Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering 2006 papers on the web

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ACM Digital Library: ACM DOI Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on Non-photorealistic animation and rendering

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Real-time 3D NPR

Real-Time Watercolor Illustrations of Plants Using a Blurred Depth Test ACM DOI Project
Thomas Luft, Oliver Deussen
Real-time Simulation and Stylized Rendering of Smoke ACM DOI Project
Morgan McGuire, Andi Fein
Real-Time Pen-and-Ink Illustration of Landscapes ACM DOI Author version
Liviu Coconu, Oliver Deussen, Hans-Christian Hege
Real-Time Pencil Rendering ACM DOI Project
Hyunjun Lee, Sungtae Kwon, Seungyong Lee

Images and Video

Color Sketch Generation ACM DOI Author version
Fang Wen, Qing Luan, Lin Liang, Ying-Qing Xu, Heung-Yeung Shum
Felt-Based Rendering ACM DOI Project
Peter O'Donovan, David Mould
Stylizing 2.5-D video ACM DOI Author version
Noah Snavely, C. Lawrence Zitnick, Sing Bing Kang, Michael Cohen

Mosaics and Mazes

A Spectral Approach to NPR Packing ACM DOI Project
Ketan Dalal, Allison W. Klein, Yunjun Liu, Kaleigh Smith
Organic Labyrinths and Mazes ACM DOI Project
Karan Singh, Hans Pedersen

Interaction and Evaluation

Empathic Painting: Interactive stylization using observed emotional state ACM DOI Project
Maria Shugrina, Margrit Betke, John Collomosse
Interactive 3D Fluid Jet Painting ACM DOI Project
Sangwon Lee, Sven Olsen, Bruce Gooch
Modeling Plant Structures Using Concept Sketches ACM DOI Project
Fabricio Anastacio, Mario Costa Sousa, Faramarz Samavati, Joaquim Jorge
Non-Photorealistic Rendering in Context: An Observational Study ACM DOI Project
Tobias Isenberg, Petra Neumann, Sheelagh Carpendale, Mario Costa Sousa, Joaquim Jorge


X-Toon: An Extended Toon Shader ACM DOI Project
Pascal Barla, Joƫlle Thollot, Lee Markosian
Tweakable Light and Shade for Cartoon Animation ACM DOI Author version
Ken Anjyo, Shuhei Wemler, William Baxter
Interactive watercolor rendering with temporal coherence and abstraction ACM DOI Project
Adrien Bousseau, Matthew Kaplan, Joelle Thollot, Francois Sillion