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ACM Digital Library:ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) Volume 39, Issue 6 (December 2020) Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2020
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Axel Paris,
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(*equal contribution)
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Soeren Pirk
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Dominik L. Michels
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David I.W. Levin,
Alec Jacobson
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Cheng Li, Min Tang, Ruofeng Tong, Ming Cai
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Jieyi Zhao
(University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston),
Dinesh Manocha
(University of Maryland at College Park)
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Andreas Longva,
Fabian Loschner,
Tassilo Kugelstadt,
Jose Antonio Fernandez-Fernandez,
Jan Bender
(RWTH Aachen University)
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Tetsuya Takahashi
Christopher Batty
(University of Waterloo)
- An Implicit Updated Lagrangian Formulation for Liquids with Large Surface Energy
David Hyde,
Steven Gagniere,
Alan Marquez-Razon,
Joseph Teran
- PIE: Portrait Image Embedding for Semantic Control
Ayush Tewari,
Mohamed Elgharib,
Mallikarjun B R.
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics),
Florian Bernard
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics and Technical University of Munich),
Hans-Peter Seidel
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics),
Patrick Perez
Michael Zollhofer
(Stanford University),
Christian Theobalt
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics)
- Neural Crossbreed: Neural Based Image Metamorphosis
Sanghun Park,
Kwanggyoon Seo,
Junyong Noh
(KAIST, Visual Media Lab)
- Face Disentanglement via Latent Space Mapping
Yotam Nitzan,
Amit Bermano
(Tel Aviv University),
Yangyan Li
(Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Business Group),
Daniel Cohen-Or
(Tel Aviv University)
- Manga Filling Style Conversion with Screentone Variational Autoencoder
Minshan Xie,
Chengze Li,
Xueting Liu,
Tien-Tsin Wong
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology)
- SketchPatch: Sketch Stylization via Seamless Patch-level Synthesis
Noa Fish*,
Lilach Perry*,
Amit Bermano,
Daniel Cohen-Or
(Tel Aviv University)
*Joint first authors
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Ruizhen Hu,
Juzhan Xu, Bin Chen
(Shenzhen University),
Minglun Gong
(University of Guelph),
Hao Zhang
(Simon Fraser University),
Hui Huang
(Shenzhen University)
- Scene Mover: Automatic Move Planning for Scene Arrangement by Deep Reinforcement Learning
Hanqing Wang,
Wei Liang,
Lap-Fai Yu
(George Mason University)
- ShapeAssembly: Learning to Generate Programs for 3D Shape Structure Synthesis
R. Kenny Jones,
Theresa Barton,
Xianghao Xu,
Kai Wang,
Ellen Jiang
(Brown University),
Paul Guerrero
(Adobe Research),
Niloy J. Mitra
(University College London),
Daniel Ritchie
(Brown University)
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Soshi Shimada,
Vladislav Golyanik
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics),
Weipeng Xu
(facebook Reality Labs),
Christian Theobalt
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics)
- MoGlow: Probabilistic and Controllable Motion Synthesis Using Normalising Flows
Gustav Eje Henter*,
Simon Alexanderson*,
Jonas Beskow
(KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
*Equal contribution
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(TOG Paper)
Mingyi Shi
(Shandong University and Beijing Film Academy),
Kfir Aberman
(Beijing Film Academy and Tel Aviv University),
Andreas Aristidou
(University of Cyprus),
Taku Komura
(Edinburgh University),
Dani Lischinski
(Shandong University, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and and AICFVE, Beijing Film Academy),
Daniel Cohen-Or
(Tel Aviv University and AICFVE, Beijing Film Academy),
Baoquan Chen
(CFCS, Peking University and AICFVE, Beijing Film Academy)
- Glossy Probe Reprojection for Interactive Global Illumination
Simon Rodriguez,
Thomas Leimkuhler,
Siddhant Prakash
(Universite Cote d'Azur and Inria),
Chris Wyman,
Peter Shirley
(NVIDIA Corporation),
George Drettakis
(Universite Cote d'Azur and Inria)
- Path Cuts: Efficient Rendering of Pure Specular Light Transport
Beibei Wang
(Nanjing University of Science and Technology),
