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ACM Digital Library: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation
Eurographics Digital Library: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation
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Session 1: Contact, Cloth, Collisions
- Cable Joints

Matthias Muller,
Stefan Jeschke,
Nuttapong Chentanez,
Miles Macklin
- Projective Motion Correction with Contact Optimization
(TVCG Paper)

Sukwon Lee,
Sung-Hee Lee
- Collision-Aware and Online Compression of Rigid Body Simulations via Integrated Error Minimization

Timothy Jeruzalski,
John Kanji,
Alec Jacobson,
David I.W. Levin
- Time-Domain Parallelization for Accelerating Cloth Simulation

Junbang Liang,
Ming C. Lin
Session 2: Coupled Fluids
- Distributing and Load Balancing Sparse Fluid Simulations

Chinmayee Shah,
David Hyde,
Hang Qu,
Philip Levis
- Coupled Fluid Density and Motion from Single Views

Marie-Lena Eckert,
Wolfgang Heidrich,
Nils Thuerey
- A Skinned Tetrahedral Mesh for Hair Animation and Hair-Water Interaction
(TVCG Paper)

Minjae Lee,
avid Hyde, Michael Bao,
Ronald Fedkiw
- An Efficient Solver for Two-way Coupling Rigid Bodies with Incompressible Flow

Mridul Aanjaneya
Session 3: Humans
- Learning Physically Based Humanoid Climbing Movements
Kourosh Naderi,
Amin Babadi,
Perttu Hamalainen
- Robust Physics-based Motion Retargeting with Realistic Body Shapes

Mazen Al Borno,
Eugene Fiume,
Michael Black,
Javier Romero,
Ludovic Righetti,
Scott Delp
- User-Guided Lip Correction for Facial Performance Capture

Dimitar Dinev,
Thabo Beeler,
Derek Bradley,
Moritz Baecher,
Xu Hongyi,
Ladislav Kavan
- Realtime Performance Driven Physical Simulation for Facial Animation
(CGF Paper)

Vincent Barrielle,
Nicolas Stoiber
Session 4: Fabrication & Strokes
- Computational design of transformables

Ye Yuan,
Changxi Zheng,
Stelian Coros
- Chunked Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Fast Digital Prototyping using Volumetric Meshes
(TVCG Paper)

Robert Schmidtke,
Kenny Erleben
- HairControl: A Tracking Solution for Directable Hair Simulation

Antoine Milliez,
Robert Sumner,
Markus Gross,
Bernhard Thomaszewski
- FTP-SC: Fuzzy Topology Preserving Stroke Correspondence

Yang Wenwu,
Hock-Soon Seah,
Quan Chen, Hong Ze Liew,
Daniel Sykora
Session 5: Elastic Objects
- Cosserat Rods with Projective Dynamics

Carlota Soler,
Tobias Martin,
Olga Sorkine-Hornung
- Fast Corotated FEM using Operator Splitting

Tassilo Kugelstadt,
Dan Koschier,
Jan Bender
- Strain Rate Dissipation for Elastic Deformations

Rosa Sanchez-Banderas,
Miguel A. Otaduy
Session 6: Fluids with Particles
- Liquid Splash Modeling with Neural Networks

Kiwon Um,
Xiangyu Hu,
Nils Thuerey
- MPM simulation of interactive and reactive fluids and solids

Xiao Yan,
Chenfeng Li,
Xiaosong Chen,
Shi-Min Hu
- A Temporally Adaptive Material Point Method with Regional Time Stepping

Yu Fang,
Yuanming Hu,
Shi-Min Hu,
Chenfanfu Jiang
- Real-time High-fidelity Surface Flow Simulation
(TVCG Paper)

Bo Ren,
Tailing Yuan,
Chenfeng Li,
Kun Xu,
Shi-Min Hu