Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang.
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Session A: Surface and Volumes
- Surface Reconstruction by Layer Peeling
Chi-Wan Lim,
Tiow-Seng Tan
- Surface Mosaics
Yu-Kun Lai,
Shi-Min Hu,
Ralph R. Martin
- Variational Sphere Set Approximation for Solid Objects
Rui Wang,
Kun Zhou,
John Snyder, Xinguo Liu,
Hujun Bao,
Qunsheng Peng,
Baining Guo
- Interactive Multi-Scale Exploration for Volume Classification

Eric B. Lum,
James Shearer,
Kwan-Liu Ma
Session B: Video and Images
- Interactive 3D Video Editing
Michael Waschbusch,
Stephan Wurmlin,
Markus Gross
- Dynamic Stills and Clip Trailers
Yaron Caspi,
Anat Axelrod,
Yasuyuki Matsushita,
Alon Gamliel
- 2D Shape Deformation Using Nonlinear Least Squares Optimization
Yanlin Weng, Weiwei Xu, Yanchen Wu,
Kun Zhou,
Baining Guo
- Object-Based Vectorization for Interactive Image Editing
Brian Price,
William Barrett
- Interactive Image Completion with Perspective Correction
Darko Pavic,
Volker Schönefeld,
Leif Kobbelt
Session C: Shadows
- Real-Time Triple Product Relighting Using Spherical Local-Frame Parameterization
Wan-Chun Ma,
Chun-Tse Hsiao,
Ken-Yi Lee,
Yung-Yu Chuang,
Bing-Yu Chen
- Correlated Visibility Sampling for Direct Illumination
Abhijeet Ghosh,
Wolfgang Heidrich
- A Practical and Fast Rendering Algorithm for Dynamic Scenes Using Adaptive Shadow Fields
Naoki Tamura,
Henry Johan,
Bing-Yu Chen,
Tomoyuki Nishita
- Spherical Harmonics Scaling
Jiaping Wang,
Kun Xu,
Kun Zhou,
Stephen Lin,
Shimin Hu,
Baining Guo
Session D: Animation and Deformation
- Estimation of Missing Markers in Human Motion Capture

Guodong Liu,
Leonard McMillan
- Segmenting a Deforming Mesh into Near-Rigid Components
Tong-Yee Lee,
Yu-Shuen Wang,
Tai-Guang Chen
- Geometrically-Based Potential Energy for Simulating Deformable Objects
Jin Huang, Xiaohan Shi, Xinguo Liu,
Kun Zhou,
Hujun Bao
- Interactive Continuous Collision Detection for Non-Convex Polyhedra
Xinyu Zhang,
Minkyoung Lee,
Young J. Kim
- Real-time Animation of Spark Discharge
Katsutsugu Matsuyama, Tadahiro Fujimoto,
Norishige Chiba
Session E: Realistic and Non-Realistic Rendering
- R-LODs: Fast LOD-Based Ray Tracing of Massive Models
Sung-Eui Yoon,
Christian Lauterbach,
Dinesh Manocha
- Interactive Ray Tracing of Skinned Animations
Johannes Gunther,
Heiko Friedrich,
Hans-Peter Seidel,
Philipp Slusallek
- Probabilistic Silhouette Based Importance Toward Line-Art Non-Photorealistic Rendering

Gershon Elber,
Elaine Cohen
- Rendering Stylized Highlights using Projective Textures
Jung-Ju Choi, Hwan-Jik Lee
- A Unified Scheme for Adaptive Stroke-Based Rendering
Hyung W. Kang,
Charles K. Chui,
Uday K. Chakraborty
Session F: Shapes and Meshes
- Paper Craft Models from Meshes
Idan Shatz,
Ayellet Tal,
George Leifman
- SnapPaste: An Interactive Technique for Easy Mesh Composition
Andrei Sharf,
Marina Blumenkrants,
Ariel Shamir,
Daniel Cohen-Or
- A High-Capacity Steganographic Approach for 3D Polygonal Meshes
Yu-Ming Cheng,
Chung-Ming Wang
- Fast GPU Computation of the Mass Properties of a General Shape and its Application to Buoyancy Simulation
Jinwook Kim, Soojae Kim, Heedong Ko,
Demetri Terzopoulos
Session G: Curve and Surfaces
- Similarity based Interpolation using Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces
Shuhua Lai,
Fuhua (Frank) Cheng
- Efficient Wavelet Construction with Catmull-Clark Subdivision
Huawei Wang, Kaihuai Qin,
Kai Tang
- Surface remeshing in arbitrary codimensions
Guillermo D. Canas,
Steven J. Gortler
- Interactive Aesthetic Curve Segment
Norimasa Yoshida,
Takafumi Saito
- Quadratic Approximation to Plane Parametric Curves and Its Applications in Approximate Implicitization
Ming Li,
Xiao-Shan Gao, Shang-Ching Chou
Session H: Textures
- Fast Example-based Surface Texture Synthesis via Discrete Optimization
Jianwei Han,
Kun Zhou,
Minmin Gong,
Hujun Bao,
Xinming Zhang,
Baining Guo
- Real-Time Structured Texture Synthesis and Editing using Image-Mesh Analogies
Jean-Michel Dischler,
Florence Zara
- Completion Based Texture Design using Deformation
Jianbing Shen,
Xiaogang Jin,
Xiaoyang Mao,
Jieqing Feng
Session I: Short Papers / Posters
- Single-View Relighting with Normal Map Painting
Makoto Okabe,
Gang Zeng,
Yasuyuki Matsushita,
Takeo Igarashi,
Long Quan,
Heung-Yeung Shum
- 3D Mesh Skeleton Extraction Using Topological and Geometrical Analyses
Julien TIERNY,
Jean-Philippe VANDEBORRE,
Mohamed DAOUDI
- Intersection-free Contouring on An Octree Grid
Tao Ju,
Tushar Udeshi