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ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) Volume 41, Issue 4 (July 2022) Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2022
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Marcel Padilla*
Oliver Gross*,
Felix Knoppel
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(University of California San Diego),
Ulrich Pinkall
(TU Berlin),
Peter Schroder
* Authors contributed equally
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Georg Sperl
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Manwen Li
(Under Armour),
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(IST Austria),
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Wolfgang Heidrich
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Jingyi Yu
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Zhecheng Wang, Mengdi Wang,
Bo Zhu
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Jerry Hsu,
Nghia Truong
(University of Utah),
Cem Yuksel
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Kui Wu
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Daqi Lin*
(University of Utah),
Markus Kettunen*,
Benedikt Bitterli,
Jacopo Pantaleoni
Cem Yuksel
(University of Utah),
Chris Wyman
* Authors contributed equally
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Yingying Ren*,
Uday Kusupati*
Julian Panetta
(UC Davis),
Florin Isvoranu,
Davide Pellis
Tian Chen
(University of Houston),
Mark Pauly
*joint first author
- MatBuilder: Mastering Sampling Uniformity Over Projections
Lois Paulin,
Nicolas Bonneel,
David Coeurjolly,
Jean-Claude Iehl
(Universite de Lyon, CNRS/LIRIS),
Alexander Keller
Victor Ostromoukhov
(Universite de Lyon, CNRS/LIRIS)
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Stavros Diolatzis
(Inria and Universite Cote d’Azur),
Julien Philip
(Inria / Universite Cote d’Azur / Adobe Research),
George Drettakis
(Inria and Universite Cote d’Azur)
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Cristian Romero,
Dan Casas
(Universidad Rey Juan Carlos),
Maurizio M. Chiaramonte
(Meta Reality Labs Research),
Miguel A. Otaduy
(Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
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Feng-Lin Liu,
Shu-Yu Chen
(Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences),
Yu-Kun Lai
(Cardiff University),
Chun-Peng Li,
Yue-Ren Jiang
(Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences),
Hongbo Fu
(City University of Hong Kong),
Lin Gao
(Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
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Beibei Wang
(Nankai University),
Wenhua Jin, Jiahui Fan
(Nanjing University of Science and Technology),
Jian Yang
(Nankai University),
Nicolas Holzschuch
(INRIA Grenoble-Rhone-Alpes and LJK),
Ling-Qi Yan
(University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Constant-Cost Spatio-Angular Prefiltering of Glinty Appearance Using Tensor Decomposition
Hong Deng, Yang Liu,
Beibei Wang,
Jian Yang
(Nanjing University of Science and Technology),
Lei Ma
(Peking University),
Nicolas Holzschuch
(INRIA Grenoble-Rhone-Alpes and LJK),
Ling-Qi Yan
(University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Neural Layered BRDFs
Jiahui Fan
(Nanjing University of Science and Technology),
Beibei Wang
(Nankai University and Nanjing University of Science and Technology),
Milos Hasan
(Adobe Research),
Jian Yang
(Nanjing University of Science and Technology),
Ling-Qi Yan
(University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Face Deblurring using Dual Camera Fusion on Mobile Phones

Wei-Sheng Lai,
YiChang Shih,
Lun-Cheng Chu, Xiaotong Wu, Sung-Fang Tsai, Michael Krainin,
Deqing Sun,
Chia-Kai Liang
- Physics-Based Combustion Simulation
(ACM Free Access)
Michael B. Nielsen,
Morten Bojsen-Hansen,
Konstantinos Stamatelos,
Robert Bridson">Autodesk)
- Noise-based Enhancement for Foveated Rendering
Taimoor Tariq
(Universita della Svizzera italiana),
Cara Tursun
(Universita della Svizzera italiana and University of Groningen),
Piotr Didyk
(Universita della Svizzera italiana)
- Efficient Estimation of Boundary Integrals for Path-Space Differentiable Rendering
Kai Yan
(University of California, Irvine and Meta Reality Labs),
Christoph Lassner, Brian Budge,
Zhao Dong
(Meta Reality Labs),
Shuang Zhao
(University of California, Irvine)
- Practical Level-of-detail Aggregation of Fur Appearance
Junqiu Zhu,
Sizhe Zhao, Lu Wang, Yanning Xu
(Shandong University),
Ling-Qi Yan
(University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Designing Perceptual Puzzles by Differentiating Probabilistic Programs
Kartik Chandra
Tzu-Mao Li
(University of California San Diego),
Joshua Tenenbaum,
Jonathan Ragan-Kelley
- Searching for Fast Demosaicking Algorithms
Karima Ma
Michael Gharbi,
Andrew Adams,
Shoaib Kamil
Tzu-Mao Li
(University of California San Diego),
Connelly Barnes
Jonathan Ragan-Kelley
- Image Features Influence Reaction Time: A Learned Probabilistic Perceptual Model for Saccade Latency
Budmonde Duinkharjav
(New York University),
Praneeth Chakravarthula
(Princeton University),
Rachel Brown,
Anjul Patney
Qi Sun
(New York University)
- Hogel-free Holography
Praneeth Chakravarthula
(Princeton University and UNC Chapel Hill),
Ethan Tseng
(Princeton University),
Henry Fuchs
(UNC Chapel Hill),
Felix Heide
(Princeton University)
- Joint Neural Phase Retrieval and Compression for Energy- and Computation-Efficient Holography on the Edge
Yujie Wang*
Praneeth Chakravarthula*
(Princeton University),
Qi Sun
(New York University),
Baoquan Chen
(Peking University)
- Seeing Through Obstructions with Diffractive Cloaking
Zheng Shi,
Yuval Bahat,
Seung-Hwan Baek
(Princeton University),
Qiang Fu,
Hadi Amata
Xiao Li,
Praneeth Chakravarthula
(Princeton University),
Wolfgang Heidrich
Felix Heide
(Princeton University)
- Instant Neural Graphics Primitives with a Multiresolution Hash Encoding
Thomas Muller,
Alex Evans,
Christoph Schied,
Alexander Keller
- Variable Bitrate Neural Fields
Towaki Takikawa,
Alex Evans,
Jonathan Tremblay,
Thomas Muller
Morgan McGuire
(Roblox Research and University of Waterloo),
Alec Jacobson
(Adobe Research and University of Toronto),
Sanja Fidler
- Unbiased and consistent rendering using biased estimators
Zackary Misso
(Dartmouth College),
Benedikt Bitterli
Iliyan Georgiev
Wojciech Jarosz
(Dartmouth College)
- StyleGAN-NADA: CLIP-Guided Domain Adaptation of Image Generators
Rinon Gal
(Tel Aviv University and NVIDIA),
Or Patashnik
(Tel Aviv University),
Haggai Maron
Amit Bermano
(Tel Aviv University),
Gal Chechik
Daniel Cohen-Or
(Tel Aviv University)
- As-Locally-Uniform-as-Possible Reshaping of Vector Clip Art
Chrystiano Araujo
(University of British Columbia),
Nicholas Vining
(University of British Columbia and NVIDIA),
Enrique Rosales
(University of British Columbia),
Giorgio Gori
(Adobe Research),
Alla Sheffer
(University of British Columbia)
- Unbiased Inverse Volume Rendering with Differential Trackers
Merlin Nimier-David
Thomas Muller,
Alexander Keller
Wenzel Jakob
- ShaderTransformer: Predicting Shader Quality via One-shot Embedding for Fast Simplification

