Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang.
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Thus you may need to search on the page to find the actual document.
Computational Cameras
- What are Good Apertures for Defocus Deblurring?
Changyin Zhou,
Shree Nayar
(Columbia University)
- Geometry by Deflaring

Fima Koreban,
Yoav Y. Schechner
- Flexible Multimodal Camera Using a Light Field Architecture
Roarke Horstmeyer, Gary Euliss, Ravindra Athale
(The MITRE Corporation),
Marc Levoy
(Stanford University)
Denoising & Deblurring
- Denoising photographs using dark frames optimized by quadratic programming
Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez
(Stanford University),
Jens Kober,
Bernhard Scholkopf
(Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics)
- Online Blind Deconvolution for Astronomical Imaging
Stefan Harmeling,
Michael Hirsch,
Suvrit Sra,
Bernhard Scholkopf
(Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics)
- Recovery Limits in Pointwise Degradation
Tali Treibitz,
Yoav Y. Schechner
Computational Illumination & Flare
- Image-based Separation of Diffuse and Specular Reflections using Environmental Structured Illumination
Bruce Lamond,
Pieter Peers,
Abhijeet Ghosh,
Paul Debevec
- Image Destabilization: Programmable Defocus using Lens and Sensor Motion
Ankit Mohan
(MIT Media Lab),
Douglas Lanman
(Brown University),
Shinsaku Hiura
(Osaka University),
Ramesh Raskar
(MIT Media Lab)
Light Field Imaging
- Light Field Superresolution
Tom E. Bishop,
Sara Zanetti,
Paolo Favaro
(Heriot-Watt University)
- Wigner Distributions and How They Relate to the Light Field
Zhengyun Zhang,
Marc Levoy
(Stanford University)
- The Focused Plenoptic Camera
Andrew Lumsdaine
(Indiana University),
Todor Georgiev
(Adobe Systems)
Video & Dynamic Range
- Motion Field and Occlusion Time Estimation via Alternate Exposure Flow
Anita Sellent,
Martin Eisemann,
Marcus Magnor
(TU Braunschweig)
- Enhancing and Experiencing Spacetime Resolution with Videos and Stills
Ankit Gupta,
Pravin Bhat
(University of Washington),
Mira Dontcheva
(Adobe Systems),
Brian Curless
(University of Washington),
Oliver Deussen
(University of Konstanz),
Michael Cohen
(Microsoft Research)
- Artifact-free High Dynamic Range Imaging
Orazio Gallo
(University of California, Santa Cruz),
Natasha Gelfand,
Wei-Chao Chen,
Marius Tico,
Kari Pulli
(Nokia Research Center)