This page tracks the new paper links made to our list of SIGGRAPH 2020 papers.
Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang.
If you have additions or changes, send an e-mail.
September 28, 2020
- Phong Deformation: A Better CO Interpolant for Embedded Deformation
September 7, 2020
- Kinetic Shape Reconstruction
- Complete Classification and Efficient Determination of Arrangements Formed by Two Ellipsoids
September 2, 2020
- Massively Parallel Rendering of Complex Closed-Form Implicit Surfaces
August 31, 2020
- Accurate Face Rig Approximation With Deep Differential Subspace Reconstruction
- One Shot 3D Photography
August 26, 2020
- Microfacet BSDFs Generated From NDFs, Using Explicit Microgeometry
- Enhanced Interactive 360° Viewing via Automatic Guidance
(TOG Paper)
August 25, 2020
- MEgATrack: Monochrome Egocentric Articulated Hand-Tracking for Virtual Reality
- The Leopard Never Changes Its Spots: Realistic Pigmentation Pattern Formation by Coupling Tissue Growth With Reaction-diffusion
August 24, 2020
- Data-Driven Extraction and Composition of Secondary Dynamics in Facial Performance Capture
- Capturing Subjective First-Person View Shots With Drones for Automated Cinematography
August 19, 2020
- Capturing Subjective First-Person View Shots With Drones for Automated Cinematography
- Enlighten Me: Importance of Brightness and Shadow for Character Emotion and Appeal
(TOG Paper)
- IQ-MPM: An Interface Quadrature Material Point Method for Non-sticky Strongly Two-Way Coupled Nonlinear Solids and Fluids
- Single-Shot High-Quality Facial Geometry and Skin Appearance Capture
- Bezier Guarding: Precise Higher-Order Meshing of Curved 2D Domains
- Cut-Enhanced Polycube-Maps for Feature-Aware All-Hex Meshing
August 7, 2020
- Nonlinear Color Triads for Approximation, Learning, and Direct Manipulation of Color Distributions
August 5, 2020
- Octahedral Frames for Feature-Aligned Cross-Fields
- Catch & Carry: Reusable Neural Controllers for Vision-guided Whole-Body Tasks
July 21, 2020
- Converting Stroked Primitives to Filled Primitives
July 14, 2020
- Learned Motion Matching
- Robust Motion In-Betweening
July 10, 2020
- Adaptive Merging for Rigid Body Simulation
- AnisoMPM: Animating Anisotropic Damage Mechanics
- High Resolution Etendue Expansion for Holographic Displays
- Holographic Optics for Thin and Lightweight Virtual Reality
- Developability of Heightfields via Rank Minimization
July 6, 2020
- Radiative Backpropagation: An Adjoint Method for Lightning-Fast Differentiable Rendering
- Specular Manifold Sampling for Rendering High-Frequency Caustics and Glints
- Computational Image Marking on Metals via Laser Induced Heating
- ARAnimator: In-situ Character Animation in Mobile AR With User-defined Motion Gestures
- The Eyes Have It: An Integrated Eye and Face Model for Photorealistic Facial Animation
- A Class of C2 Interpolating Splines
- On Elastic Geodesic Grids and Their Planar to Spatial Deployment
- TilinGNN: Learning to Tile with Self-Supervised Graph Neural Network
- Compositional Neural Scene Representations for Shading Inference
- Neural Supersampling for Real-time Rendering
- Polar Stroking: New Theory and Methods for Stroking Paths
June 22, 2020
- Quanta Burst Photography
- Computational Design of Skintight Clothing
- Error-Bounded Compatible Remeshing
- Efficient Bijective Parameterizations
- Image-Based Acquisition and Modeling of Polarimetric Reflectance
June 20, 2020
- Immersive Light Field Video With a Layered Mesh Representation
June 19, 2020
- A Level-Set Method for Magnetic Substance Simulation
June 17, 2020
- A Scalable Approach to Control Diverse Behaviors for Physically Simulated Characters
June 12, 2020
- PolyFit: Perception-aligned Vectorization of Raster Clip-art via Intermediate Polygonal Fitting
June 10, 2020
- Example-driven Virtual Cinematography by Learning Camera Behaviors
- AnisoMPM: Animating Anisotropic Damage Mechanics
- DeepFaceDrawing: Deep Generation of Face Images from Sketches
- C-Space Tunnel Discovery for Puzzle Path Planning
- Inverse Procedural Modeling of Branching Structures by Inferring L-Systems
June 9, 2020
- Real-Time Image Smoothing via Iterative Least Squares
- Codimensional Surface Tension Flow Using Moving-Least-Squares Particles
- Point2Mesh: A Self-prior for Deformable Meshes
- Deep Geometric Texture Synthesis
- An Implicit Compressible SPH Solver for Snow Simulation
- Accurate Face Rig Approximation With Deep Differential Subspace Reconstruction
