TriangleSortLodDistance Property

   GeometryTemplate.TriangleSortLodDistance boolean

Argument values:

argument 1:    0; most commonly 0

Related properties: AlphaLodDistance, AlphaTestValue, CullFactor, File

Used in object types (and how often in each type): StandardMesh (1%)

Used in a total of 3 .con files: Geometries.con

Parent directory of these .con files: objects/Vehicles

Example: (from objects/Vehicles/Land/Chi-ha/Geometries.con)
   GeometryTemplate.Create StandardMesh Chi-ha_Left_Whe1_m1
   GeometryTemplate.File Chi-ha_Left_Whe1_m1
   GeometryTemplate.CullFactor 0.05
   GeometryTemplate.AlphaTestValue 0.08
   GeometryTemplate.TriangleSortLodDistance 0
   GeometryTemplate.AlphaLodDistance 0
   GeometryTemplate.SetLodDistance 0 0
   GeometryTemplate.SetLodDistance 1 20
   GeometryTemplate.SetLodDistance 2 60
   GeometryTemplate.SetLodDistance 3 100

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