Argument values:
argument 1: | 0/0/0/0/0|11/150/150/200/17|32/0/30/255/109|45/100/30/255/0|100/0/0/0/0, 0/0/0/0/0|11/255/255/128/17|32/238/200/111/109|45/184/120/56/255|100/0/0/0/0, 0/0/0/0/0|15/43/43/43/153|44/128/128/128/100|77/114/132/126/41|100/105/135/126/0, ... |
Description: This property is used to change the color and transparency of an effect over time. The values are in terms of "time/r/g/b/a", each separated by a "|". The TimeToLive property says how long the object will actually live. See the Percentage Series page for an example. The r/g/b is the color of the object, with 255/255/255 white, 255/0/0 red, and 0/0/0 black. The alpha is how opaque the effect object is, a value from 255 (fully opaque) to 0 (fully transparent). The color and alpha is then linearly interpolated between the colors and alphas set for the given times.
Related properties: AlphaOverTime, TimeToLive
Used in object types (and how often in each type): SpriteParticle (98%)
Used in a total of 333 .con files: Effects.con
Parent directory of these .con files: objects/Effects
Example: (from objects/Effects/e_DaiHatsuDamage/Effects.con)
rem *** Fx_DaiHatsuDamage ***
ObjectTemplate.Create SpriteParticle Fx_DaiHatsuDamage
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive CRD_NONE/2/2/0
ObjectTemplate.Size CRD_UNIFORM/1/1.3/0
ObjectTemplate.GravityModifier CRD_NONE/-0.1/0/0
ObjectTemplate.Drag CRD_NONE/1/0/0
ObjectTemplate.SizeOverTime 0/0.200018|32/0.439985|66/1.25999|100/2
ObjectTemplate.Texture e_muzs2_I
ObjectTemplate.InitRotation CRD_UNIFORM/0/180/1
ObjectTemplate.DestBlendMode BMInvSourceAlpha
ObjectTemplate.RotationSpeed CRD_UNIFORM/1/50/1
ObjectTemplate.ColorRGBAOverTime 0/128/128/128/0|29/194/194/194/73|55/255/255/255/139|62/0/0/0/117|80/0/0/0/61|100/0/0/0/0
ObjectTemplate.HasStaticColor 1
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