Yuchi Huo, Shi Li, Yazhen Yuan, Xu Chen, Wenting Zheng, Hai Lin,
Rui Wang,
Hujun Bao
(Zhejiang University)
- A Compact Representation of Measured BRDFs Using Neural Processes
Chuankun Zheng, Ruzhang Zheng,
Rui Wang
(Zhejiang University),
Shuang Zhao
(University of California, Irvine),
Hujun Bao
(Zhejiang University)
- Efficiency-aware multiple importance sampling for bidirectional rendering algorithms
Pascal Grittmann,
Omercan Yazici
(Saarland University),
Iliyan Georgiev
Philipp Slusallek
(Saarland University and DFKI)
- EARS: Efficiency-Aware Russian Roulette and Splitting
Alexander Rath
(Saarland University and DFKI),
Pascal Grittmann,
(Saarland University),
Sebastian Herholz
(Intel Corporation),
Philippe Weier,
Philipp Slusallek
(Saarland University and DFKI)
- Eikonal Fields for Refractive Novel-View Synthesis
Mojtaba Bemana,
Karol Myszkowski,
(MPI Informatik),
Jeppe Revall Frisvad
(Technical University of Denmark),
Hans-Peter Seidel
(MPI Informatik),
Tobias Ritschel
(University College London)
- ReLU Fields: The Little Non-linearity That Could
Animesh Karnewar,
Tobias Ritschel
(University College London),
Oliver Wang
(Adobe Research),
Niloy Mitra
(University College London)
- Free2CAD: Parsing Freehand Drawings Into CAD Commands
Changjian Li
Hao Pan
(Microsoft Research Asia),
Adrien Bousseau
Niloy Mitra
(University College London)
- MatFormer: A Generative Model for Procedural Materials
Paul Guerrero,
Milos Hasan,
Kalyan Sunkavalli
Radomir Mech,
Tamy Boubekeur
(Adobe Research),
Niloy Mitra
(University College London)
- Moving Level-of-Detail Surfaces

Corentin Mercier,
Thibault Lescoat,
Pierre Roussillon
(Telecom Paris),
Tamy Boubekeur
(Adobe Research),
Jean-Marc Thiery
(Telecom Paris)
- CLIP2StyleGAN: Unsupervised Extraction of StyleGAN Edit Directions
Rameen Abdal,
Peihao Zhu
John Femiani
(Miami University),
Niloy Mitra
(University College London),
Peter Wonka
- Real-time Controllable Motion Transition for Characters
Xiangjun Tang
He Wang,
Bo Hu, Xu Gong, Ruifan Yi, Qilong Kou,
Xiaogang Jin
(Zhejiang University)
- A Unified Newton Barrier Method for Multibody Dynamics
Yunuo Chen*,
Minchen Li*
Lei Lan, Hao Su, Yin Yang,
Chenfanfu Jiang
(University of California, Los Angeles)
(* equal contributions)
- Energetically Consistent Inelasticity for Optimization Time Integration
Xuan Li,
Minchen Li,
Chenfanfu Jiang
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Affine Body Dynamics: Fast, Stable & Intersection-free Simulation of Stiff Materials
Lei Lan
(Clemson University),
Danny Kaufman
(Adobe Research),
Minchen Li,
Chenfanfu Jiang
(University of California, Los Angeles),
Yin Yang
(Clemson University)
- Penetration-free Projective Dynamics on the GPU
Lei Lan
(Clemson University),
Guanqun Ma
(University of California, Los Angeles),
Changxi Zheng
(Columbia University),
Minchen Li,
Chenfanfu Jiang
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- The Power Particle-In-Cell Method
Ziyin Qu,
Minchen Li
(University of California, Los Angeles),
Fernando de Goes
(Pixar Animation Studio),
Chenfanfu Jiang
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Character Articulation through Profile Curves
Fernando de Goes,
William Sheffler,
Kurt Fleischer
(Pixar Animation Studio)
- An Efficient B-Spline Lagrangian/Eulerian Method for Compressible Flow, Shock Waves, and Fracturing Solids
Yadi Cao, Yunuo Chen,
Minchen Li
(University of California, Los Angeles),
Yin Yang, Xinxin Zhang
Mridul Aanjaneya
(Rutgers University),
Chenfanfu Jiang
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Automatic Quantization for Physics-based Simulation

Jiafeng Liu*, Haoyang Shi*, Siyuan Zhang
Yin Yang
(Clemson University),
Chongyang Ma
(Kwai Inc.),
Weiwei Xu
(Zhejiang University)
- Approximate Convex Decomposition for 3D Meshes with Collision-Aware Concavity and Tree Search
Xinyue Wei*,
Minghua Liu*,
Zhan Ling,
Hao Su
(University of California San Diego)
* Authors contributed equally
- Differentiable Signed Distance Function Rendering
Delio Vicini,
Sebastien Speierer,
Wenzel Jakob
- Sparse Ellipsometry: Portable Acquisition of Polarimetric SVBRDF and Shape with Unstructured Flash Photography

