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ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) Volume 42, Issue 4 (July 2023) Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2023
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Yang Zhou
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Yijun Li,
Jingwan Lu
(Adobe Research),
Jun-Yan Zhu
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Rinon Gal
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Weiqiang Wang
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences),
Jiaxu Leng,
Xinbo Gao
(Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications)
- A Method for Animating Children's Drawings of the Human Figure
Harrison Jesse Smith
(Meta AI Research),
Qingyuan Zheng
(Tencent America),
Yifei Li
Somya Jain
(Meta AI Research),
Jessica Hodgins
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- VideoDoodles: Hand-drawn Animations on Videos With Scene-aware Canvases
Emilie Yu
(Centre Inria d’Universite Cote d’Azur),
Kevin Matzen,
Cuong Nguyen,
Oliver Wang,
Rubaiat Habib Kazi
Adrien Bousseau
(Centre Inria d’Universite Cote d’Azur and TU Delft)
- StripMaker: Perception-driven Learned Vector Sketch Consolidation
Chenxi Liu
(University of British Columbia),
Toshiki Aoki
(The University of Tokyo),
Mikhail Bessmeltsev
(Universite de Montreal)
Alla Sheffer
(University of British Columbia)
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Chang Wook Seo,
Amirsaman Ashtari,
Junyong Noh
- AniFaceDrawing: Anime Portrait Exploration during Your Sketching
Zhengyu Huang,
Haoran Xie
Tsukasa Fukusato
(Waseda University),
Kazunori Miyata
Procedural Modeling
- Rhizomorph: The Coordinated Function of Shoots and Roots
Bosheng Li
(Purdue University),
Jonathan Klein,
Dominik L. Michels
Bedrich Benes
(Purdue University),
Soren Pirk
(Adobe Research),
Wojtek Palubicki
(Adam Mickiewicz University)
- Example-based Procedural Modeling Using Graph Grammars
Paul Merrell
(Independent researcher)
- Large-scale Terrain Authoring Through Interactive Erosion Simulation
Hugo Schott,
Axel Paris,
Lucie Fournier,
Eric Guerin,
Eric Galin
(Univ Lyon / INSA Lyon / CNRS / UCBL / LIRIS / UMR5205)
- Forming Terrains by Glacial Erosion
Guillaume Cordonnier
(Inria and Universite Cote d’Azur),
Guillaume Jouvet
(University of Lausanne),
Adrien Peytavie
(Univ Lyon / INSA Lyon / CNRS / UCBL / LIRIS / UMR5205),
Jean Braun
(Helmholtz Centre Potsdam and University of Potsdam),
Marie-Paule Cani
(Ecole Polytechnique),
Bedrich Benes
(Purdue University),
Eric Galin,
Eric Guerin
(Univ Lyon / INSA Lyon / CNRS / UCBL / LIRIS / UMR5205),
James Gain
(University of Cape Town)
- Procedural Metamaterials: A Unified Procedural Graph for Metamaterial Design
Liane Makatura*,
Bohan Wang*
Yi-Lu Chen
(IST Austria),
Bolei Deng
Chris Wojtan
Bernd Bickel,
(IST Austria),
Wojciech Matusik
* joint first authors
- UrbanBIS: A Large-scale Benchmark for Fine-grained Urban Building Instance Segmentation
Guoqing Yang,
Fuyou Xue,
Qi Zhang,
Ke Xie
(Shenzhen University),
Chi-Wing Fu
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong),
Hui Huang
(Shenzhen University)
XR Displays and Perception: Seeing What's in Front of Your Eyes
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Yingsi Qin,
Wei-Yu Chen,
Matthew O'Toole,
Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan
(Carnegie Mellon University)
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Avi M. Aizenman
(University of California, Berkeley),
George A. Koulieris
(Durham University),
Agostino Gibaldi,
Vibhor Sehgal,
Dennis M. Levi,
Martin S. Banks
(University of California, Berkeley)
- Etendue Expansion in Holographic Near Eye Displays Through Sparse Eye-box Generation Using Lens Array Eyepiece
Minseok Chae,
Kiseung Bang,
Dongheon Yoo,
Yoonchan Jeong
(Seoul National University)
- OpenMPD: A Low-level Presentation Engine for Multimodal Particle-based Displays
Roberto Montano Murillo,
Ryuji Hirayama,
Diego Martinez Plasencia
(University College London)
- Perceptual Visibility Model for Temporal Contrast Changes in Periphery
Cara Tursun
(Universita della Svizzera italiana and University of Groningen),
Piotr Didyk
(Universita della Svizzera italiana)
- Perspective-correct VR Passthrough Without Reprojection
Grace Kuo
Eric Penner
Seth Moczydlowski
Alex Ching
Douglas Lanman
Nathan Matsuda
Contours, Conformality, Coarsening, and Coordinates
- ConTesse: Accurate Occluding Contours for Subdivision Surfaces
Chenxi Liu
(University of British Columbia),
Pierre Benard
(University of Bordeaux / CNRS / Bordeaux INP / INRIA / LaBRI),
Aaron Hertzmann
(Adobe Research),
Shayan Hoshyari
- Differential Operators on Sketches via Alpha Contours
Mariia Myronova,
William Neveu,
Mikhail Bessmeltsev
(Universite de Montreal)
- Min-Deviation-Flow in Bi-directed Graphs for T-Mesh Quantization
Martin Heistermann
(University of Bern),
Jethro Warnett
(University of Oxford),
David Bommes
(University of Bern)
- Efficient Embeddings in Exact Arithmetic
Ugo Finnendahl
Dimitrios Bogiokas
Pablo Robles Cervantes
Marc Alexa
- Spectral Coarsening using Hodge Laplacians
Alexandros Keros,
Kartic Subr
(The University of Edinburgh)
- Polynomial 2D Green Coordinates for Polygonal Cages
Elie Michel,
Jean-Marc Thiery
(Adobe Research)
Fabricating Appearance
- Scratch-based Reflection Art via Differentiable Rendering
Pengfei Shen*,
Ruizeng Li*
(University of Science and Technology of China),
Beibei Wang
(Nankai University and Nanjing University of Science and Technology),
Ligang Liu
(University of Science and Technology of China)
(* Joint first authors)
- Meso-facets for Goniochromatic 3D Printing
Lubna Abu Rmaileh
Alan Brunton
- Skin-Screen: A Computational Fabrication Framework for Color Tattoos
Michal Piovarci
(IST Austria),
Alexandre Chapiro
Bernd Bickel
(IST Austria)
- Orientable Dense Cyclic Infill for Anisotropic Appearance Fabrication
Xavier Chermain,
Cedric Zanni,
Jonas Martínez,
Pierre-Alexandre Hugron,
Sylvain Lefebvre
(Universite de Lorraine / CNRS / Inria)
- Stealth Shaper: Reflectivity Optimization as Surface Stylization
Kenji Tojo
(The University of Tokyo),
Ariel Shamir
(Reichman University),
Bernd Bickel
(IST Austria),
Nobuyuki Umetani
(The University of Tokyo)
- Gloss-aware Color Correction for 3D Printing
Jorge Condor
(Universita della Svizzera italiana),
Michal Piovarci,
Bernd Bickel
(IST Austria),
Piotr Didyk
(Universita della Svizzera italiana)
Inverse Rendering: Does Anybody Know How I Got Here?
