Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang.
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Novel Architectures
- Estimating Performance of a Ray-Tracing ASIC Design
Sven Woop,
Erik Brunvand,
Philipp Slusallek
- Ray Tracing on the CELL processor
Carsten Benthin,
Ingo Wald,
Michael Scherbaum,
Heiko Friedrich
- Improving Ray Tracing Precision by World Space Intersection Computation
Holger Dammertz,
Alexander Keller
- Optimizing Ray-Triangle Intersection via Automated Search
Andrew Kensler,
Peter Shirley
Dynamic Scenes
- RT-DEFORM: Interactive Ray Tracing of Dynamic Scenes using BVHs
Christian Lauterbach,
Sung-eui Yoon,
David Tuft,
Dinesh Manocha
- An Evaluation of Parallel Grid Construction for Ray Tracing Dynamic Scenes
Thiago Ize,
Chelsea Robertson,
Ingo Wald,
Steven G. Parker
kd-trees I
- Omnidirectional Ray Tracing Traversal Algorithm for kd-trees
Alexander Reshetov
- On Building kd-Trees for Ray Tracing, and on doing that in O(N log N)
Ingo Wald,
Vlastimil Havran
- On the Fast Construction of Spatial Hierarchies for Ray Tracing
Vlastimil Havran,
Robert Herzog,
Hans-Peter Seidel
kd-trees II
- Fast kd-tree Construction with an Adaptive Error-Bounded Heuristic
Warren Hunt,
William Mark,
Gordon Stoll
- Experiences with Streaming Construction of SAH KD-Trees
Stefan Popov,
Johannes Gunther,
Hans-Peter Seidel,
Philipp Slusallek
Large Data
- GPU-Assisted Ray Casting Acceleration for Visualization of Large Scene Data Sets
Daniel Balciunas, Lucas Dulley, Marcelo Zuffo
- The Quantized kd-Tree: Efficient Ray Tracing of Compressed Point Clouds
Erik Hubo,
Tom Mertens,
Tom Haber,
Philippe Bekaert
- Interactive Isosurface Ray Tracing of Large Octree Volumes
Aaron Knoll,
Ingo Wald,
Steven G. Parker,
Charles D Hansen
Importance Sampling
- Filter Importance Sampling

Manfred Ernst,
Marc Stamminger,
Gunther Greiner
- Global Importance Sampling of Glossy Surfaces using the Photon Map
Joshua Steinhurst,
Anselmo Lastra
- Incremental Raycasting of Piecewise Quadratic Surfaces on the GPU
Carsten Stoll,
Stefan Gumhold,
Hans-Peter Seidel
- Ray Casting of Trimmed NURBS Surfaces on the GPU (PDF)
Hans-Friedrich Pabst,
Jan P. Springer,
Andre Schollmeyer, Robert Lenhardt, Christian Lessig, Bernd Froehlich
- Direct and Fast Ray Tracing of NURBS Surfaces
Oliver Abert,
Markus Geimer,
Stefan Muller
- Terrain Guided Multi-Level Instancing of Highly Complex Plant Populations
Andreas Dietrich,
Gerd Marmitt,
Philipp Slusallek
- A Ray Tracing based Virtual Reality Framework for Industrial Design
Ingo Wald,
Andreas Dietrich,
Carsten Benthin,
Alexander Efremov,
Tim Dahmen,
Johannes Gunther,
Vlastimil Havran,
Hans-Peter Seidel,
Philipp Slusallek
- Design for Parallel Interactive Ray Tracing Systems
James Bigler,
Abe Stephens,
Steven G. Parker