- Penrose: From Mathematical Notation to Beautiful Diagrams
- End-to-end Learned, Optically Coded Super-resolution SPAD Camera
(TOG Paper)
- Attribute2Font: Creating Fonts You Want From Attributes
- Generating Digital Painting Lighting Effects via RGB-space Geometry
- A Luminance-aware Model of Judder Perception
(TOG Paper)
- A Smoothness Energy Without Boundary Distortion for Curved Surfaces
(TOG Paper)
- A System for Efficient 3D Printed Stop-Motion Face Animation
(TOG Paper)
- Nonlinear Color Triads for Approximation, Learning, and Direct Manipulation of Color Distributions
- Adaptive Incident Radiance Field Sampling and Reconstruction Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
(TOG Paper)
- Algebraic Representations for Volumetric Frame Fields
(TOG Paper)
- Octahedral Frames for Feature-Aligned Cross-Fields
- Character Controllers Using Motion VAEs
- Colored Fused Filament Fabrication
- Continuous Multiple Importance Sampling
- Cut-Enhanced Polycube-Maps for Feature-Aware All-Hex Meshing
- Uncertainty Quantification for Multi-scan Registration
- Deep Generative Modeling for Scene Synthesis via Hybrid Representations
(TOG Paper)
- DeepMag: Source Specific Motion Magnification Using Gradient Ascent
- Directional Sources and Listeners in Interactive Sound Propagation Using Reciprocal Wave Field Coding
- Automatic Structure Synthesis for 3D Woven Relief
- Dynamic Graph CNN for Learning on Point Clouds
(TOG Paper)
- ENIGMA: Evolutionary Non-Isometric Geometry Matching
- Enlighten Me: Importance of Brightness and Shadow for Character Emotion and Appeal
(TOG Paper)
- Example-Based Microstructure Rendering With Constant Storage
(TOG Paper)
- Exertion-Aware Path Generation
- Fast and Flexible Multilegged Locomotion Using Learned Centroidal Dynamics
- Interferometric Transmission Probing With Coded Mutual Intensity
- Towards Occlusion-Aware Multifocal Displays
- KRISM - Krylov Subspace-Based Optical Computing of Hyperspectral Images
(TOG Paper)
- Learning Temporal Coherence via Self-Supervision for GAN-Based Video Generation
- Local Fourier Slice Photography
(TOG Paper)
- Local Motion Phases for Learning Multi-Contact Character Movements
- Manipulating Attributes of Natural Scenes via Hallucination
(TOG Paper)
- Model Predictive Control With a Visuomotor System for Physics-based Character Animation
(TOG Paper)
- Simple and Scalable Frictional Contacts for Thin Nodal Objects
- Portrait Shadow Manipulation
- Reinforcement of General Shell Structures
- Resampling-Aware Weighting Functions for Bidirectional Path Tracing Using Multiple Light Sub-Paths
- RoboCut: Hot-wire Cutting With Robot-controlled Flexible Rods
- Spatiotemporal Reservoir Resampling for Real-Time Ray Tracing With Dynamic Direct Lighting
- Subdivision Directional Fields
(TOG Paper)
- Variable-Width Contouring for Additive Manufacturing
- Vid2Curve: Simultaneously Camera Motion Estimation and Thin Structure Reconstruction from an RGB Video
- Wave Curves: Simulating Lagrangian Water Waves on Dynamically Deforming Surfaces
- XNect: Real-Time Multi-Person 3D Motion Capture With a Single RGB Camera
- A Scalable Approach to Control Diverse Behaviors for Physically Simulated Characters
- Tactile Rendering Based on Skin Stress Optimization
- Fast and Deep Facial Deformations
- Seamless Parametrization with Arbitrary Cones for Arbitrary Genus
(TOG Paper)
- The Design and Evolution of the UberBake Light Baking System
- A Level-Set Method for Magnetic Substance Simulation
May 19, 2020
- Variance-Aware Path Guiding
- Unsupervised multi-modal Styled Content Generation
- Chemomechanical Simulation of Soap Film Flow on Spherical Bubbles
- Computational Parquetry: Fabricated Style Transfer with Wood Pixels
(TOG Paper)
- Non-Line-of-Sight Reconstruction using Efficient Transient Rendering
(TOG Paper)
- Quad-mesh based isometric mappings and developable surfaces
- Principal Symmetric Meshes
- Lagrangian Neural Style Transfer for Fluids
- Lifting Simplices to Find Injectivity
- NASOQ: Numerically Accurate Sparsity-Oriented QP Solver
- Incremental Potential Contact: Intersection- and Inversion-free, Large-Deformation Dynamics
- Tactile Line Drawings for Improved Shape Understanding in Blind and Visually Impaired Users
- A Low-Parametric Rhombic Microstructure Family for Irregular Lattices
- Fast Tetrahedral Meshing in the Wild
- Exact and Efficient Polyhedral Envelope Containment Check
May 14, 2020