- Recursive Control Variates for Inverse Rendering
Baptiste Nicolet
Fabrice Rousselle,
Jan Novak,
Alexander Keller
Wenzel Jakob
Thomas Muller
- Film Grain Rendering and Parameter Estimation
kaixuan zhang
Jingxian Wang
Daizong Tian
Thrasyvoulos Pappas
- Revisiting Controlled Mixture Sampling for Rendering Applications
Qingqin Hua,
Pascal Grittmann
(Saarland University),
Philipp Slusallek
(Saarland University and DFKI)
- Inverse Global Illumination using a Neural Radiometric Prior
Saeed Hadadan
(University of Maryland, College Park and NVIDIA),
Geng Lin
(University of Maryland, College Park),
Jan Novak,
Fabrice Rousselle
Matthias Zwicker
(University of Maryland, College Park)
- Parameter-space ReSTIR for Differentiable and Inverse Rendering
Wesley Chang,
Venkataram Sivaram
(UC San Diego),
Derek Nowrouzezahrai
(McGill University),
Toshiya Hachisuka
(University of Waterloo),
Ravi Ramamoorthi,
Tzu-Mao Li
(UC San Diego)
- Differentiable Heightfield Path Tracing with Accelerated Discontinuities
Xiaochun Tong
(University of Waterloo),
Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu
(Roblox Research),
Yotam Gingold
(George Mason University),
Alec Jacobson
(University of Toronto and Adobe Research)
Full-Body XR: Beyond The Headset
- EgoLocate: Real-time Motion Capture, Localization, and Mapping With Sparse Body-mounted Sensors
Xinyu Yi
(Tsinghua University),
Yuxiao Zhou
(ETH Zurich),
Marc Habermann,
Vladislav Golyanik
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics),
Shaohua Pan
(Tsinghua University),
Christian Theobalt
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics),
Feng Xu
(Tsinghua University)
- Differential Frequency Heterodyne Time-of-flight Imaging for Instantaneous Depth and Velocity Estimation
Yunpu Hu
Masatoshi Ishikawa
Leo Miyashita
- MoireTag: Angular Measurement and Tracking with a Passive Marker
Simeng Qiu,
Hadi Amata,
Wolfgang Heidrich
- Toward Optimized VR/AR Ergonomics: Modeling and Predicting User Neck Muscle Contraction
Yunxiang Zhang,
Kenneth Chen,
Qi Sun
(New York University)
- In the Blink of an Eye: Event-based Emotion Recognition
Haiwei Zhang,
Jiqing Zhang
(Dalian University of Technology),
Bo Dong
(Princeton University),
Pieter Peers
(College of William & Mary),
Wenwei Wu,
Xiaopeng Wei
(Dalian University of Technology),
Felix Heide
(Princeton University),
Xin Yang
(Dalian University of Technology)
- Towards Attention-Aware Foveated Rendering
Brooke Krajancich
(Stanford University),
Petr Kellnhofer
(TU Delft),
Gordon Wetzstein
(Stanford University)
Neural Light Transport
- Deep Appearance Prefiltering
Steve Bako,
Pradeep Sen
(University of California, Santa Barbara),
Anton Kaplanyan
(Facebook Reality Labs)
- Neural Prefiltering for Correlation-aware Levels of Detail
Philippe Weier
(Saarland University),
Tobias Zirr,
Anton Kaplanyan
(Intel Corporation),
Ling-Qi Yan
(University of California, Santa Barbara),
Philipp Slusallek
(Saarland University)
- Neural Parametric Mixtures for Path Guiding
Honghao Dong,
Guoping Wang,
Sheng Li
(Peking University)
- Focal Path Guiding for Light Transport Simulation
Alexander Rath,
Omercan Yazici,
Philipp Slusallek
(Saarland University)
- Progressive Null-tracking for Volumetric Rendering
Zackary Misso
(Dartmouth College),
Yining Karl Li,
Brent Burley,
Daniel Teece
(Walt Disney Animation Studios),
Wojciech Jarosz
(Dartmouth College)
- Denoising-aware Adaptive Sampling for Monte Carlo Ray Tracing
Arthur Firmino
(Luxion and Technical University of Denmark),
Jeppe Revall Frisvad
(Technical University of Denmark),
Henrik Wann Jensen
Thin and Thinner: Modeling Shells and Hair
- Complex Wrinkle Field Evolution
Zhen Chen
(The University of Texas at Austin),
Danny Kaufman
(Adobe Research),
Melina Skouras
(Univ. Grenoble Alpes / Inria / CNRS),
Etienne Vouga
(The University of Texas at Austin)
- Computational Exploration of Multistable Elastic Knots
Vidulis Michele,
Ren Yingying
Julian Panetta
(University of California, Davis),
Eitan Grinspun
(University of Toronto),
Mark Pauly
- Sag-free Initialization for Strand-based Hybrid Hair Simulation
Jerry Hsu
(University of Utah) and LightSpeed Studios),
Tongtong Wang,
Zherong Pan,
Xifeng Gao
(LightSpeed Studios),
Cem Yuksel
(University of Utah and Roblox Research),
Kui Wu
(LightSpeed Studios)
- CT2Hair: High-fidelity 3D Hair Modeling Using Computed Tomography
Yuefan Shen
(Zhejiang University and Meta Reality Labs),
Shunsuke Saito
(Meta Reality Labs),
Ziyan Wang
(Carnegie Mellon University and Meta Reality Labs),
Olivier Maury,
Chenglei Wu
(Meta Reality Labs),
Jessica Hodgins
(Carnegie Mellon University),
Youyi Zheng
(Zhejiang University),
Giljoo Nam
(Meta Reality Labs)
- Interactive Hair Simulation on the GPU Using ADMM
Gilles Daviet
- Multi-layer Thick Shells
Yunuo Chen
Tianyi Xie,
(University of California, Los Angeles),
Cem Yuksel
(University of Utah and Roblox Research),
Danny Kaufman
(Adobe Research),
Yin Yang
(University of Utah),
Chenfanfu Jiang,
Minchen Li
(University of California, Los Angeles)
Cloud Rendering: Your GPU Is Somewhere Else
- Trim Regions for Online Computation of From-Region Potentially Visible Sets
Philip Voglreiter
(Graz University of Technology and VRVis Forschungs GmbH),
Bernhard Kerbl
(TU Wien and Inria, Universite Cote d'Azur),
Alexander Weinrauch,
Joerg Hermann Mueller,
Thomas Neff,
Markus Steinberger,
Dieter Schmalstieg
(Graz University of Technology)
- Potentially Visible Hidden-volume Rendering for Multi-view Warping
Janghun Kim,
Sungkil Lee
(Sungkyunkwan University,)
- Effect-based Multi-viewer Caching for Cloud-native Rendering
Alexander Weinrauch
Wolfgang Tatzgern
Pascal Stadlbauer
Alexis Crickx
Jozef Hladky
Arno Coomans
Martin Winter
Joerg H. Mueller
Markus Steinberger
(Graz University of Technology)
- Random-Access Neural Compression of Material Textures
Karthik Vaidyanathan*,
Marco Salvi*,
Bartlomiej Wronski*,
Tomas Akenine-Moller,
Pontus Ebelin,
Aaron Lefohn
*Equal contributors
- MERF: Memory-Efficient Radiance Fields for Real-time View Synthesis in Unbounded Scenes
Christian Reiser
(Google Research / Tubingen AI Center / University of Tubingen),
Rick Szeliski,
Dor Verbin,
Pratul Srinivasan,
Ben Mildenhall
(Google Research),
Andreas Geiger
(Tubingen AI Center and University of Tubingen),
Jon Barron,
Peter Hedman
(Google Research)
