Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2024 papers on the web

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ACM Digital Library:

  • Proceedings of the 2024 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and games
  • Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques: Vol. 7, No. 1
  • Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games Youtube Channel (2024 Paper Presentation)

    ACM DOI ACM Digital Library (DOI) Link for the paper   Paper Abstract Paper Abstract   Author version Author Preprint   Paper Video Paper Video  

    Paper Presentation Paper Presentation   Paper Images Paper Images   Paper Data Paper Data   Demo Program or Source Code Demo Program or Source Code Related Links Related Links


    Papers 1: Interaction and VR

    Collaborating with my Doppelganger: The Effects of Self-similar Appearance and Voice of a Virtual Character during a Jigsaw Puzzle Co-solving Task
    Siqi Guo, Minsoo Choi, Dominic Kao, Christos Mousas
    Perceptions of Hybrid Lighting for Virtual Reality
    Martin Dinkov, Sumanta Pattanaik, Ryan McMahan
    Skill-Based Matchmaking for Competitive Two-Player Games Paper Abstract Author Preprint
    Cem Yuksel
    Impact of Tutorial Modes with Different Time Flow Rates in Virtual Reality Games Paper Video
    Boyuan Chen, Xinan Yan, Xuning Hu, Dominic Kao, Hai-Ning Liang

    Papers 2: Light Transport and Storage

    Bounded VNDF Sampling for the Smith-GGX BRDF Author Preprint Paper Images
    Yusuke Tokuyoshi, Kenta Eto *equal contributors
    ZH3: Quadratic Zonal Harmonics Paper Abstract Author Preprint Paper Presentation Demo Program or Source Code
    Thomas Roughton, Peter-Pike Sloan, Ari Silvennoinen, Michal Iwanicki, Peter Shirley
    Interactive Rendering of Caustics using Dimension Reduction for Manifold Next-Event Estimation Paper Abstract Author Preprint
    Ana Granizo-Hidalgo, Nicolas Holzschuch

    Papers 3: Volumes and Fields

    ProteusNeRF: Fast Lightweight NeRF Editing using 3D-Aware Image Context Paper Abstract Author Preprint Demo Program or Source Code
    Binglun Wang, Niladri Shekhar Dutt, Niloy Mitra
    FaceFolds: Meshed Radiance Manifolds for Efficient Volumetric Rendering of Dynamic Faces Paper Abstract Author Preprint Paper Video
    Safa Medin, Gengyan Li, Ruofei Du, Stephan Garbin, Philip Davidson, Gregory W. Wornell, Thabo Beeler, Abhimitra Meka
    Efficient Visibility Approximation for Game AI using Neural Omnidirectional Distance Fields Paper Abstract Author Preprint
    Zhi Ying, Nicholas Edwards, Mikhail Kutuzov

    Papers 4: Points and Splats

    Reducing the Memory Footprint of 3D Gaussian Splatting Paper Abstract Author Preprint Demo Program or Source Code
    Panagiotis Papantonakis, Georgios Kopanas, Bernhard Kerbl, Alexandre Lanvin, George Drettakis
    SimLOD: Simultaneous LOD Generation and Rendering for Point Clouds Paper Abstract Author Preprint Demo Program or Source Code
    Markus Schutz, Lukas Herzberger, Michael Wimmer
    Deblur-GS: 3D Gaussian Splatting from Camera Motion Blurred Images Paper Abstract Author Preprint Paper Data Demo Program or Source Code
    Wenbo Chen, Ligang Liu
    Light Field Display Point Rendering
    Ajinkya Gavane, Benjamin Watson

    Papers 5: Noise and Reconstruction

    FAST: Filter-Adapted Spatio-Temporal Sampling for Real-Time Rendering Paper Abstract Author Preprint Demo Program or Source Code
    William Donnelly, Alan Wolfe, Judith Bütepage, Jon Valdés
    Filtering After Shading With Stochastic Texture Filtering Paper Abstract Author Preprint Paper Video
    Matt Pharr, Bartlomiej Wronski, Marco Salvi, Marcos Fajardo
    A Fast GPU Schedule For À-Trous Wavelet-Based Denoisers Author Preprint
    Reiner Dolp, Johannes Hanika, Carsten Dachsbacher
    Cone-Traced Supersampling for Signed Distance Field Rendering Demo Program or Source Code (invited TVCG paper presentation)
    Andrei Chubarau, Yangyang Zhao, Ruby Rao, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Paul G. Kry

    Papers 6: Efficient Forward and Differentiable Rendering

    Efficient Particle-Based Fluid Surface Reconstruction Using Mesh Shaders and Bidirectional Two-Level Grids
    Yuki Nishidate, Issei Fujishiro
    ShaderPerFormer: Platform-independent Context-aware Shader Performance Predictor Author Preprint Paper Data Demo Program or Source Code
    Zitan Liu, Yikai Huang, Ligang Liu
    Transforming a Non-Differentiable Rasterizer into a Differentiable One with Stochastic Gradient Estimation Paper Abstract Author Preprint
    Thomas Deliot, Eric Heitz, Laurent Belcour

    Papers 7: Learning to Move

    Efficient Deformation Learning of Varied Garments with a Structure-Preserving Multilevel Framework Author Preprint
    Tianxing Li, Rui Shi, Zihui Li, Takashi Kanai, Qing Zhu
    Learning Crowd Motion Dynamics with Crowds Paper Abstract Author Preprint Paper Video
    Bilas Talukdar, Yunhao Zhang, Tomer Weiss

    Papers 8: Solvers and Simulation

    Windblown Sand Around Obstacles - Simulation And Validation Of Deposition Patterns Paper Abstract Author Preprint
    Nicolas Rosset, Regis Duvigneau, Adrien Bousseau, Guillaume Cordonnier
    A Unified Particle-Based Solver for Non-Newtonian Behaviors Simulation Paper Abstract Author Preprint (invited TVCG paper presentation)
    Chunlei Li, Yang Gao, Jiayi He, Tianwei Cheng, Shuai Li, Aimin Hao, Hong Qin
    MPMNet: A Data-Driven MPM Framework for Dynamic Fluid-Solid Interaction Paper Abstract Author Preprint (invited TVCG paper presentation)
    Jin Li, Yang Gao, Ju Dai, Shuai Li, Aimin Hao, Hong Qin