This page tracks the new paper links made to my list of Pacific Graphics 2013 papers.
Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang.
If you have additions or changes, send an e-mail.
March 15, 2014
- Artistic QR Code Embellishment
December 1, 2013
- Combustion Waves on the Point Set Surface
- Improving Memory Space Efficiency of Kd-tree for Real-time Ray Tracing
November 28, 2013
- Dynamic Comics for Hierarchical Abstraction of 3D Animation Data
- A GPU-based Streaming Algorithm for High-Resolution Cloth Simulation
- Topology Aware Data-Driven Inverse Kinematics
- Generalized Anisotropic Stratified Surface Sampling
- Change Blindness Images
- PoseShop: A Human Image Database and Personalized Content Synthesis
- Garment Modeling from a Single Image
- Stroke-guided Image Synthesis for Skeletal Structure Editing
- Artistic QR Code Embellishment
- Fast Image-Based Modeling of Astronomical Nebulae
- Interactive Physics-based Ink Splattering Art Creation
- Eye-Centered Color Adaptation in Global Illumination
- Combustion Waves on the Point Set Surface
- Learning and Applying Color Styles From Feature Films
- A Progressive Tri-level Segmentation Approach for Topology-Change-Aware Video Matting
- Symmetry Robust Descriptor for Non-Rigid Surface Matching
- Still-Frame Simulation for Fire Effects of Images
- Level-of-Detail Streaming and Rendering using Bidirectional Sparse Virtual Texture Functions
- Adaptive Ray-bundle Tracing with Memory Usage Prediction: Efficient Global Illumination in Large Scenes
- EnvyDepth: An Interface for Recovering Local Natural Illumination from Environment Maps
- Constrainable Multigrid for Cloth
- Interactive Learning for Point-Cloud Motion Segmentation
- Surface- and Contour-Preserving Origamic Architecture Paper Pop-Ups
- Hair Interpolation for Portrait Morphing
- Robust Denoising using Feature and Color Information
- Second-Order Approximation for Variance Reduction in Multiple Importance Sampling
- Modeling by Drawing with Shadow Guidance
- Soft Folding
- Guided Real-Time Scanning of Indoor Objects
- TrayGen: Arranging Objects for Exhibition and Packaging
- The POP Buffer: Rapid Progressive Clustering by Geometry Quantization
- Double-Sided 2.5D Graphics
- Implicit Integration for Particle-based Simulation of Elasto-plastic Solids
- Efficient Smoke Simulation on Curvilinear Grids
- Multiplane Video Stabilization
- Evaluation of Tone Mapping Operators for HDR-Video
- Boundary-Aware Extinction Mapping
- Learning to Predict Localized Distortions in Rendered Images
- Efficient Shadow Removal Using Subregion Matching Illumination Transfer
- Page published