- An Extensible, Data-oriented Architecture for High-performance, Many-world Simulation
Brennan Shacklett,
Luc Guy Rosenzweig,
Zhiqiang Xie
Bidipta Sarkar,
(Stanford University),
Andrew Szot,
Erik Wijmans
(Georgia Institute of Technology),
Vladlen Koltun
Dhruv Batra
Kayvon Fatahalian
(Stanford University)
Diffusion for Geometry
- Locally Attentional SDF Diffusion for Controllable 3D Shape Generation
Xin-Yang Zheng
(Tsinghua University),
Hao Pan
(Microsoft Research Asia),
Peng-Shuai Wang
(Peking University),
Xin Tong,
Yang Liu
(Microsoft Research Asia),
Heung-Yeung Shum
(Tsinghua University and International Digital Economy Academy)
- 3DShape2VecSet: A 3D Shape Representation for Neural Fields and Generative Diffusion Models
Biao Zhang
Jiapeng Tang,
Matthias Niessner
(Technical University of Munich),
Peter Wonka
- Adaptive Local Basis Functions for Shape Completion
Hui Ying,
Tianjia Shao,
He Wang
(Zhejiang University),
Yin Yang
(University of Utah),
Kun Zhou
(Zhejiang University)
- Iterative alpha-(de)Blending: A Minimalist Deterministic Diffusion Model
Eric Heitz
(Unity Technologies),
Laurent Belcour
(Intel Corporation),
Thomas Chambon
(Unity Technologies)
- Modulating Pretrained Diffusion Models for Multimodal Image Synthesis
Cusuh Ham,
James Hays
(Georgia Institute of Technology),
Jingwan Lu,
Krishna Kumar Singh,
Zhifei Zhang,
Tobias Hinz
(Adobe Inc.)
- COFS COntrolable Furniture Layout Synthesis
Wamiq Reyaz Para
Paul Guerrero
(Adobe Research),
Niloy J. Mitra
(Adobe Research and University College London),
Peter Wonka
Pushing the Boundaries
- Coupling Conduction, Convection and Radiative Transfer in a Single Path-Space: Application to Infrared Rendering
Megane Bati,
Stephane Blanco
(Univ. Toulouse),
Christophe Coustet,
Vincent Eymet,
Vincent Forest
Richard Fournier
(Univ. Toulouse),
Jacques Gautrais
(Univ. Toulouse and CNRS),
Nicolas Mellado,
Mathias Paulin
(Univ. Toulouse),
Benjamin Piaud
- Walk on Stars: A Grid-Free Monte Carlo Method for PDEs with Neumann Boundary Conditions
Rohan Sawhney
(Carnegie Mellon University and NVIDIA),
Bailey Miller,
Ioannis Gkioulekas
Keenan Crane
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- A Practical Walk-on-Boundary Method for Boundary Value Problems
Ryusuke Sugimoto,
Terry Chen,
Yiti Jiang,
Christopher Batty,
Toshiya Hachisuka
(University of Waterloo)
- Boundary Value Caching for Walk on Spheres
Bailey Miller
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Rohan Sawhney
(Carnegie Mellon University and NVIDIA),
Keenan Crane,
Ioannis Gkioulekas
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- Generalizing Shallow Water Simulations with Dispersive Surface Waves
Stefan Jeschke
Chris Wojtan
(IST Austria)
- Beyond Chainmail: Computational Modeling of Discrete Interlocking Materials
Pengbin Tang
(Universite de Montreal and ETH Zurich),
Stelian Coros,
Bernhard Thomaszewski
(ETH Zurich)
Character Animation
- Composite Motion Learning With Task Control
Pei Xu
(Clemson University and Roblox),
Xiumin Shang
(University of California, Merced),
Victor Zordan
(Roblox and Clemson University),
Ioannis Karamouzas
(Clemson University)
- Example-based Motion Synthesis via Generative Motion Matching
Weiyu Li
(Shandong University),
Xuelin Chen
(Tencent AI Lab),
Peizhuo Li,
Olga Sorkine-Hornung
(ETH Zurich),
Baoquan Chen
(Peking University)
- Learning Physically Simulated Tennis Skills from Broadcast Videos
Haotian Zhang
(Stanford University),
Ye Yuan,
Viktor Makoviychuk,
Yunrong Guo
Sanja Fidler
(NVIDIA / University of Toronto / Vector Institute),
Xue Bin Peng
(NVIDIA and Simon Fraser University),
Kayvon Fatahalian
(Stanford University)
- DOC: Differentiable Optimal Control for Retargeting Motions Onto Legged Robots
Ruben Grandia
(Disney Research),
Farbod Farshidian
(ETH Zurich),
Espen Knoop,
Christian Schumacher
(Disney Research),
Marco Hutter
(ETH Zurich),
Moritz Bacher
(Disney Research)
- CALM: Conditional Adversarial Latent Models for Directable Virtual Characters
Chen Tessler,
Yoni Kasten,
Yunrong Guo
Shie Mannor
(NVIDIA and Technion - Israel Institute of Technology),
Gal Chechik
(NVIDIA and Bar-Ilan University),
Xue Bin Peng
(NVIDIA and Simon Fraser University)
- RSMT: Real-time Stylized Motion Transition for Characters
Xiangjun Tang,
Linjun Wu
(Zhejiang University),
He Wang
(University of Leeds),
Bo Hu,
Xu Gong,
Yuchen Liao,
Songnan Li,
Qilong Kou
(Tencent Technology Co., Ltd.),
Xiaogang Jin
(Zhejiang University)
Colorful Topics In Imaging
- Image Vectorization and Editing via Linear Gradient Layer Decomposition
Zheng-Jun Du
(Qinghai University and Tsinghua University),
Liang-Fu Kang
(Tsinghua University),
Jianchao Tan
(Kuaishou Technology),
Yotam Gingold
(George Mason University),
Kun Xu
(Tsinghua University)
- ColorfulCurves: Palette-aware Lightness Control and Color Editing via Sparse Optimization
Cheng-Kang (Ted) Chao
(George Mason University),
Jason Klein
(Cornell University),
Jianchao Tan
(Kuaishou Technology),
Jose Echevarria
(Adobe Research),
Yotam Gingold
(George Mason University)
- Seeing Photons in Color
Sizhuo Ma
(University of Wisconsin-Madison and Snap Research),
Varun Sundar
(University of Wisconsin-Madison),
Paul Mos,
Claudio Bruschini,
Edoardo Charbon
Mohit Gupta
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Guided Linear Upsampling
Shuangbing Song,
Fan Zhong,
Tianju Wang,
Xueying Qin,
Changhe Tu
(Shandong University)
- Language-based Photo Color Adjustment for Graphic Designs
Zhenwei Wang
(City University of Hong Kong),
Nanxuan Zhao
(Adobe Research),
Gerhard Hancke,
Rynson W.H. Lau
(City University of Hong Kong)
- Algebraic Smooth Occluding Contours
Ryan Capouellez,
Jiacheng Dai
(New York University),
Aaron Hertzmann
(Adobe Research),
Denis Zorin
(New York University)
Surfaces, Strips, Lights
- Singularity Computation for Rational Parametric Surfaces Using Moving Planes
Xiaohong Jia
(University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences),
Falai Chen
(University of Science and Technology of China),
Shanshan Yao
(Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications)
- Differentiable Stripe Patterns for Inverse Design of Structured Surfaces
Juan Sebastian Montes Maestre,
Yinwei Du,
Ronan Hinchet,
Bernhard Thomaszewski,
Stelian Coros
(ETH Zurich)
- Deployable Strip Structures
Daoming Liu*
Davide Pellis*
Yu-Chou Chiang