Inseung Hwang,
Daniel S. Jeon
Adolfo Munoz,
Diego Gutierrez
(Universidad de Zaragoza),
Xin Tong
(Microsoft Research Asia),
Min H. Kim
- Egocentric Scene Reconstruction From an Omnidirectional Video
Hyeonjoong Jang
Andreas Meuleman,
Dahyun Kang,
Donggun Kim
Christian Richardt
(Meta Reality Labs Research),
Min H. Kim
- Neural Jacobian Fields: Learning Intrinsic Mappings of Arbitrary Meshes
Noam Aigerman
(Adobe Research),
Kunal Gupta
(University of California San Diego),
Vladimir Kim
(Adobe Research),
Siddhartha Chaudhuri
(Adobe Research and IIT Bombay),
Jun Saito,
Thibault Groueix
(Adobe Research)
- Dual Octree Graph Networks for Learning Adaptive Volumetric Shape Representations
Peng-Shuai Wang,
Yang Liu,
Xin Tong
(Microsoft Research Asia)
- Neural Rendering in a Room: Amodal 3D Understanding and Free-Viewpoint Rendering for the Closed Scene Composed of Pre-Captured Objects
Bangbang Yang
(Zhejiang University),
Yinda Zhang
Yijin Li,
Zhaopeng Cui
(Zhejiang University),
Sean Fanello
Hujun Bao,
Guofeng Zhang
(Zhejiang University)
- GANimator: Neural Motion Synthesis from a Single Sequence
Peizhuo Li
(ETH Zurich),
Kfir Aberman
(Google Research),
Zihan Zhang,
Rana Hanocka
(University of Chicago),
Olga Sorkine-Hornung
(ETH Zurich)
- ASE: Large-Scale Reusable Adversarial Skill Embeddings for Physically Simulated Characters
Xue Bin Peng
(University of California, Berkeley and NVIDIA),
Yunrong Guo,
Lina Halper
Sergey Levine
(University of California, Berkeley),
Sanja Fidler
(NVIDIA and University of Toronto)
- Predicting Loose-Fitting Garment Deformations Using Bone-Driven Motion Networks
Xiaoyu Pan, Jiaming Mai
(Zhejiang University and ZJU-Tencent Game and Intelligent Graphics Innovation Technology Joint Lab),
Xinwei Jiang, Dongxue Tang, Jingxiang Li
(Tencent NExT Studios),
Tianjia Shao,
Kun Zhou
(Zhejiang University),
Xiaogang Jin
(Zhejiang University and ZJU-Tencent Game and Intelligent Graphics Innovation Technology Joint Lab),
Dinesh Manocha
(University of Maryland)
- Learning to Get Up
Tianxin Tao,
Matthew Wilson, Ruiyu Gou,
Michiel van de Panne
(University of British Columbia)
- Learning High-DOF Reaching-and-Grasping via Dynamic Representation of Gripper-Object Interaction
Qijin She*
Ruizhen Hu*,
(Shenzhen University),
Juzhan Xu, Min Liu
Kai Xu
(National University of Defense Technology (NUDT)),
Hui Huang
(Shenzhen University)
* co-first authors
- NIMBLE: A Non-rigid Hand Model with Bones and Muscles
Yuwei Li
(ShanghaiTech University),
Longwen Zhang
(ShanghaiTech University and Deemos Technolog),
Zesong Qiu, Yingwenqi Jiang
(ShanghaiTech University),
Nianyi Li
(Clemson University),
Yuexin Ma, Yuyao Zhang,
Lan Xu,
Jingyi Yu
(ShanghaiTech University)
- Neural Dual Contouring
Zhiqin Chen
(Simon Fraser University),
Andrea Tagliasacchi
(Google Research and University of Toronto),
Thomas Funkhouser
(Google Research),
Hao Zhang
(Simon Fraser University)
- Dr.Jit: A Just-In-Time Compiler for Differentiable Rendering
Wenzel Jakob,
Sebastien Speierer,
Nicolas Roussel,
Delio Vicini
- StyleGAN-XL: Scaling StyleGAN to Large Diverse Datasets
Axel Sauer,
Katja Schwarz,
Andreas Geiger
(University of Tubingen and MPI for Intelligent Systems)
- A Theoretical Analysis of Compactness of the Light Transport Operator
Cyril Soler,
Ronak Molazem
(INRIA and Grenoble University),
Kartic Subr
(University of Edinburgh)
- Closed-Loop Control of Direct Ink Writing via Reinforcement Learning
Michal Piovarci*
(IST Austria),
Michael Foshey*,
Jie Xu,
Timothy Erps
Vahid Babaei
(Max-Planck Institute for Informatik),
Piotr Didyk
(Universita della Svizzera italiana),
Szymon Rusinkiewicz
(Princeton University),
Wojciech Matusik
Bernd Bickel
(IST Austria)
Both authors contributed substantially to this research.
- Modeling and Rendering Non-Euclidean Spaces approximated with Concatenated Polytopes
Seung-wook Kim,
Jaehyung Doh,
JungHyun Han
(Korea University)
- A Moving Eulerian-Lagrangian Particle Method for Thin Film and Foam Simulation
Yitong Deng,
Mengdi Wang,
Xiangxin Kong,
Shiying Xiong,
Zangyueyang Xian,
Bo Zhu
(Dartmouth College)
- ADOP: Approximate Differentiable One-Pixel Point Rendering
Darius Ruckert,
Linus Franke
Marc Stamminger
(Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg)
- Analytically Integratable Zero-restlength Springs for Capturing Dynamic Modes unrepresented by Quasistatic Neural Networks
Yongxu Jin
(Stanford University and Epic Games),
Yushan Han
(UCLA and Epic Games),
Zhenglin Geng
(Epic Games),
Joseph Teran
Ronald Fedkiw
(Stanford University)
- Animating Portrait Line Drawings from a Single Face Photo and a Speech Signal
Ran Yi
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University),
Zipeng Ye, Ruoyu Fan, Yezhi Shu,
Yong-Jin Liu
(Tsinghua University),
Yu-Kun Lai,
Paul L. Rosin
(Cardiff University)
- ASSET: Autoregressive Semantic Scene Editing with Transformers at High Resolutions
Difan Liu
(University of Massachusetts Amherst),
Sandesh Shetty,
Tobias Hinz,
Matthew Fisher,
Richard Zhang,
Taesung Park
(Adobe Research),
Evangelos Kalogerakis
(University of Massachusetts Amherst)
- AvatarCLIP: Zero-Shot Text-Driven Generation and Animation of 3D Avatars
Fangzhou Hong*,
Mingyuan Zhang*,
Liang Pan
(Nanyang Technological University),
Zhongang Cai
(Nanyang Technological University / SenseTime Research / Shanghai AI Laboratory),
Lei Yang
(SenseTime Research),
Ziwei Liu
(Nanyang Technological University)
*equal contribution
- DeltaConv: Anisotropic Operators for Geometric Deep Learning on Point Clouds
Ruben Wiersma
(Delft University of Technology),
Ahmad Nasikun
(Delft University of Technology and Universitas Gadjah Mada),
Elmar Eisemann,
Klaus Hildebrandt
(Delft University of Technology)
- Detecting Viewer-Perceived Intended Vector Sketch Connectivity
Jerry Yin*,
Chenxi Liu*,
Rebecca Lin
(University of British Columbia),
Nicholas Vining
(University of British Columbia and NVIDIA),
Helge Rhodin,
Alla Sheffer
(University of British Columbia)
* joint first authors
- Computational Design of High-level Interlocking Puzzles
Rulin Chen
Ziqi Wang
(EPFL and ETH Zurich),
Peng Song
Bernd Bickel
(IST Austria)
- CLIPasso: Semantically-Aware Object Sketching
Yael Vinker
(EPFL and Tel Aviv University),
Ehsan Pajouheshgar,
Jessica Y. Bo,
Roman Bachmann
Amit Bermano,
Daniel Cohen-Or
(Tel Aviv University),
Amir Zamir
Ariel Shamir
(Reichman University)
- Clustered Vector Textures
Peihan Tu
(University of Maryland),
Li-Yi Wei
(Adobe Research),
Matthias Zwicker
(University of Maryland)
- Comparison of single image HDR reconstruction methods — the caveats of quality assessment
Param Hanji,
Rafal K. Mantiuk
(University of Cambridge),
Gabriel Eilertsen,
Saghi Hajisharif,
Jonas Unger
(Linkoping University)
- ComplexGen: CAD Reconstruction by B-Rep Chain Complex Generation
Haoxiang Guo
(Tsinghua University and Microsoft Research Asia),
Shilin Liu
(University of Science and Technology of China and Microsoft Research Asia),
Hao Pan,
Yang Liu,
Xin Tong,
Baining Guo
(Microsoft Research Asia)
- Computational Pattern Making from 3D Garment Models
Nico Pietroni
(University of Technology Sydney),
Corentin Dumery
(ETH Zurich),
Raphael Guenot-Falque,
Mark Liu,
Teresa Vidal-Calleja
(University of Technology Sydney),
Olga Sorkine-Hornung
(ETH Zurich)
- Computing Sparse Integer-Constrained Cones for Conformal Parameterizations

