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ACM Digital Library: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation
Eurographics Digital Library: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation
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Paper Session 1: Fluids 1
- A Hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian Collocated Velocity Advection and Projection Method for Fluid Simulation

Steven Gagniere,
David Hyde,
Alan Marquez-Razon,
Chenfanfu Jiang,
Ziheng Ge, Xuchen Han, Qi Guo,
Joseph Teran
- Implicit Density Projection for Volume Conserving Liquids (TVCG)

Tassilo Kugelstadt,
Andreas Longva,
Nils Thuerey,
Jan Bender
- Latent Space Subdivision: Stable and Controllable Time Predictions for Fluid Flow

Steffen Wiewel,
Byungsoo Kim,
Vinicius Azevedo,
Barbara Solenthaler,
Nils Thuerey
- Efficient 2D Fluid Simulation on Moving 3D Surfaces

Dieter Morgenroth,
Stefan Reinhardt,
Daniel Weiskopf,
Bernhard Eberhardt
Paper Session 2: Waves
- Interactive sound propagation for dynamic scenes using 2D wave simulation

Matthew Rosen,
Keith Godin,
Nikunj Raghuvanshi
- Making Procedural Water Waves Boundary-aware

Stefan Jeschke,
Christian Hafner,
Nuttapong Chentanez,
Miles Macklin,
Matthias Muller-Fischer,
Chris Wojtan
Paper Session 3: Fluids 2
- Effective time step restrictions for explicit MPM simulation

Yunxin Sun,
Tamar Shinar,
Craig Schroeder
- A Divergence Free Mixture Model for Multiphase Fluids

Yuntao Jiang, Chenfeng Li, Shujie Deng,
Shi-Min Hu
- Particle-based Liquid Control using Animation Templates

Arnaud Schoentgen,
Pierre Poulin,
Emmanuelle Darles,
Philippe Meseure
- Turbulent Details Simulation for SPH Fluids via Vorticity Refinement (CGF)

Sinuo Liu, Xiaokun Wang (Co-first author), Xiaojuan Ban, Yanrui Xu, Jing Zhou,
Jiri Kosinka,
Alexandru C.Telea
Paper Session 4: Rigid Bodies
- Primal/Dual Descent Methods for Dynamics

Miles Macklin,
Kenny Erleben,
Matthias Muller-Fischer,
Nuttapong Chentanez,
Stefan Jeschke,
Tae-Yong Kim
- Detailed Rigid Body Simulation with Extended Position Based Dynamics

Matthias Muller-Fischer,
Miles Macklin,
Nuttapong Chentanez,
Stefan Jeschke,
Tae-Yong Kim
- Distant Collision Response in Rigid Body Simulations

Eulalie Coevoet,
Sheldon Andrews,
Denali Relles,
Paul Kry
- The Matchstick Model for Anisotropic Friction Cones (CGF)

Miles Macklin,
Kenny Erleben,
Sheldon Andrews,
Paul Kry
Paper Session 5: Data-Driven Cloth
- Cloth and Skin Deformation with a Triangle Mesh Based Convolutional Neural Network

Nuttapong Chentanez,
Matthias Muller-Fischer,
Miles Macklin,
Stefan Jeschke,
Tae-Yong Kim
- A Pixel-Based Framework for Data-Driven Clothing

Ning Jin,
Yilin Zhu,
Zhenglin Geng,
Ron Fedkiw
- Fully Convolutional Graph Neural Networks for Parametric Virtual Try-On

Raquel Vidaurre,
Igor Santesteban,
Elena Garces,
Dan Casas
Paper Session 6: Cloth & Deformable Solids
- Higher-Order Time Integration for Deformable Solids

Fabian Loschner,
Andreas Longva,
Stefan Jeske,
Tassilo Kugelstadt,
Jan Bender
- A Finite Element Formulation of Baraff-Witkin Cloth

Theodore Kim
- A Bending Model for Nodal Discretizations of Yarn-Level Cloth

Jose M. Pizana, Alejandro Rodriguez,
Gabriel Cirio,
Miguel A. Otaduy
- Real-Time Deformation with Coupled Cages and Skeletons (CGF)

Fabrizio Corda,
Jean-Marc Thiery,
Marco Livesu,
Enrico Puppo,
Tamy Boubekeur,
Riccardo Scateni
Paper Session 7: Character Animation 1
- Linear Time Stable PD Controllers for Physics-based Character Animation

Zhiqi Yin,
KangKang Yin
- Statistics-based Motion Synthesis for Social Conversations

Yanzhe Yang,
Jimei Yang,
Jessica Hodgins
- ALLSTEPS: Curriculum-driven Learning of Stepping Stone Skills

Zhaoming Xie*,
Hung Yu Ling*,
Nam Hee Kim,
Michiel van de Panne
* indicates co-first authors.
Paper Session 8: Character Animation 2
- Probabilistic Character Motion Synthesis using a Hierarchical Deep Latent Variable Model

Saeed Ghorbani,
Calden Wloka,
Ali Etemad,
Marcus A. Brubaker,
Niko Troje
- Intuitive Facial Animating Editing Based On a Generative RNN Framework

Eloise Berson,
Catherine Soladie,
Nicolas Stoiber