(National Chung Hsing University),
Florian Rist
Johannes Wallner
(TU Graz),
Helmut Pottmann
* equally contributing authors
- B-rep Matching for Collaborating Across CAD Systems
Benjamin Jones*,
James Noeckel*,
Milin Kodnongbua*
(University of Washington),
Ilya Baran
(PTC Inc.),
Adriana Schulz
(University of Washington)
* Equal contribution
- ∇-Prox: Differentiable Proximal Algorithm Modeling for Large-scale Optimization
Zeqiang Lai
(Beijing Institute of Technology),
Kaixuan Wei
(McGill University and Princeton University),
Ying Fu
(Beijing Institute of Technology),
Philipp Hartel
(Fraunhofer IEE and University of Kassel),
Felix Heide
(Princeton University)
- Data-driven Digital Lighting Design for Residential Indoor Spaces
Haocheng Ren,
Hangming Fan,
Rui Wang
(Zhejiang University),
Yuchi Huo
(Zhejiang University and Zhejiang Lab),
Rui Tang
(KooLab, Manycore Tech Inc.),
Lei Wang
(RaysEngine Tech Inc.),
Hujun Bao
(Zhejiang University)
Material Rendering
- A Full-wave Reference Simulator for Computing Surface Reflectance
Yunchen Yu
(Cornell University),
Mengqi (Mandy) Xia
Bruce Walter
(Cornell University),
Eric Michielssen
(University of Michigan),
Steve Marschner
(Cornell University)
- Pyramid Texture Filtering
Qing Zhang,
Hao Jiang
(Sun Yat-sen University),
Yongwei Nie
(South China University of Technology),
Wei-Shi Zheng
(Sun Yat-sen University)
- Textured Mesh Quality Assessment: Large-scale Dataset and Deep Learning-based Quality Metric
Yana Nehme,
Johanna Delanoy,
Florent Dupont,
Jean-Philippe Farrugia
(Univ Lyon, UCBL, CNRS, INSA Lyon, LIRIS, UMR5205),
Patrick Le Callet
(Nantes Universite, Ecole Centrale Nantes, CNRS, LS2N, UMR 6004),
Guillaume Lavoue
(Univ Lyon, Centrale Lyon, CNRS, INSA Lyon, UCBL, LIRIS, UMR5205, ENISE,)
- NeuSample: Importance Sampling for Neural Materials

Bing Xu,
Liwen Wu
(UC San Diego),
Milos Hasan,
Fujun Luan,
Iliyan Georgiev,
Zexiang Xu
(Adobe Research),
Ravi Ramamoorthi
(UC San Diego)
- Metameric: Spectral Uplifting via Controllable Color Constraints
Mark van de Ruit,
Elmar Eisemann
(Delft University of Technology)
- NeRF-Texture: Texture Synthesis With Neural Radiance Fields
Yi-Hua Huang
(Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences),
Yan-Pei Cao
(ARC Lab, Tencent PCG),
Yu-Kun Lai
(Cardiff University),
Ying Shan
(ARC Lab, Tencent PCG),
Lin Gao
(Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Most Def: Fast, Large and Learned Deformables
- Fast Complementary Dynamics via Skinning Eigenmodes
Otman Benchekroun
(University of Toronto),
Jiayi Eris Zhang
(Stanford University),
Siddhartha Chaudhuri
(Adobe Research),
Eitan Grinspun
(University of Toronto),
Yi Zhou
(Adobe Research),
Alec Jacobson
(University of Toronto and Adobe Research)
- Motion From Shape Change
Oliver Gross
(TU Berlin),
Yousuf Soliman
Marcel Padilla,
Felix Knoppel,
Ulrich Pinkall
(TU Berlin),
Peter Schroder
- A Sparse Distributed Gigascale Resolution Material Point Method
Yuxing Qiu
(University of California, Los Angeles),
Samuel Temple Reeve
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory),
Minchen Li
(University of California, Los Angeles),
Yin Yang
(University of Utah),
Stuart Slattery
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory),
Chenfanfu Jiang
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Second-order Stencil Descent for Interior-point Hyperelasticity
Lei Lan
(University of Utah),
Minchen Li,
Chenfanfu Jiang
(University of California, Los Angeles),
Huamin Wang
Yin Yang
(University of Utah)
- Nonlinear Compliant Modes for Large-deformation Analysis of Flexible Structures
Simon Duenser,
Bernhard Thomaszewski,
(ETH Zurich),
Roi Poranne,
(University of Haifa and ETH Zurich),
Stelian Coros
(ETH Zurich)
- Data-Free Learning of Reduced-Order Kinematics
Nicholas Sharp
(NVIDIA and University of Toronto),
Cristian Romero
(Universidad Rey Juan Carlos),
Alec Jacobson
(University of Toronto and Adobe Research),
Etienne Vouga
(The University of Texas at Austin),
Paul G. Kry
(McGill University),
David I.W. Levin
(University of Toronto and NVIDIA),
Justin Solomon
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Surface Reconstruction
- Globally Consistent Normal Orientation for Point Clouds by Regularizing the Winding-Number Field
Rui Xu
(Shandong University),
Zhiyang Dou
(The University of Hong Kong),
Ningna Wang
(The University of Texas at Dallas),
Shiqing Xin
(Shandong University),
Shuangmin Chen
(Qingdao University of Science and Technology),
Mingyan Jiang
(Shandong University),
Xiaohu Guo
(The University of Texas at Dallas),
Wenping Wang
(Texas A&M University),
Changhe Tu
(Shandong University)
- Surface Reconstruction From Point Clouds Without Normals by Parametrizing the Gauss Formula
Siyou Lin,
Dong Xiao
(Tsinghua University),
Zuoqiang Shi
(Yau Mathematical Sciences Center and Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA)),
Bin Wang
(Tsinghua University and Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology (BNRIST))
- Restricted Delaunay Triangulation for Explicit Surface Reconstruction
Pengfei Wang
Zixiong Wang
Shiqing Xin
Xifeng Gao
(LightSpeed Studios),
Wenping Wang
(Texas A&M University),
Changhe Tu
(Shandong University)
- Locally Meshable Frame Fields
Heng Liu,
David Bommes
(University of Bern)
- Surface and Edge Detection for Primitive Fitting of Point Clouds
Yuanqi Li,
Shun Liu,
Xinran Yang
(Nanjing University),
Jianwei Guo
(Chinese Academy of Sciences),
Jie Guo,
Yanwen Guo
(Nanjing University)
- Variational Shape Reconstruction via Quadric Error Metrics
Tong Zhao
(Inria Sophia-Antipolis / Universite Cote d’Azur / LTCI, Telecom Paris),
Laurent Buse,
David Cohen-Steiner
(Inria Sophia-Antipolis and Universite Cote d’Azur),
Tamy Boubekeur,
Jean-Marc Thiery
(Adobe Research),
Pierre Alliez
(Inria Sophia-Antipolis and Universite Cote d’Azur)
All About Meshes
- Surface Simplification using Intrinsic Error Metrics
Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu
(Roblox Research),
Mark Gillespie
(Carnegie Mellon University),
Benjamin Chislett
(University of Toronto),
Nicholas Sharp
Alec Jacobson
(University of Toronto),
Keenan Crane
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- Robust Low-poly Meshing for General 3D Models
Zhen Chen
(LightSpeed Studios and The University of Texas at Austin),
Zherong Pan,
Kui Wu
