File Property

   GeometryTemplate.File name

Argument values:

argument 1:    1PBritBody, 1PBritCBody, 1PBritCommandoLeftHand, 1PBritCommandoRightHand, 1PBritLeftHand, 1PBritRightHand, 1PDesGerBody, 1PFrBody, 1PGerBody, 1PGerEBody, 1PGerLeftHand, 1PGerRightHand, 1PItBody, 1PJapBody, ...

Description: This property specifies what geometry mesh data file (e.g., suffix .sm) that the geometry object will use. For terrain, this is a heightmap .raw file, with 16-bit values per pixel. The MaterialSize property specifies the dimensions of this image.

Related properties: DetailTexName, MaterialMap, MaterialSize

Used in object types (always present 100% of the time): AnimatedMesh, SkeletonCollisionMesh, StandardMesh, TreeMesh, patchTerrain

Used in a total of 1374 .con files: Effects.con, Geometries.con, Objects.con, Skyandsun.con, Terrain.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, objects/Vegetation, objects/Stationary_Weapons, objects/Soldiers, objects/Objectives, objects/MOVE_FILES, objects/Items, objects/HandWeapons, objects/Effects, objects/Common, objects/Buildings, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from objects/Buildings/Common/subhouse_5_m1/Geometries.con)
   GeometryTemplate.Create StandardMesh subhouse_5_m1
   GeometryTemplate.File subhouse_5_m1
   GeometryTemplate.TextureFadeMaxDist 70
   GeometryTemplate.SetLodDistance 0 0
   GeometryTemplate.SetLodDistance 1 15
   GeometryTemplate.SetLodDistance 2 30
   GeometryTemplate.SetLodDistance 3 40

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