Invisible Property

   ObjectTemplate.Invisible boolean

Argument values:

argument 1:    0, 1; most commonly 1

Description: Used to describe only projectiles. Sets if the object is visible or not; 0 (false) by default. Bullets are always invisible, as is the knife. Grenades and shells generally omit this line altogether.

Related properties: InvisibleAtEndEffect

Used in object types (and how often in each type): Projectile (24%)

Used in a total of 16 .con files: Objects.con, Projectile.con, Weapons.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, objects/Stationary_Weapons, objects/HandWeapons

Example: (from objects/Stationary_Weapons/Common/Objects.con)
   ObjectTemplate.Create Projectile Tracer_Projectile
   ObjectTemplate.Geometry TLight_m1
   ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive CRD_NONE/3/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.HasCollisionPhysics 1
   ObjectTemplate.GravityModifier 0.0
   ObjectTemplate.HasStartEffect 0
   ObjectTemplate.HasCollisionEffect 1
   ObjectTemplate.HasOnTimeEffect 0
   ObjectTemplate.InvisibleAtEndEffect 1
   ObjectTemplate.DieAfterColl 1
   ObjectTemplate.StopAtEndEffect 1
   ObjectTemplate.Invisible 1
   ObjectTemplate.Material 225
   ObjectTemplate.TracerScaler 50.0
   ObjectTemplate.Invisible 0

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