(LightSpeed Studios),
Etienne Vouga
(The University of Texas at Austin),
Xifeng Gao
(LightSpeed Studios)
- Evolutionary Piecewise Developable Approximations
Zheng-Yu Zhao*,
Mo Li*,
Zheng Zhang,
Qing Fang,
Ligang Liu,
Xiao-Ming Fu
(University of Science and Technology of China)
(* Joint first authors)
- Micro-Mesh Construction
Andrea Maggiordomo
(University of Milan),
Henry Moreton
Marco Tarini
(University of Milan)
- Somigliana Coordinates: An Elasticity-derived Approach for Cage Deformation
Jiong Chen
(Ecole Polytechnique),
Fernando de Goes
(Pixar Animation Studios),
Mathieu Desbrun
(Inria and Ecole Polytechnique)
- Mesh Density Adaptation for Template-based Shape Reconstruction
Yucheol Jung,
Hyomin Kim
Gyeongha Hwang
(Yeungnam University),
Seung-Hwan Baek,
Seungyong Lee
Fabrication-Oriented Design
- Constraint-based Simulation of Passive Suction Cups
Antonin Bernardin,
Univ. Rennes / INSA / IRISA / Inria),
Paul Kry
(McGill University),
Sheldon Andrews
(Ecole de technologie superieure),
Christian Duriez
(Inria / Univ. Lille / CNRS),
Maud Marchal
(Univ. Rennes / INSA / IRISA / Inria)
- Masonry Shell Structures with Discrete Equivalence Classes
Rulin Chen,
Pengyun Qiu,
Peng Song
Bailin Deng
(Cardiff University),
Ziqi Wang
(ETH Zurich),
Ying He
(Nanyang Technological University)
- Generative Design of Sheet Metal Structures
Amir Barda,
Guy Tevet
(Tel Aviv University),
Adriana Schulz
(University of Washington),
Amit Haim Bermano
(Tel Aviv University)
- Inkjet 4D Print: Self-folding Tessellated Origami Objects by Inkjet UV Printing
Koya Narumi*
Kazuki Koyama*
(The University of Tokyo),
Kai Suto
(The University of Tokyo and Nature Architects, Inc.),
Yuta Noma
(The University of Tokyo),
Hiroki Sato
(Miyagi University),
Tomohiro Tachi
(The University of Tokyo),
Masaaki Sugimoto
(Elephantech Inc.),
Takeo Igarashi,
Yoshihiro Kawahara
(The University of Tokyo)
(* Joint first authors)
- MesoGen: Designing Procedural On-surface Stranded Mesostructures
Elie Michel
Tamy Boubekeur
(Adobe Research)
- Constructing Printable Surfaces With View-dependent Appearance
Maxine Perroni-Scharf,
Szymon Rusinkiewicz
(Princeton University)
Neural Capturing
- Neural Volumetric Reconstruction for Coherent Synthetic Aperture Sonar
Albert Reed
(Arizona State University),
Juhyeon Kim
(Dartmouth College),
Thomas Blanford
(The Pennsylvania State University),
Adithya Pediredla
(Dartmouth College),
Daniel Brown
(The Pennsylvania State University),
Suren Jayasuriya
(Arizona State University)
- NeRO: Neural Geometry and BRDF Reconstruction of Reflective Objects From Multiview Images
Yuan Liu,
Peng Wang>
(The University of Hong Kong),
Cheng Lin
(Tencent Games),
Xiaoxiao Long,
Jiepeng Wang
(The University of Hong Kong),
Lingjie Liu
(University of Pennsylvania and Max Planck Institute for Informatics),
Taku Komura
(The University of Hong Kong),
Wenping Wang
(Texas A&M University),
- BakedSDF: Meshing Neural SDFs for Real-time View Synthesis
Lior Yariv*
(Weizmann Institute of Science and Google Research),
Peter Hedman*
(Google Research),
Christian Reiser
(Tubingen AI Center and Google Research),
Dor Verbin,
Pratul P. Srinivasan,
Richard Szeliski,
Jonathan T. Barron,
Ben Mildenhall
(Google Research),
* Denotes equal contribution
- AvatarMAV: Fast 3D Head Avatar Reconstruction Using Motion-aware Neural Voxels
Yuelang Xu
(Tsinghua University),
Lizhen Wang,
Xiaochen Zhao
(Tsinghua University and NNKosmos),
Hongwen Zhang
Yebin Liu
(Tsinghua University)
- Deep SVBRDF Estimation From Single Image Under Learned Planar Lighting
Lianghao Zhang
Fangzhou Gao
Li Wang
Minjing Yu
Jiamin Cheng
Jiawan Zhang
- PhotoMat: A Material Generator Learned From Single Flash Photos
Xilong Zhou
(Texas A&M University),
Milos Hasan,
Valentin Deschaintre,
Paul Guerrero,
Yannick Hold-Geoffroy,
Kalyan Sunkavalli
(Adobe Research),
Nima Khademi Kalantari
(Texas A&M University)
Going With the Flow
- A Contact Proxy Splitting Method for Lagrangian Solid-fluid Coupling
Tianyi Xie,
Minchen Li
(University of California, Los Angeles),
Yin Yang
(University of Utah),
Chenfanfu Jiang
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Fluid-solid Coupling in Kinetic Two-phase Flow Simulation
Wei Li
(Inria and Tencent Lightspeed Studios),
Mathieu Desbrun
(Inria and Ecole Polytechnique)
- PolyStokes: A Polynomial Model Reduction Method for Viscous Fluid Simulation
Jonathan Panuelos
(University of Toronto),
Ryan Goldade
(University of Waterloo),
Eitan Grinspun,
David I.W. Levin
(University of Toronto),
Christopher Batty,
(University of Waterloo)
- Building a Virtual Weakly-compressible Wind Tunnel Testing Facility
Chaoyang Lyu
(ShanghaiTech University / SIMIT / UCAS),
Kai Bai
(ShanghaiTech University / AEROCAE Digital Ltd.),
Yiheng Wu
(ShanghaiTech University),
Mathieu Desbrun
(Inria and Ecole Polytechnique),
Changxi Zheng
(Tencent Pixel Lab and Columbia University),
Xiaopei Liu
(ShanghaiTech University)
- Fluid Cohomology
Hang Yin,
Mohammad Sina Nabizadeh,
Baichuan Wu,
Stephanie Wang,
Albert Chern
(University of California, San Diego)
- Improved Water Sound Synthesis using Coupled Bubbles
Kangrui Xue,
Ryan M. Aronson
(Stanford University),
Jui-Hsien Wang,
Timothy R. Langlois
(Adobe Research),
Doug L. James
(Stanford University)
Marvelous Mappings
- Galaxy Maps: Localized Foliations for Bijective Volumetric Mapping
Steffen Hinderink
Marcel Campen
- Symmetric Volume Maps: Order-invariant Volumetric Mesh Correspondence With Free Boundary
Mazdak Abulnaga,
Oded Stein,
Polina Golland,
Justin Solomon
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Variational Quasi-harmonic Maps for Computing Diffeomorphisms
Yu Wang,
Minghao Guo,
Justin Solomon
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Expansion Cones: A Progressive Volumetric Mapping Framework
Valentin Z. Nigolian
(University of Bern),
Marcel Campen
(Osnabruck University),
David Bommes
(University of Bern)
- Unsupervised Learning of Robust Spectral Shape Matching
Dongliang Cao,
Paul Roetzer,
Florian Bernard
(University of Bonn)
- An Elastic Basis for Spectral Shape Correspondence
Florine Hartwig,
Josua Sassen
(University of Bonn),
Omri Azencot
(Ben Gurion University of the Negev),
Martin Rumpf
(University of Bonn),
Mirela Ben-Chen
(Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Real-Time Rendering: Gotta Go Fast!