Milos Hasan
(Adobe Research),
Ling-Qi Yan
(University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Slope-Space Integrals for Specular Next Event Estimation
Guillaume Loubet,
Tizian Zeltner
Nicolas Holzschuch
Wenzel Jakob
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Zehui Lin, Sheng Li, Xinlu Zeng,
Congyi Zhang, Jinzhu Jia, Guoping Wang
(Peking University),
Dinesh Manocha
(University of Maryland at College Park)
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Adithya Pediredla,
Yasin Karimi Chalmiani,
Matteo Giuseppe Scopelliti,
Maysam Chamanzar,
Srinivasa Narasimhan,
Ioannis Gkioulekas
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- DeformSyncNet: Deformation Transfer via Synchronized Shape Deformation Spaces
Minhyuk Sung*
(Adobe Research),
Zhenyu Jiang*
(University of Texas, Austin),
Panos Achlioptas
(Stanford University),
Niloy J. Mitra
(University College London),
Leonidas Guibas
(Stanford University)
(* equal contribution)
- Discovering Pattern Structure Using Differentiable Compositing
Pradyumna Reddy
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Paul Guerrero,
Matt Fisher,
Wilmot Li
(Adobe Research),
Niloy J. Mitra
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Alon Lahav,
Ayellet Tal
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Simone Melzi,
Maks Ovsjanikov
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Peter Wonka
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Honglin Chen,
Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu,
Alec Jacobson,
David I.W. Levin
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Xianzhi Li,
Lequan Yu,
Chi-Wing Fu
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong),
Daniel Cohen-Or
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Pheng-Ann Heng
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Yifei Shi,
Junwen Huang,
Hongjia Zhang,
Xin Xu
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Szymon Rusinkiewicz
(Princeton University),
Kai Xu
(National University of Defense Technology (NUDT))
- Monster Mash: A Single-View Approach to Casual 3D Modeling and Animation
Marek Dvoroznak,
Daniel Sykora
(CTU in Prague, FEE),
Cassidy Curtis,
Brian Curless
(Google Research),
Olga Sorkine-Hornung
(ETH Zurich),
David Salesin
(Google Research)
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Jiaman Li,
Zhengfei Kuang,
Yajie Zhao
Mingming He
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Karl Bladin
Hao Li
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Lingchen Yang, Zefeng Shi, Yiqian Wu, Xiang Li,
Kun Zhou
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Hongbo Fu
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Youyi Zheng
(Zhejiang University)
- Data-driven Authoring of Large-scale Ecosystems
Konrad Kapp,
James Gain
(University of Cape Town),
Eric Guerin
(Univ Lyon, INSA-Lyon, CNRS, LIRIS, France),
Eric Galin,
Adrien Peytavie
(Univ Lyon, Universite Lyon 1, CNRS, LIRIS, France)
- Layered Neural Rendering for Retiming People in Video
Erika Lu
(Google Research and VGG, University of Oxford),
Forrester Cole,
Tali Dekel
(Google Research),
Weidi Xie,
Andrew Zisserman
(VGG, University of Oxford),
David Salesin,
William T. Freeman,
Michael Rubinstein
(Google Research)
- X-Fields: Implicit Neural View-, Light- and Time-Image Interpolation
Mojtaba Bemana,
Karol Myszkowski,
Hans-Peter Seidel
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics),
Tobias Ritschel
(University College London)
- Deferred Neural Lighting: Free-Viewpoint Relighting from Unstructured Photographs
Duan Gao,
Xiao Li,
Yue Dong
(Microsoft Research Asia),
Pieter Peers
(College of William & Mary),
Kun Xu
(Tsinghua University),
Xin Tong
(Microsoft Research Asia)
- Deep Relightable Textures: Volumetric Performance Capture with Neural Rendering
Abhimitra Meka*
(Google, Max Planck Institute for Informatics and Saarland Informatics Campus),
Rohit Pandey*,
Christian Haene,
Sergio Orts-Escolano,
Peter Barnum,
Philip Davidson,
Daniel Erickson,
Yinda Zhang,
Jonathan Taylor,
Sofien Bouaziz,
Chloe Legendre,
Wan-Chun Ma,
Ryan Overbeck,
Thabo Beeler,
Paul Debevec,
Shahram Izadi
Christian Theobalt
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics and Saarland Informatics Campus),
Christoph Rhemann,
Sean Fanello
*Authors contributed equally to this work
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Tiancheng Sun,
Zexiang Xu
(University of California, San Diego),
Xiuming Zhang
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)),