Mo Li*,
Qing Fang*,
Wenqing Ouyang,
Ligang Liu,
Xiao-Ming Fu
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Covector Fluids
Mohammad Sina Nabizadeh,
Stephanie Wang,
Ravi Ramamoorthi,
Albert Chern
(University of California, San Diego)
- Dark Stereo: Improving Depth Perception Under Low Luminance
Krzysztof Wolski
(MPI Informatik),
Fangcheng Zhong
(University of Cambridge),
Karol Myszkowski,
(MPI Informatik),
Rafal K. Mantiuk
(University of Cambridge)
- DCT-Net: Domain-calibrated Translation for Portrait Stylization

Yifang Men, Yuan Yao, Miaomiao Cui, Zhouhui Lian,
Zhouhui Lian
(Peking University),
Xuansong Xie
- Deep Deformable 3D Caricatures with Learned Shape Control

Yucheol Jung,
Wonjong Jang, Soongjin Kim
Jiaolong Yang,
Xin Tong
(Microsoft Research Asia),
Seungyong Lee
- Single-View View Synthesis in the Wild with Learned Adaptive Multiplane Images
Yuxuan Han
(Tsinghua Unviersity),
Ruicheng Wang
(University of Science and Technology of China),
Jiaolong Yang
(Microsoft Research Asia)
- DEF: Deep Estimation of Sharp Geometric Features in 3D Shapes
Albert Matveev, Ruslan Rakhimov, Alexey Artemov, Gleb Bobrovskikh, Vage Egiazarian, Emil Bogomolov
Daniele Panozzo,
Denis Zorin
(New York University),
Evgeny Burnaev
(Skoltech and AIRI)
- Disentangling Random and Cyclic Effects in Time-Lapse Sequences
Erik Harkonen,
Miika Aittala,
Tuomas Kynkaanniemi
(Aalto University),
Samuli Laine,
Timo Aila,
Jaakko Lehtinen
(Aalto University amd NVIDIA)
- Domain Enhanced Arbitrary Image Style Transfer via Contrastive Learning
Yuxin Zhang
(NLPR, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and UCAS),
Fan Tang
(School of AI, Jilin University),
Weiming Dong
(NLPR, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and UCAS),
Haibin Huang
(Kuaishou Technology),
Chongyang Ma
(Kwai Inc.),
Tong-Yee Lee
(National Cheng-Kung University),
Changsheng Xu
(NLPR, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and UCAS)
- Efficient Kinetic Simulation of Two-Phase Flows
Wei Li
Yihui Ma,
Xiaopei Liu
(ShanghaiTech University),
Mathieu Desbrun
(Inria and Ecole Polytechnique)
- Go Green: General Regularized Green’s Functions for Elasticity
Jiong Chen
(Telecom Paris),
Mathieu Desbrun
(Inria and Ecole Polytechnique)
- TopoCut: Fast and Robust Planar Cutting of Arbitrary Domains
Xianzhong Fang
(Ningbo University and Zhejiang University),
Mathieu Desbrun
(Inria and Ecole Polytechnique),
Hujun Bao,
Jin Huang
(Zhejiang University)
- EyeNeRF: A Hybrid Representation for Photorealistic Synthesis Animation and Relighting of Human Eyes
Gengyan Li
(ETH Zurich and Google),
Abhimitra Meka, Franziska Mueller
Marcel Buehler,
Otmar Hilliges
(ETH Zurich),
Thabo Beeler
- Fast Evaluation of Smooth Distance Constraints on Co-Dimensional Geometry
Abhishek Madan,
David I.W. Levin
(University of Toronto)
- Generative GaitNet
Jungnam Park,
Sehee Min,
Phil Sik Chang,
Jaedong Lee
(Seoul National University),
Moon Seok Park
(Seoul National University Bundang Hospital),
Jehee Lee
(NCsoft and Seoul National University)
- Grid-Free Monte Carlo for PDEs with Spatially Varying Coefficients
Rohan Sawhney
(Carnegie Mellon University),
Dario Seyb,
Wojciech Jarosz
(Dartmouth College)
Keenan Crane
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- Guided Bubbles and Wet Foam for Realistic Whitewater Simulation