- ETER: Elastic Tessellation for Real-Time Pixel-Accurate Rendering of Large-Scale NURBS Models
Ruicheng Xiong*
(University of Science and Technology of China),
Yang Lu*,
Cong Chen
(Sheyun Technology),
Jiaming Zhu,
Yajun Zeng,
Ligang Liu
(University of Science and Technology of China)
(* Joint first authors)
- Temporal Set Inversion for Animated Implicits
Kavosh Jazar,
Paul G. Kry
(McGill University)
- Live 3D Portrait: Real-Time Radiance Fields for Single-Image Portrait View Synthesis
Alex Trevithick
(UC San Diego),
Matthew Chan,
Michael Stengel
Eric R. Chan
(Stanford University),
Chao Liu,
Zhiding Yu,
Sameh Khamis
Manmohan Chandraker,
Ravi Ramamoorthi
(UC San Diego),
Koki Nagano
- Kernel-based Frame Interpolation for Spatio-temporally Adaptive Rendering
Karlis Martins Briedis
(Disney Research Studios and ETH Zurich),
Abdelaziz Djelouah,
Raphael Ortiz
(Disney Research Studios),
Mark Meyer
(Pixar Animation Studios),
Markus Gross
(Disney Research Studios and ETH Zurich),
Christopher Schroers
(Disney Research Studios)
- Neural Partitioning Pyramids for Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings
Martin Balint,
Krzysztof Wolski,
Karol Myszkowski,
Hans-Peter Seidel
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics),
Rafal Mantiuk
(University of Cambridge)
- Deep Real-time Volumetric Rendering Using Multi-feature Fusion
Jinkai Hu*
(Zhejiang University),
Chengzhong Yu*
(Tokyo University of Science),
Hongli Liu
(Tencent, Inc.),
Ling-Qi Yan
(University of California, Santa Barbara),
Yiqian Wu,
Xiaogang Jin
(Zhejiang University)
*Authors contributed equally.
Text-Guided Generation
- UniTune: Text-driven Image Editing by Fine Tuning a Diffusion Model on a Single Image
Dani Valevski,
Matan Kalman,
Eyal Molad,
Eyal Segalis,
Yossi Matias,
Yaniv Leviathan
(Google Research)
- TEXTure: Text-guided Texturing of 3D Shapes
Elad Richardson*,
Gal Metzer*,
Yuval Alaluf,
Raja Giryes,
Daniel Cohen-Or
(Tel Aviv University)
* Denotes equal contribution
- Sketch-guided Text-to-image Diffusion Models
Andrey Voynov,
Kfir Aberman
(Google Research),
Daniel Cohen-Or
(Google Research and Tel Aviv University)
- FashionTex: Controllable Virtual Try-on With Text and Texture
Anran Lin
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen),
Nanxuan Zhao
(Adobe Research),
Shuliang Ning,
Yuda Qiu
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen),
Baoyuan Wang
Xiaoguang Han
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)
- CLIP-PAE: Projection-Augmentation Embedding to Extract Relevant Features for a Disentangled, Interpretable and Controllable Text-Guided Face Manipulation
Chenliang Zhou ,
Fangcheng Zhong,
Cengiz Oztireli
(University of Cambridge)
Character Animation: Interaction
- Generating Activity Snippets by Learning Human-scene Interactions
Changyang Li,
Lap-Fai Yu
(George Mason University)
- GREIL-Crowds: Crowd Simulation With Deep Reinforcement Learning and Examples
Panayiotis Charalambous
(CYENS - Centre of Excellence),
Julien Pettre
(Univ Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA),
Vassilis Vassiliades
(University of Cyprus),
Yiorgos Chrysanthou
(CYENS - Centre of Excellence and University of Cyprus),
Nuria Pelechano
(Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)
- QuestEnvSim: Environment-aware Simulated Motion Tracking From Sparse Sensor Input
Sunmin Lee
(Seoul National University),
Sebastian Starke,
Yuting Ye
(Meta Reality Labs Research),
Jungdam Won
(Seoul National University),
Alexander Winkler
(Meta Reality Labs Research),
- Synthesizing Physical Character-Scene Interactions
Mohamed Hassan
(Electronic Arts),
Yunrong Guo,
Tingwu Wang
Michael Black
(Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems),
Sanja Fidler
(University of Toronto and NVIDIA),
Xue Bin Peng
(NVIDIA and Simon Fraser University)
- PMP: Learning to Physically Interact With Environments Using Part-wise Motion Priors
Jinseok Bae,
Jungdam Won,
Donggeun Lim,
Cheol-Hui Min,
Young Min Kim
(Seoul National University)
- Simulation and Retargeting of Complex Multi-character Interactions
Yunbo Zhang
(Georgia Institute of Technology),
Deepak Gopinath
Yuting Ye
(Meta Reality Labs Research),
Jessica Hodgins
(Carnegie Mellon University),
Greg Turk
(Georgia Institute of Technology),
Jungdam Won
(Seoul National University)
Yunbo Zhang
Environment Rendering: NeRFs on Earth
- 3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering
Bernhard Kerbl,
Georgios Kopanas
(Inria and Universite Cote d'Azur),
Thomas Leimkuhler
(MPI Informatik),
George Drettakis
(Inria and Universite Cote d'Azur)
- Virtual Mirrors: Non-line-of-sight Imaging Beyond the Third Bounce
Diego Royo
(Universidad de Zaragoza - I3A),
Talha Sultan
(University of Wisconsin-Madison),
Adolfo Munoz
(Universidad de Zaragoza - I3A),
Khadijeh Masumnia-Bisheh,
Eric Brandt
(University of Wisconsin-Madison),
Diego Gutierrez
(Universidad de Zaragoza - I3A),
Andreas Velten
(University of Wisconsin-Madison),
Julio Marco
(Universidad de Zaragoza - I3A)
- ViP-NeRF: Visibility Prior for Sparse Input Neural Radiance Fields
Nagabhushan Somraj,
Rajiv Soundararajan
(Indian Institute of Science)
- Nerfstudio: A Modular Framework for Neural Radiance Field Development
Matthew Tancik*,
Ethan Weber*,
Evonne Ng*,
Ruilong Li,
Brent Yi,
Justin Kerr,
Terrance Wang,
Alexander Kristoffersen,
Jake Austin,
Kamyar Salahi,
Abhik Ahuja,
David McAllister,
Angjoo Kanazawa
(University of California, Berkeley)
* Authors contributed equally