Sean Fanello,
Christoph Rhemann,
Paul Debevec
Yun-Ta Tsai,
Jonathan T. Barron
(Google Research),
Ravi Ramamoorthi
(University of California, San Diego)
- RoboGrammar: Graph Grammar for Terrain-Optimized Robot Design
Allan Zhao,
Jie Xu,
Mina Konakovic Lukovic,
Josephine Hughes,
Andrew Spielberg,
Daniela Rus,
Wojciech Matusik
- Learning to Manipulate Amorphous Materials
Yunbo Zhang,
Wenhao Yu
(Georgia Institute of Technology),
C. Karen Liu
(Stanford University),
Charles C. Kemp,
Greg Turk
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
- ADD: Analytically Differentiable Dynamics for Multi-Body Systems with Frictional Contact
Moritz Geilinger,
David Hahn
(ETH Zurich),
Jonas Zehnder
(Universite de Montreal),
Moritz Bacher
(Disney Research Zurich),
Bernhard Thomaszewski
(ETH Zurich and Universite de Montreal),
Stelian Coros
(ETH Zurich)
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Pengbin Tang,
Jonas Zehnder
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Stelian Coros
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Bernhard Thomaszewski
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Xiaohui Zhou,
Ke Xie,
Kai Huang,
Yilin Liu,
Yang Zhou
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Minglun Gong,
(University of Guelph),
Hui Huang
(Shenzhen University)
- Imperceptible manipulation of lateral camera motion for improved virtual reality applications
Ana Serrano*
(Universidad de Zaragoza, I3A and Max Planck Institute for Informatics),
Daniel Martin*,
Diego Gutierrez
(Universidad de Zaragoza, I3A),
Karol Myszkowski
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics),
Belen Masia
(Universidad de Zaragoza, I3A)
(*equal contribution)
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Mohamed Elgharib*,
Mohit Mendiratta*
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics),
Justus Thies,
Matthias Niebner
(Saarland Informatics Campus),
Hans-Peter Seidel,
Ayush Tewari,
Vladislav Golyanik,
Christian Theobalt
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics)
* Indicates equal contribution
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Marc Alexa
(TU Berlin)
- You Can Find Geodesic Paths in Triangle Meshes by Just Flipping Edges
Nicholas Sharp,
Keenan Crane
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- Fast and Robust Mesh Arrangements using Floating-point Arithmetic
Gianmarco Cherchi
(University of Cagliari),
Marco Livesu
Riccardo Scateni
(University of Cagliari),
Marco Attene
- Fast Construction of Discrete Geodesic Graphs
Yohanes Yudhi Adikusuma,
Zheng Fang,
Ying He
(Nanyang Technological University)
- A Practical Ply-Based Appearance Model of Woven Fabrics
Zahra Montazeri
Søren B. Gammelmark,
Shuang Zhao
(University of California, Irvine),
Henrik Wann Jensen
(University of California, San Diego)
- A Wave Optics Based Fiber Scattering Model
Mengqi (Mandy) Xia,
Bruce Walter
(Cornell University),
Eric Michielssen
(University of Michigan),
David Bindel,
Steve Marschner
(Cornell University)
- A General Framework for Pearlescent Materials
Ibon Guillen,
Julio Marco,
Diego Gutierrez
(Universidad de Zaragoza, I3A),
Wenzel Jakob
Adrian Jarabo
(Universidad de Zaragoza, I3A and Centro Universitario de la Defensa Zaragoza)
- MaterialGAN: Reflectance Capture using a Generative SVBRDF Model
Yu Guo
(University of California, Irvine),
Cameron Smith,
Milos Hasan,
Kalyan Sunkavalli
(Adobe Research),
Shuang Zhao
(University of California, Irvine)
- Mixed Integer Ink Selection for Spectral Reproduction
Navid Ansari
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics),
Omid Alizadeh-Mousavi
(Depsys SA),
Hans-Peter Seidel,
Vahid Babaei
(Max Planck Institute for Informatics)
- Mononizing Binocular Videos
Wenbo Hu,
Menghan Xia,
Chi-Wing Fu
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong),
Tien-Tsin Wong
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology)
- Synthesizing Light Field From a Single Image with Variable MPI and Two Network Fusion
Qinbo Li,
Nima Khademi Kalantari
(Texas A&M University)
- Learned Feature Embeddings for Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging and Recognition
Wenzheng Chen
(University of Toronto),
Fangyin Wei
(Princeton University),
Kyros Kutulakos
(University of Toronto),
Szymon Rusinkiewicz,
Felix Heide
(Princeton University)
- A Reduced-Precision Network for Image Reconstruction
Manu Mathew Thomas
(UC Santa Cruz),
Karthik Vaidyanathan,
Gabor Liktor
(Intel Corporation),
Angus Forbes
(UC Santa Cruz)