Joel Wretborn,
Sean Flynn
(Weta Digital),
Alexey Stomakhin
(Unity and Weta Digital)
- Loki: A Unified Multiphysics Simulation Framework for Production

Steve Lesser
(Weta Digital),
Alexey Stomakhin
(Unity and Weta Digital),
Gilles Daviet, Joel Wretborn, John Edholm, Noh-hoon Lee, Eston Schweickart, Xiao Zhai, Sean Flynn, Andrew Moffat
(Weta Digital)
- GWA: A Large Geometric-Wave Acoustic Dataset for Audio Deep Learning
Zhenyu Tang,
Rohith Aralikatti,
Anton Ratnarajah,
Dinesh Manocha
(University of Maryland)
- High Dynamic Range and Super-Resolution From Raw Image Bursts

Bruno Lecouat,
Thomas Eboli,
Jean Ponce,
Julien Mairal
- Holographic Glasses for Virtual Reality
Jonghyun Kim
Manu Gopakumar,
Suyeon Choi,
Yifan Peng
(Stanford University),
Ward Lopes
Gordon Wetzstein
(Stanford University)
- ImLoveNet Misaligned Image-supported Registration Network for Low-overlap Point Cloud Pairs

Honghua Chen, Zeyong Wei, Yabin Xu, Mingqiang Wei, Jun Wang
(Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
- Implicit Neural Representation for Physics-driven Actuated Soft Bodies

Lingchen Yang,
Byungsoo Kim,
Gaspard Zoss,
Baran Gozcu,
Markus Gross,
Barbara Solenthaler
(ETH Zurich)
- Learning Smooth Neural Functions via Lipschitz Regularization
Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu
(University of Toronto),
Francis Williams
Alec Jacobson
(Adobe Research and University of Toronto),
Sanja Fidler
(NVIDIA and University of Toronto),
Or Litany
- Learning to Brachiate via Simplified Model Imitation
Daniele Reda*,
Hung Yu Ling*,
Michiel van de Panne
(University of British Columbia)
* indicates equal contribution.
- Learning to Use Chopsticks in Diverse Gripping Styles

Zeshi Yang,
KangKang Yin
(Simon Fraser University),
Libin Liu
(Peking University)
- Low-poly Mesh Generation for Building Models

Xifeng Gao,
Kui Wu,
Zherong Pan
(Lightspeed & Quantum Studios at Tencent America)
- Mixed Integer Neural Inverse Design
Navid Ansari,
Hans-Peter Seidel,
Vahid Babaei
(MPI Informatik)
- Mobius Convolutions for Spherical CNNs
Thomas W. Mitchel
(Johns Hopkins University),
Noam Aigerman,
Vladimir Kim
(Adobe Research),
Michael Kazhdan
(Johns Hopkins University)
- NeROIC: Neural Rendering of Objects from Online Image Collections
Zhengfei Kuang
(University of Southern California),
Kyle Olszewski,
Menglei Chai,
Zeng Huang,
Panos Achlioptas,
Sergey Tulyakov
(Snap Inc.)
- NeuralPassthrough: Learned Real-Time View Synthesis for VR
Salah Nouri, Joel Hegland, Alberto Garcia Garcia, Douglas Lanman,
Lei Xiao
(Meta Reality Labs Research)
- SNeRF: Stylized Neural Implicit Representations for 3D Scenes
Thu Nguyen-Phuoc, Feng Liu,
Lei Xiao
(Meta Reality Labs Research)
- NeuralSound: Learning-based Modal Sound Synthesis with Acoustic Transfer
Xutong Jin,
Sheng Li,
Guoping Wang
(Peking University),
Dinesh Manocha
(University of Maryland)
- NeuralTailor: Reconstructing Sewing Pattern Structures from 3D Point Clouds of Garments
Maria Korosteleva,
Sung-Hee Lee
(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
- Novel View Synthesis of Human Interactions From Sparse Multi-view Videos