- Relighting Neural Radiance Fields With Shadow and Highlight Hints
Chong Zeng
(Zhejiang University and Microsoft Research Asia),
Guojun Chen,
Yue Dong
(Microsoft Research Asia),
Pieter Peers
(College of William & Mary),
Hongzhi Wu
(Zhejiang University),
Xin Tong
(Microsoft Research Asia)
- DE-NeRF: DEcoupled Neural Radiance Fields for View-consistent Appearance Editing and High-frequency Environmental Relighting
Tong Wu,
Jia-Mu Sun
(Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences),
Yu-Kun Lai
(Cardiff University),
Lin Gao
(Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Fabulous Fabrication: From Knitting to Circuits
- Dense, Interlocking-free and Scalable Spectral Packing of Generic 3D Objects
Qiaodong Cui
Victor Rong
Desai Chen,
Wojciech Matusik
(MIT CSAIL and Inkbit)
- PCBend: Light Up Your 3D Shapes With Foldable Circuit Boards
Marco Freire*
(Universite de Lorraine / CNRS / Inria),
Manas Bhargava*
Camille Schreck,
Pierre-Alexandre Hugron
(Universite de Lorraine / CNRS / Inria),
Bernd Bickel
Sylvain Lefebvre
(Universite de Lorraine / CNRS / Inria)
(* Joint first authors)
- As-continuous-as-possible Extrusion-based Fabrication of Surface Models
Fanchao Zhong,
Yonglai Xu
(Shandong University),
Haisen Zhao
(Shandong University / IST Austria / University of Washington),
Lin Lu
(Shandong University)
- Semantics and Scheduling for Machine Knitting Compilers
Jenny Lin
(Carnegie Mellon University),
Vidya Narayanan
(Carnegie Mellon University and Amazon),
Yuka Ikarashi,
Jonathan Ragan-Kelley
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),
Gilbert Bernstein
(University of Washington),
James McCann
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- A Temporal Coherent Topology Optimization Approach for Assembly Planning of Bespoke Frame Structures
Ziqi Wang,
Florian Kennel-Maushart,
Yijiang Huang,
Bernhard Thomaszewski,
Stelian Coros
(ETH Zurich)
- Helix-free Stripes for Knit Graph Design
Rahul Mitra,
Liane Makatura,
Emily Whiting,
Edward Chien
(Boston University)
Making Faces With Neural Avatars
- DreamFace: Progressive Generation of Animatable 3D Faces Under Text Guidance
Longwen Zhang*,
Qiwei Qiu*,
Hongyang Lin*,
Qixuan Zhang
(ShanghaiTech University and Deemos Technology Co., Ltd.),
Cheng Shi
(ShanghaiTech University),
Wei Yang
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology),
Ye Shi,
Sibei Yang
(ShanghaiTech University),
Lan Xu,
Jingyi Yu
(ShanghaiTech University and Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Intelligent Vision and Imaging),
* Equal contributions
- Efficient Video Portrait Reenactment via Grid-based Codebook
Kaisiyuan Wang
Hang Zhou
Qianyi Wu
Jiaxiang Tang
Zhiliang Xu
Borong Liang
Tianshu Hu
Errui Ding
Jingtuo Liu
Ziwei Liu
Jingdong Wang
- StyleAvatar: Real-time Photo-realistic Neural Portrait Avatar From a Single Video
Lizhen Wang
(Tsinghua University and NNKosmos),
Xiaochen Zhao,
Jingxiang Sun,
Yuxiang Zhang,
Hongwen Zhang,
Tao Yu,
Yebin Liu
(Tsinghua University)
- Neural Face Rigging for Animating and Retargeting Facial Meshes in the Wild
Dafei Qin
(The University of Hong Kong),
Jun Saito,
Noam Aigerman,
Thibault Groueix
(Adobe Research),
Taku Komura
(The University of Hong Kong)
- A Hybrid Generator Architecture for Controllable Face Synthesis
Dann Mensah,
Nam Hee Kim
(Aalto University),
Miika Aittala,
Samuli Laine,
Jaakko Lehtinen
- ClipFace: Text-guided Editing of Textured 3D Morphable Models
Shivangi Aneja
(Technical University of Munich),
Justus Thies
(Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems),
Angela Dai,
Matthias Niessner
(Technical University of Munich)
Deep Geometric Learning
- OctFormer: Octree-based Transformers for 3D Point Clouds
Peng-Shuai Wang
(Peking University)
- Dictionary Fields: Learning a Neural Basis Decomposition
Anpei Chen
(ETH Zurich and University of Tubingen),
Zexiang Xu
(Adobe Research),
Xinyue Wei
(University of California San Diego),
Siyu Tang
(ETH Zurich),
Hao Su
Xinyue Wei
Andreas Geiger
(University of Tubingen and Tubingen AI Center)
- ScanBot: Autonomous Reconstruction via Deep Reinforcement Learning
Hezhi Cao*,
Xi Xia*,
Guan Wu
(University of Science and Technology of China),
Ruizhen Hu
(Shenzhen University),
Ligang Liu
(University of Science and Technology of China)
(* Joint first authors)
- TextDeformer: Geometry Manipulation Using Text Guidance
William Gao
(University of Chicago),
Noam Aigerman,
Thibault Groueix,
Vladimir G. Kim
(Adobe Research),
Rana Hanocka
(University of Chicago)
- SSIF: Single-shot Implicit Morphable Faces with Consistent Texture Parameterization
Connor Zhizhen Lin
(Stanford University and NVIDIA),
Koki Nagano,
Jan Kautz
Eric Ryan Chan
(Stanford University and NVIDIA),
Umar Iqbal
Leonidas Guibas,
Gordon Wetzstein
(Stanford University),
Sameh Khamis
- Neural Progressive Meshes
Yun-Chun Chen
(University of Toronto and Adobe Research),
Vladimir G. Kim,
Noam Aigerman,
(Adobe Research),
Alec Jacobson
(University of Toronto and Adobe Research)
Making Contact: Simulating and Detecting Collisions
- In-Timestep Remeshing for Contacting Elastodynamics
Zachary Ferguson
(New York University),
Teseo Schneider
(University of Victoria),
Danny Kaufman+
(Adobe Research),
Daniele Panozzo+
(New York University)
+ Joint last authors
- Shortest Path to Boundary for Self-intersecting Meshes
He Chen,
Elie Diaz
(University of Utah)),
Cem Yuksel
(University of Utah and Roblox Research)
- P2M: A Fast Solver for Querying Distance From Point to Mesh Surface
Chen Zong
Jiacheng Xu
Jiantao Song
Shuangmin Chen
