
An Area Object is used to create a area of sound in a level. For example, if you want to hear the sound of a shore line only around the points of the shore, you would create an areaObject.

A areaObject allows you to define points in the level to define an area


rem *** lake ***
ObjectTemplate.create AreaObject lake
ObjectTemplate.saveInSeparateFile 1
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript lake.ssc
ObjectTemplate.triggerRadius 50
ObjectTemplate.addLinePoint -38.1423/-9.91315
ObjectTemplate.addLinePoint -37.4982/-28.7747
ObjectTemplate.addLinePoint -35.2065/-37.2573
ObjectTemplate.addLinePoint -33.9779/-46.0499
ObjectTemplate.addLinePoint -34.9559/-57.9676
ObjectTemplate.addLinePoint -34.5074/-67.3021
ObjectTemplate.addLinePoint -32.2861/-95.5164
ObjectTemplate.addLinePoint -29.8323/-109.265
ObjectTemplate.addLinePoint -25.6276/-120.467
ObjectTemplate.addLinePoint -21.5409/-126.136

Valid Properties for this Object

Valid Properties