Qing Shuai, Chen Geng,
Qi Fang,
Sida Peng, Wenhao Shen,
Xiaowei Zhou,
Hujun Bao
(Zhejiang University)
- QuickPose: Real-time Multi-view Multi-person Pose Estimation in Crowded Scenes
Zhize Zhou, Qing Shuai, Yize Wang,
Qi Fang,
Xiaopeng Ji, Fashuai Li,
Hujun Bao,
Xiaowei Zhou
(Zhejiang University)
- Palette: Image-to-Image Diffusion Models
Chitwan Saharia,
William Chan
Huiwen Chang,
Chris A. Lee,
Jonathan Ho,
Tim Salimans,
David Fleet
Mohammad Norouzi
- Photo-to-Shape Material Transfer for Diverse Structures
Ruizhen Hu,
Xiangyu Su, Xiangkai Chen
(Shenzhen University),
Oliver Van Kaick
(Carleton University),
Hui Huang
(Shenzhen University)
- Physics Informed Neural Fields for Smoke Reconstruction with Sparse Data
Mengyu Chu,
Lingjie Liu
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics),
Quan Zheng
(Chinese Academy of Sciences),
Erik Franz
(Technical University of Munich),
Hans-Peter Seidel,
Christian Theobalt,
Rhaleb Zayer
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics)
- Procedural Texturing of Solid Wood with Knots
Maria Larsson
(The University of Tokyo),
Takashi Ijiri
(Shibaura Institute of Technology),
Hironori Yoshida
(Future University Hakodate),
Johannes A. J. Huber,
Magnus Fredriksson,
Olof Broman
(Lulea University of Technology),
Takeo Igarashi
(The University of Tokyo)
- R2E2: Low-Latency Path Tracing of Terabyte-Scale Scenes using Thousands of Cloud CPUs
Sadjad Fouladi,
Brennan Shacklett,
Fait Poms,
Arjun Arora,
Alex Ozdemir,
Deepti Raghavan,
Pat Hanrahan,
Kayvon Fatahalian,
Keith Winstein
(Stanford University)
- Random Walks for Adversarial Meshes
Amir Belder,
Gal Yefet,
Ran Ben Izhak,
Ayellet Tal
(Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
- Reconstructing translucent objects using differentiable rendering
Xi Deng
(Cornell University),
Fujun Luan
(Adobe Research),
Bruce Walter,
Kavita Bala,
Steve Marschner
(Cornell University)
- Rendering Neural Materials on Curved Surfaces
Alexandr Kuznetsov,
Xuezheng Wang
(University of California, San Diego),
Krishna Mullia,
Fujun Luan
(Adobe Research),
Zexiang Xu,
Milos Hasan
(Adobe Research),
Ravi Ramamoorthi
(University of California, San Diego)
- Rendering Iridescent Rock Dove Neck Feathers
Weizhen Huang,
Sebastian Merzbach,
Clara Callenberg
(University of Bonn),
Doekele G. Stavenga
(University of Groningen),
Matthias B. Hullin
(University of Bonn)
- Robust Computation of Implicit Surface Networks for Piecewise Linear Functions
Xingyi Du
(Washington University in St. Louis),
Qingnan Zhou,
Nathan Carr
(Adobe Research),
Tao Ju
(Washington University in St. Louis)
- Scalable Neural Indoor Scene Rendering
Xiuchao Wu*,
Jiamin Xu*,
Zihan Zhu,
Hujun Bao
(Zhejiang University),
Qixing Huang
(University of Texas at Austin),
James Tompkin
(Brown University),
Weiwei Xu
(Zhejiang University)
*joint first authors
- Self-Conditioned Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Editing
Yunzhe Liu
(Peking University),
Rinon Gal,
Amit Bermano
(Tel Aviv University),
Baoquan Chen
(Peking University),
Daniel Cohen-Or
(Tel Aviv University)
- Self-Distilled StyleGAN: Towards Generation from Internet Photos
Ron Mokady
(Google Research and Tel Aviv University),
Michal Yarom,
Omer Tov,
Oran Lang
(Google Research),
Daniel Cohen-Or
(Tel Aviv University),
Tali Dekel,
Michal Irani
(Google Research and Weizmann Institute of Science),
Inbar Mosseri
(Google Research)
- Self-Supervised Post-Correction for Monte Carlo Denoising
Jonghee Back
(Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology),
Binh-Son Hua
Toshiya Hachisuka
(University of Waterloo),
Bochang Moon
(Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology)
- Semantically Supervised Appearance Decomposition for Virtual Staging from a Single Panorama
Tiancheng Zhi,
Bowei Chen
(Carnegie Mellon University),
Ivaylo Boyadzhiev,
Sing Bing Kang
Martial Hebert,
Srinivasa G. Narasimhan
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- Simulation and Optimization of Magnetoelastic Thin Shells
Xuwen Chen,
Xingyu Ni
(Peking University),
Bo Zhu
(Dartmouth College),
Bin Wang
(Beijing Institute for General Artificial Intelligence),
Baoquan Chen
(Peking University)