Shiqing Xin
Wenping Wang
(Texas A&M University),
Changhe Tu
(Shandong University)
- Fast GPU-based Two-way Continuous Collision Handling
Tianyu Wang
Jiong Chen
(Ecole Polytechnique),
Dongping Li,
Xiaowei Liu
Huamin Wang
Kun Zhou
(Zhejiang University)
- Sum-of-squares Collision Detection for Curved Shapes and Paths
Paul Zhang*,
Zoe Marschner*,
Justin Solomon
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),
Rasmus Tamstorf
(Disney Research Studios)
* denotes equal contribution
- High-order Incremental Potential Contact for Elastodynamic Simulation on Curved Meshes
Zachary Ferguson,
Pranav Jain,
Denis Zorin
(New York University),
Teseo Schneider
(University of Victoria),
Daniele Panozzo
(New York University)
Material Acquisition
- Ultra-high Resolution SVBRDF Recovery From a Single Image
Jie Guo,
Shuichang Lai,
Qinghao Tu,
Chengzhi Tao
(Nanjing University),
Changqing Zou
(Zhejiang University),
Yanwen Guo
(Nanjing University)
- Towards Material Digitization With a Dual-scale Optical System
Elena Garces
(Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and SEDDI),
Victor Arellano
Carlos Rodriguez-Pardo
(Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and SEDDI),
David Pascual-Hernandez,
Sergio Suja
Jorge Lopez-Moreno
(Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and SEDDI)
- End-to-end Procedural Material Capture With Proxy-free Mixed-integer Optimization
Beichen Li,
Liang Shi,
Wojciech Matusik
- Materialistic: Selecting Similar Materials in Images
Prafull Sharma
(MIT CSAIL and Adobe Research),
Julien Philip,
Michael Gharbi
(Adobe Research),
William T. Freeman,
Fredo Durand
Valentin Deschaintre
(Adobe Research)
- Single Image Neural Material Relighting
James Bieron
(College of William & Mary),
Xin Tong
(Microsoft Research Asia),
Pieter Peers
(College of William & Mary)
- Neural Biplane Representation for BTF Rendering and Acquisition
Jiahui Fan
(Nanjing University of Science and Technology),
Beibei Wang
(Nankai University and Nanjing University of Science and Technology),
Milos Hasan
(Adobe Research),
Jian Yang
(Nanjing University of Science and Technology),
Ling-Qi Yan
(University of California, Santa Barbara)
Neural Image Generation and Editing
- Attend-and-Excite: Attention-based Semantic Guidance for Text-to-image Diffusion Models
Hila Chefer*,
Yuval Alaluf*,
Yael Vinker,
Lior Wolf,
Daniel Cohen-Or
(Tel-Aviv University)
* Denotes equal contribution
- Blended Latent Diffusion
Omri Avrahami
(The Hebrew University of Jerusalem),
Ohad Fried
(Reichman University),
Dani Lischinski
(The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Encoder-based Domain Tuning for Fast Personalization of Text-to-Image Models
Rinon Gal
(NVIDIA and Tel-Aviv University),
Yuval Atzmon
Amit Bermano
(Tel-Aviv University),
Gal Chechik
Daniel Cohen-Or
(Tel-Aviv University)
- Word-as-image for Semantic Typography
Shir Iluz*,
Yael Vinker*,
Amir Hertz
(Tel-Aviv University),
Daniel Berio
(Goldsmiths University),
Daniel Cohen-Or
(Tel-Aviv University),
Ariel Shamir
(Reichman University)
* Denotes equal contribution
- Drag Your GAN: Interactive Point-based Manipulation on the Generative Image Manifold
Xingang Pan
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics and Saarbrucken Research Center for Visual Computing, Interaction and AI ),
Ayush Tewari
Thomas Leimkuhler
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics),
Lingjie Liu
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics and University of Pennsylvania),
Abhimitra Meka
(Google AR/VR),
Christian Theobalt
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics and Saarbrucken Research Center for Visual Computing, Interaction and AI )
- Diffusion Image Analogies
Adela Subrtova
(CTU in Prague),
Michal Lukac
(Adobe Research),
Jan Cech,
David Futschik
(CTU in Prague),
Eli Shechtman
(Adobe Research),
Daniel Sykora
(CTU in Prague)
NeRFs for Avatars
- AvatarReX: Real-time Expressive Full-body Avatars
Zerong Zheng
(Tsinghua University),
Xiaochen Zhao
(Tsinghua University and NNKosmos),
Hongwen Zhang
Boning Liu
Yebin Liu
(Tsinghua University)
- SketchFaceNeRF: Sketch-based Facial Generation and Editing in Neural Radiance Fields
Lin Gao,
Feng-Lin Liu
(Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences),
Shu-Yu Chen
(Chinese Academy of Sciences),
Kaiwen Jiang
(Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Jiaotong University),
Chun-Peng Li
(Chinese Academy of Sciences),
Yu-Kun Lai
(Cardiff University),
Hongbo Fu
(City Univ. of Hong Kong)
- HumanRF: High-Fidelity Neural Radiance Fields for Humans in Motion
Mustafa Isik,
Martin Ruenz,
Markos Georgopoulos,
Taras Khakhulin,
Jonathan Starck
Lourdes Agapito
(University College London),
Matthias Niessner
(Technical University of Munich)
- NeRSemble: Multi-view Radiance Field Reconstruction of Human Heads
Tobias Kirschstein,
Shenhan Qian,
Simon Giebenhain,
Tim Walter,
Matthias Niessner
(Technical University of Munich)
- NOFA: NeRF-based One-shot Facial Avatar Reconstruction
Wangbo Yu,
Yanbo Fan,
Yong Zhang
(Tencent AI Lab),
Xuan Wang
(Ant Group),
Fei Yin,
Yunpeng Bai
(Tsinghua University),
Yan-Pei Cao,
Ying Shan,
Yang Wu,
Zhongqian Sun
(Tencent AI Lab),
Baoyuan Wu
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)
- LatentAvatar: Learning Latent Expression Code for Expressive Neural Head Avatar
Yuelang Xu,
Hongwen Zhang
(Tsinghua University),
Lizhen Wang,
Xiaochen Zhao
(Tsinghua University and NNKosmos),
Han Huang,
Guojun Qi
(OPPO Research),
Yebin Liu
(Tsinghua University)