Flag Type

The Flag object type is created by ObjectTemplate.Create.

The Flag type allows you to create new flags. Once a flag is created, you can add an AnimatedBundle such as a waving flag. The Flag object can then be added to a ControlPoint to represent the captureable area.

Used in a total of 32 .con files: Ctf.con, Init.con, Objects.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Items, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from Bf1942/Levels/baytown/Init.con)
   rem *** Define flags ***
   ObjectTemplate.Create Flag BlueFlag
   ObjectTemplate.Team 1
   ObjectTemplate.NetworkableInfo FlagBodyInfo
   ObjectTemplate.Radius 5
   ObjectTemplate.TimeToReSpawn 10
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate AnimatedItFlag

Properties used with this type of object:

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