- Sketch2Pose: Estimating a 3D Character Pose from a Bitmap Sketch
Kirill Brodt ,
Mikhail Bessmeltsev
(Universite de Montreal)
- SPAGHETTI: Editing Implicit Shapes Through Part Aware Generation
Amir Hertz
(Tel Aviv University),
Or Perel
(Tel Aviv University and NVIDIA),
Raja Giryes
(Tel Aviv University),
Olga Sorkine-Hornung
(ETH Zurich),
Daniel Cohen-Or
(Tel Aviv University)
- Spelunking the Deep: Guaranteed Queries on General Neural Implicit Surfaces via Range Analysis
Nicholas Sharp
(University of Toronto),
Alec Jacobson
(Adobe Research and University of Toronto)
- Stability-Aware Simplification of Curve Networks
William Neveu,
Ivan Puhachov
(Universite de Montreal),
Bernard Thomaszewski
(ETH Zurich),
Mikhail Bessmeltsev
(Universite de Montreal)
- stelaCSF - A Unified Model of Contrast Sensitivity as the Function of Spatio-Temporal Frequency, Eccentricity, Luminance and Area
Rafal K. Mantiuk
(University of Cambridge),
Maliha Ashraf
(University of Liverpool),
Alexandre Chapiro
(Meta Reality Labs Research)
- Symmetry-driven 3D Reconstruction From Concept Sketches
Felix Hahnlein
Yulia Gryaditskaya
Alla Sheffer
(University of British Columbia),
Adrien Bousseau
- Time-multiplexed Neural Holography: A flexible framework for holographic near-eye displays with fast heavily-quantized spatial light modulators
Suyeon Choi*,
Manu Gopakumar*,
Yifan Peng
(Stanford University),
Jonghyun Kim
(NVIDIA and Stanford University),
Matthew P. O'Toole
(Carnegie Mellon University),
Gordon Wetzstein
(Stanford University)
* Authors contributed equally
- Unsupervised Kinematic Motion Detection for Part-segmented 3D Shape Collections
Xianghao Xu, Yifan Ruan,
Srinath Sridhar,
Daniel Ritchie
(Brown University)
- Variational Quadratic Shape Functions for Polygons and Polyhedra
Astrid Bunge
(TU Dortmund University),
Philipp Herholz,
Olga Sorkine-Hornung
(ETH Zurich),
Mario Botsch
(TU Dortmund University),
Michael Kazhdan
(Johns Hopkins University)
- Volume Parametrization Quantization for Hexahedral Meshing
Hendrik Bruckler
(Osnabruck University),
David Bommes
(University of Bern),
Marcel Campen
(Osnabruck University)
- VoLux-GAN: A Generative Model for 3D Face Synthesis with HDRI Relighting
Feitong Tan
(Google and Simon Fraser University),
Sean Fanello,
Abhimitra Meka,
Sergio Orts-Escolano,
Danhang Tang,
Rohit Pandey,
Jonathan Taylor
Ping Tan
(Simon Fraser University),
Yinda Zhang
- Accommodative Holography: Improving Accommodation Response for Perceptually Realistic Holographic Displays
Dongyeon Kim*,
Seung-Woo Nam*, Byounghyo Lee, Jong-Mo Seo,
Byoungho Lee
(Seoul National University)
* Authors contributed equally
- SPCBPT: Subspace-based Probabilistic Connections for Bidirectional Path Tracing
Fujia Su,
Sheng Li,
Guoping Wang
(Peking University)
- Dynamic Optimal Space Partitioning for Redirected Walking in Multi-user Environment
Sang-Bin Jeon,
Soon-Uk Kwon,
June-Young Hwang,
Yong-Hun Cho,
Hayeon Kim,
Jinhyung Park,
In-Kwon Lee
(Yonsei University)
- WallPlan: Synthesizing Floorplans by Learning to Generate Wall Graphs
Jiahui Sun,
Wenming Wu
(Hefei University of Technology),
Ligang Liu
(University of Science and Technology of China),
Wenjie Min, Gaofeng Zhang,
Liping Zheng
(Hefei University of Technology)
- EMBER: Exact Mesh Booleans via Efficient and Robust Local Arrangements
Philip Trettner
(Shaped Code GmbH),
Julius Nehring-Wirxel,
Leif Kobbelt
(RWTH Aachen University)
- A GPU-Based Multilevel Additive Schwarz Preconditioner for Cloth and Deformable Body Simulation
Botao Wu, Zhendong Wang,
Huamin Wang
(Style3D - 3D Fashion Design Software and Cloud)
- CCP: Configurable Crowd Profiles
Andreas Panayiotou,
Theodoros Kyriakou
(CYENS - Centre of Excellence),
Marilena Lemonari
(University of Cyprus),
Yiorgos Chrysanthou
(CYENS - Centre of Excellence and University of Cyprus),
Panayiotis Charalambous
(CYENS - Centre of Excellence)
- Interactive Augmented Reality Storytelling Guided by Scene Semantics
Changyang Li
(George Mason University),
Wanwan Li
(George Mason University and University of South Florida),
Haikun Huang,
Lap-Fai Yu
(George Mason University)
- Iterative Poisson Surface Reconstruction (iPSR) for Unoriented Points

