering for Light Field Displays using Tailored Projective Mappings
Laura Fink, Svenja Strobel, Linus Franke,
Marc Stamminger
- Barycentric Quad Rasterization
(invited JCGT paper presentation)

Jules Bloomenthal
- Efficient Spatial Resampling Using the PDF Similarity

Yusuke Tokuyoshi
Papers 3: Points and Manipulation
- Eye-Based Point Rendering for Dynamic Multiview Effects
Ajinkya Gavane,
Benjamin Watson
- Unpaired Translation of 3D Point Clouds with Multi-part Shape Representation
Chih-Chia Li,
I-Chen Lin
- ManiLoco: A VR-Based Locomotion Method for Concurrent Object Manipulation

Dayu Wan, Xiaolei Guo, Jiahui Dong, Christos Mousas,
Yingjie Chen
Papers 4: Ray Tracing
- Subspace Culling for Ray-Box Intersection

Atsushi Yoshimura,
Takahiro Harada
- Performance Comparison of Bounding Volume Hierarchies for GPU Ray Tracing
(invited JCGT paper presentation)

Daniel Meister,
Jiri Bittner
- Accelerated Photon Mapping for Hardware-based Ray Tracing
(invited JCGT paper presentation)
Rene Kern,
Felix Brull,
Thorsten Grosch
- Importance-Based Ray Strategies for Dynamic Diffuse Global Illumination
Zihao Liu, Jing Huang, Allan Rocha, Jim Malmros, Jerry Zhang
Papers 5: Neural Denoising and Motion
- Joint Neural Denoising of Surfaces and Volumes
Nikolai Hofmann,
Jon Hasselgren,
Jacob Munkberg
- Pixel-wise Guidance for Utilizing Auxiliary Features in Monte Carlo Denoising

Kyu Beom Han,
Olivia G. Odenthal,
Woo Jae Kim,
Sung-Eui Yoon
- An Interactive Framework for Visually Realistic 3D Motion Synthesis using Evolutionarily-trained Spiking Neural Networks
Ioannis Polykretis,
Aditi Patil,
Mridul Aanjaneya,
Konstantinos Michmizos
Papers 6: Dynamics
- G2 Blending Ball B-Spline Curve by B-Spline
Yuming Zhao, Zhongke Wu, Xingce Wang
- Fast Position-based Multi-Agent Group Dynamics

Tomer Weiss
- Real-Time Sand Dune Simulation
Brennen Taylor,
John Keyser
- Differentiable Curl-Noise: Boundary-Respecting Procedural Incompressible Flows Without Discontinuities
Xinwen Ding,
Christopher Batty