- Fabrication-in-the-Loop Co-Optimization of Surfaces and Styli for Drawing Haptics
- Computational Image Marking on Metals via Laser Induced Heating
- Example-driven Virtual Cinematography by Learning Camera Behaviors
- Single Image HDR Reconstruction Using a CNN with Masked Features and Perceptual Loss
- N-Dimensional Rigid Body Dynamics
- Unsupervised Detection of Distinctive Regions on 3D Shapes
(TOG Paper)
- Skeleton-Aware Networks for Deep Motion Retargeting
- Unpaired Motion Style Transfer from Video to Animation
- Sequential Gallery for Interactive Visual Design Optimization
May 12, 2020
- DeepFaceDrawing: Deep Generation of Face Images from Sketches
- Noise-Resilient Reconstruction of Panoramas and 3D Scenes using Robot-Mounted Unsynchronized Commodity RGB-D Cameras
(TOG Paper)
May 10, 2020
- Constraint Bubbles and Affine Regions: Reduced Fluid Models for Efficient Immersed Bubbles and Flexible Spatial Coarsening
- Lagrangian Neural Style Transfer for Fluids
- Informative Scene Decomposition for Crowd Analysis, Comparison and Simulation Guidance
- Discrete Differential Operators on Polygonal Meshes
- Fast and Scalable Turbulent Flow Simulation with Two-Way Coupling
- A perceptual model of motion quality for rendering with adaptive refresh-rate and resolution
May 8, 2020
- Robust Fitting of Parallax-Aware Mixtures for Path Guiding
- Massively Parallel Rendering of Complex Closed-Form Implicit Surfaces
- Delayed Rejection Metropolis Light Transport
(TOG Paper)
May 7, 2020
- Projective Dynamics with Dry Frictional Contact
- CNNs on Surfaces using Rotation-Equivariant Features
- Monte Carlo Geometry Processing: A Grid-Free Approach to PDE-Based Methods on Volumetric Domains
- Penrose: From Mathematical Notation to Beautiful Diagrams
- Accurate Rendering of Liquid-Crystals and Inhomogeneous Optically Anisotropic Media
(TOG Paper)
- A Model for Soap Film Dynamics with Evolving Thickness
May 6, 2020
- Inter-Surface Maps via Constant-Curvature Metrics
- CARL: Controllable Agent with Reinforcement Learning for Quadruped Locomotion
- TilinGNN: Learning to Tile with Self-Supervised Graph Neural Network
- Hierarchical Optimization Time Integration for CFL-rate MPM Stepping
(TOG Paper)
- IQ-MPM: An Interface Quadrature Material Point Method for Non-sticky Strongly Two-Way Coupled Nonlinear Solids and Fluids
- NASOQ: Numerically Accurate Sparsity-Oriented QP Solver
- Lifting Simplices to Find Injectivity
- Adaptive Merging for Rigid Body Simulation
- C-Space Tunnel Discovery for Puzzle Path Planning
May 5, 2020
- Code Replicability in Computer Graphics
- Homogenized Yarn-Level Cloth
- Consistent Video Depth Estimation
- Human-in-the-Loop Differential Subspace Search in High-Dimensional Latent Space
- TilinGNN: Learning to Tile with Self-Supervised Graph Neural Network
- Graph2Plan: Learning Floorplan Generation from Layout Graphs
- Error-Bounded Compatible Remeshing
- Efficient Bijective Parameterizations
- Image-Based Acquisition and Modeling of Polarimetric Reflectance
(TOG Paper)
- Sliced Optimal Transport Sampling
- RigNet: Neural Rigging for Articulated Characters
- Path-Space Differentiable Rendering
- Langevin Monte Carlo Rendering with Gradient-based Adaptation
- Analytic Spherical Harmonic Gradients for Real-Time Rendering With Many Polygonal Area Lights
- Inverse Procedural Modeling of Branching Structures by Inferring L-Systems
- MGCN: Descriptor Learning using Multiscale GCNs
- Medial Elastics: Efficient and Collision-ready Deformation via Medial Axis Transform
- VoroCrust: Voronoi Meshing without Clipping
- MichiGAN: Multi-Input-Conditioned Hair Image Generation for Portrait Editing
- Interactive Video Stylization Using Few-Shot Patch-Based Training
- A Massively Parallel and Scalable Multi-GPU Material Point Method
- Chemomechanical Simulation of Soap Film Flow on Spherical Bubbles
- Hierarchical Optimization Time Integration for CFL-rate MPM Stepping
(TOG Paper)
- IQ-MPM: An Interface Quadrature Material Point Method for Non-sticky Strongly Two-Way Coupled Nonlinear Solids and Fluids
- AnisoMPM: Animating Anisotropic Damage Mechanics
- Incremental Potential Contact: Intersection- and Inversion-free, Large-Deformation Dynamics
- Neural Subdivision
- Developability of Heightfields via Rank Minimization
April 29, 2020
- Tactile Rendering Based on Skin Stress Optimization
- Robust Eulerian-on-Lagrangian Rods
April 27, 2020
- LoopyCuts: Practical Feature-Preserving Block Decomposition for Strongly Hex-Dominant Meshing