Fei Hou
(Chinese Academy of Sciences),
Chiyu Wang, Wencheng Wang
Hong Qin
(State University of New York at Stony Brook),
Chen Qian
Ying He
(Nanyang Technological University)
- Optimal Dual Schemes for Adaptive Grid Based Hexmeshing
Marco Livesu
Luca Pitzalis
(University of Cagliari and CRS4),
Gianmarco Cherchi
(University of Cagliari)
- Co-Optimization of Design and Fabrication Plans for Carpentry
Haisen Zhao
(University of Washington and Shandong University),
Max Willsey,
Amy Zhu,
Chandrakana Nandi,
Zachary Tatlock
(University of Washington),
Justin Solomon
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),
Adriana Schulz
(University of Washington)
- Computational Design of Knit Templates

Ben Jones,
Yuxuan Mei,
Haisen Zhao,
Taylor Gotfrid,
Jennifer Mankoff,
Adriana Schulz
(University of Washington)
- Stroke Transfer: Example-based Synthesis of Animatable Stroke Styles
Hideki Todo*,
Kunihiko Kobayashi*,
Jin Katsuragi,
Haruna Shimotahira
(Aoyama Gakuin University),
Shizuo Kaji
(Kyushu University),
Yonghao Yue
(Aoyama Gakuin University)
* Authors contributed equally.
- Adaptive Rigidification of Elastic Solids
Alexandre Mercier-Aubin,
Paul G. Kry,
Alexander Winter
(McGill University),
David I.W. Levin
(University of Toronto)
- Developability-Driven Piecewise Approximations for Triangular Meshes
Mo Li, Qing Fang,
Wenqing Ouyang,
Ligang Liu,
Xiao-Ming Fu
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Computational Mirror Cup and Saucer Art
Kang Wu, Renjie Chen,
Xiao-Ming Fu,
Ligang Liu
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Physics-based Character Controllers Using Conditional VAEs
Jungdam Won,
Deepak Gopinath
(Meta AI),
Jessica Hodgins
(Meta AI and Carnegie Mellon University)
- A Motion Matching-based Framework for Controllable Gesture Synthesis from Speech
Ikhsanul Habibie
Mohamed Elgharib,
Kripashindu Sarkar
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics),
Ahsan Abdullah,
Simbarashe Nyatsanga,
Michael Neff
(UC Davis),
Christian Theobalt
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics)
- Authentic Volumetric Avatars From a Phone Scan
Chen Cao,
Tomas Simon, Jin Kyu Kim, Gabe Schwartz,
Michael Zollhoefer, Shunsuke Saito,
Stephen Lombardi, Shih-en Wei,
Danielle Belko, Shoou-i Yu, Yaser Sheikh, Jason Saragih
(Reality Labs)
- Deep Compliant Control
Seunghwan Lee, Phil Sik Chang
(Seoul National University),
Jehee Lee
(NCsoft and Seoul National University)
- EAMM: One-Shot Emotional Talking Face via Audio-Based Emotion-Aware Motion Model
Xinya Ji
(Nanjing University),
Hang Zhou
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong),
Kaisiyuan Wang
(University of Sydney),
Qianyi Wu
(Monash University),
Wayne Wu
(SenseTime Research),
Feng Xu
(BNRist and School of Software, Tsinghua University),
Xun Cao
(Nanjing University)
- Neural 3D Reconstruction in the Wild
Jiaming Sun
(Image Derivative Inc.),
Xi Chen
(Zhejiang University),
Qianqian Wang,
Zhengqi Li,
Hadar Averbuch-Elor
(Cornell Tech and Cornell University),
Xiaowei Zhou
(Zhejiang University),
Noah Snavely
(Cornell Tech and Cornell University)
- Text2Human: Text-Driven Controllable Human Image Generation
Yuming Jiang,
Shuai Yang,
Haonan Qiu
(Nanyang Technological University),
Wayne Wu
(SenseTime Research),
Chen Change Loy,
Ziwei Liu
(Nanyang Technological University)
- Node Graph Optimization Using Differentiable Proxies
Yiwei Hu
(Yale University),
Paul Guerrero,
Milos Hasan
(Adobe Research),
Holly Rushmeier
(Yale University),
Valentin Deschaintre
(Adobe Research)
- Alpha Functions - Piecewise-linear Approximation from Noisy and Hermite Data
Marc Alexa
(TU Berlin)
- Neural Shadow Mapping
Sayantan Datta,
Derek Nowrouzezahrai
(McGill University),
Christoph Schied,
Zhao Dong
(Meta Reality Labs)
- VEMPIC: Particle-in-Polyhedron Fluid Simulation for Intricate Solid Boundaries
Michael Tao
(University of Toronto),
Christopher Batty
(University of Waterloo),
Mirela Ben-Chen
(Technion - Israel Institute of Technology),
Eugene Fiume
(Simon Fraser University),
David Levin
(University of Toronto)
- True Seams: Modeling Seams in Digital Garments
Alejandro Rodriguez,
Gabriel Cirio
- Rapid design of articulated objects
Joon Hyub Lee,
Hanbit Kim,
Seok-Hyung Bae
- Aδ: Autodiff for Discontinuous Programs – Applied to Shaders
Yuting Yang
(Princeton University,),
Connelly Barnes,
Andrew Adams
(Adobe Research),
Adam Finkelstein
(Princeton University,)
- Alpha Wrapping with an Offset
Cedric Portaneri
Mael Rouxel-Labbe
Michael Hemmer
David Cohen-Steiner,
Pierre Alliez
- Compatible Intrinsic Triangulations
Kenshi Takayama
(National Institute of Informatics and CyberAgent)
- DeepPhase: Periodic Autoencoders for Learning Motion Phase Manifolds
Sebastian Starke
(Electronic Arts and The University of Edinburgh),
Ian Mason
(The University of Edinburgh),
Taku Komura
(The University of Hong Kong)
- Learning Soccer Juggling Skills with Layer-wise Mixture-of-Experts
Zhaoming Xie
(University of British Columbia and Electronic Arts),
Sebastian Starke
(The University of Edinburgh and Electronic Arts),
Hung Yu Ling,
Michiel van de Panne
(University of British Columbia)
- Perceptual Requirements for Eye-Tracked Distortion Correction in VR
Phillip Guan,
Olivier Mercier,
Michael Shvartsman,
Douglas Lanman
(Reality Labs Research, Meta)
- Piecewise-Smooth Surface Fitting onto Unstructured 3D Sketches
Emilie Yu
(Inria and Universite Cote d'Azur),
Rahul Arora
(University of Toronto,),
J. Andreas Bærentzen
(Technical University of Denmark),
Karan Singh
(University of Toronto,),
Adrien Bousseau
(Inria and Universite Cote d'Azur)
- Which Cross Fields Can Be Quadrangulated?
Hanxiao Shen, Leyi Zhu, Ryan Capouellez,
Daniele Panozzo
(New York University),
Marcel Campen
(Osnabruck University),
Denis Zorin
(New York University)
- Unified Many Worlds Browsing of Arbitrary Physics-Based Animations
Purvi Goel,
Doug L. James
(Stanford University)
- Drivable Volumetric Avatars using Texel-Aligned Features
Edoardo Remelli, Timur Bagautdinov, Shunsuke Saito, Tomas Simon, Chenglei Wu, Shih-En Wei, Kaiwen Guo, Zhe Cao, Fabian Prada, Jason Saragih,
Yaser Sheikh
(Meta Reality Labs)
- Facial Hair Tracking for High Fidelity Performance Capture
Sebastian Winberg
(Disney Research Studios and ETH Zurich),
Gaspard Zoss,
Prashanth Chandran
(Disney Research Studios and ETH Joint PhD),
Paulo Gotardo,
Derek Bradley
(Disney Research Studios)
- Local Anatomically - Constrained Facial Performance Retargeting
Prashanth Chandran
(Disney Research Studios and ETH Joint PhD),
Loic Ciccone
(Disney Research Studios),
Markus Gross
(Disney Research Studios and ETH Zurich),
Derek Bradley
(Disney Research Studios)
- MoRF: Morphable Radiance Fields for Multiview Neural Head Modeling
Daoye Wang
(ETH Zurich),
Prashanth Chandran,
Gaspard Zoss
(Disney Research Studios and ETH Joint PhD),
Derek Bradley,
Paulo Gotardo
(Disney Research Studios)
- Blending Camera and 77 GHz Radar Sensing for Equitable, Robust Plethysmography
Alexander Vilesov,
Pradyumna Chari,
Adnan Armouti,
Anirudh B. Harish,
Kimaya Kulkarni,
Ananya Deoghare,
Laleh Jalilian,
Achuta Kadambi
(University of California Los Angeles)
- Rewriting Geometric Rules of a GAN
Sheng-Yu Wang
(Carnegie Mellon University),
David Bau
(Northeastern University),
Jun-Yan Zhu
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- Adjoint Nonlinear Ray Tracing

Arjun Teh,
Matthew O'Toole,
Ioannis Gkioulekas
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- Computational Design of Passive Grippers

Milin Kodnongbua,
Ian Good,
Yu Lou,
Jeffrey Lipton,
Adriana Schulz
(University of Washington)
- Face Extrusion Quad Meshes

Karran Pandey
(University of Toronto),
Jakob Andreas Baerentzen
(Technical University of Denmark),
Karan Singh
(University of Toronto)
- Perception of Letter Glyph Parameters for Infotypography

Johannes Lang
(Languste fonts and University of Applied Arts Vienna),
Miguel Nacenta
(University of Victoria)
- Shape dithering for 3D printing

Mostafa Morsy Abdelkader Morsy
(Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphic Research IGD and Technical University Darmstadt),
Alan Brunton
(Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphic Research IGD),
Philipp Urban
(Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphic Research IGD and Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

