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Eurographics Digital Library: Computer Graphics Forum Volume 27 - Issue 2 (EG 2008 Proceedings)
Scanning and Reconstruction
- Surface Reconstruction From Non-parallel Curve Networks (Program)
Lu Liu,
Chandrajit Bajaj,
Joe Deasy,
Tao Ju
- High-Resolution Volumetric Computation of Offset Surfaces with Feature Preservation
Darko Pavic,
Leif Kobbelt (Computer Graphics Group, RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
- Reduced Depth and Visual Hulls of Complex 3D Scenes
Alexander Bogomjakov,
Craig Gotsman
Perception for Rendering and Animation
- Render2MPEG: A Perception-based Framework Towards Integrating Rendering and Video Compression
Robert Herzog,
Shinichi Kinuwaki,
Karol Myszkowski,
Hans-Peter Seidel
- Apparent Greyscale: A Simple and Fast Conversion to Perceptually Accurate Images and Video
Kaleigh Smith,
Pierre-Edouard Landes,
Jöelle Thollot,
Karol Myszkowski
- Effect of Character Animacy and Preparatory Motion on Perceptual Magnitude of Errors in Ballistic Motion
Paul Reitsma,
James Andrews,
Nancy Pollard
Occlusion and Volume Rendering
- Lighting and Occlusion in a Wave-Based Framework
Remo Ziegler,
Simone Croci,
Markus Gross
- CHC++: Coherent Hierarchical Culling Revisited
Oliver Mattausch,
Jiri Bittner,
Michael Wimmer
- GPU Accelerated Direct Volume Rendering on an Interactive Light Field Display
Marco Agus,
Enrico Gobbetti,
Jose Antonio Iglesias Guitian,
Fabio Marton,
Giovanni Pintore
Geometry Processing
- Curvature-Domain Shape Processing
Michael Eigensatz,
Robert W. Sumner,
Mark Pauly
- Spectral Geometry Processing with Manifold Harmonics
Bruno Vallet,
Bruno Levy
- Fast Force Field Approximation and its Application to Skeletonization of Discrete 3D Objects
David Brunner,
Guido Brunnett
Video and Relighting
- Video Conferencing Relighting Using Infrared Illumination
Oliver Wang,
James Davis,
Erika Chuang,
Ian Rickard,
Krystle de Mesa,
Chirag Dave
- Augmented Panoramic Video
Chris Hermans,
Cedric Vanaken,
Tom Mertens,
Frank Van Reeth,
Philippe Bekaert
- Stereo Light Probe
Massimiliano Corsini,
Marco Callieri,
Paolo Cignoni
Interactive and Sketch-based Techniques
- Sketching and Composing Widgets for 3D Manipulation
Ryan Schmidt,
Karan Singh,
Ravin Balakrishnan
- Real-time rendering and editing of vector-based terrains
Eric Bruneton,
Fabrice Neyret
- Sketch-Based Procedural Surface Modeling and Compositing using Surface Trees
Ryan Schmidt,
Karan Singh
GPU Rendering and Ray-Casting
- Hardware-Accelerated, High-Quality Rendering Based on Trivariate Splines Approximating Volume Data
Thomas Kalbe,
Frank Zeilfelder
- Zippy: A Framework for Computation and Visualization on a GPU Cluster
Zhe Fan,
Feng Qiu,
Arie E. Kaufman
- GPU-based Fast Ray Casting for a Large Number of Metaballs
Yoshihiro Kanamori,
Zoltan Szego,
Tomoyuki Nishita
- Ray Casting Algebraic Surfaces using the Frustum Form
Martin Reimers,
Johan Seland
Character Animation
- Simulation of Human Motion Data using Short-Horizon Model-Predictive Control
Marco da Silva,
Yeuhi Abe,
Jovan Popovic
- Expressive Facial Gestures from Motion Capture Data
Eunjung Ju,
Jehee Lee
- Automatic Conversion of Mesh Animations into Skeleton-based Animations
Edilson de Aguiar,
Christian Theobalt,
Sebastian Thrun,
Hans-Peter Seidel
- Articulated Object Reconstruction and Markerless Motion Capture from Depth Video
Yuri Pekelny,
Craig Gotsman
Textures and Arrangements
- Floating Textures (Project)
Martin Eisemann,
Bert De Decker,
Marcus Magnor,
Philippe Bekaert,
Edilson de Aguiar,
Naveed Ahmed,
Christian Theobalt,
Anita Sellent
- Texture Synthesis From Photographs
Christian Eisenacher,
Sylvain Lefebvre,
Marc Stamminger
- An Example-based Procedural System for Element Arrangement
Takashi Ijiri,
Radomir Mech,
Takeo Igarashi,
Gavin Miller
Parameterization and Transformations
- Manifold-valued Thin-Plate Splines with Applications in Computer Graphics
Florian Steinke,
Matthias Hein,
Jan Peters,
Bernhard Scholkopf
- Conformal Flattening by Curvature Prescription and Metric Scaling
Mirela Ben-Chen,
Craig Gotsman,
Guy Bunin
- Higher Order Barycentric Coordinates
Torsten Langer,
Hans-Peter Seidel
Fluids and Simulation
- A Semi-Lagrangian CIP Fluid Solver without Dimensional Splitting
Doyub Kim,
Oh-young Song,
Hyeong-Seok Ko
- A Fast Simulation Method Using Overlapping Grids for Interactions between Smoke and Rigid Objects
Yoshinori Dobashi,
Tsuyoshi Yamamoto,
Tomoyuki Nishita
- Fluid in Video: Augmenting Real Video with Simulated Fluids
Vivek Kwatra,
Philippos Mordohai,
Sashi Kumar Penta,
Rahul Narain,
Mark Carlson,
Marc Pollefeys,
Ming Lin
- An Adaptive Contact Model for the Robust Simulation of Knots
Jonas Spillmann,
Matthias Teschner
Rendering and Simplification
- Single-pass Scalable Subsurface Rendering with Lightcuts
Adam Arbree,
Bruce Walter,
Kavita Bala
- Real-Time Translucent Rendering Using GPU-based Texture Space Importance Sampling
Chih-Wen Chang,
Wen-Chieh Lin,
Tan-Chi Ho,
Tsung-Shian Huang,
Jung-Hong Chuang
- Photo-realistic Rendering of Metallic Car Paint from Image-Based Measurements

Martin Rump,
Gero Müller,
Ralf Sarlette,
Dirk Koch,
Reinhard Klein
- Efficient and Dynamic Simplification of Line Drawings
Amit Shesh,
Baoquan Chen
Rendering Volume Effects
- Visualizing underwater ocean optics
Diego Gutierrez,
Francisco J. Seron, Adolfo Munoz, Oscar Anson
- The Beam Radiance Estimate for Volumetric Photon Mapping
Wojciech Jarosz,
Matthias Zwicker,
Henrik Wann Jensen
- Interactive Volume Rendering with Dynamic Ambient Occlusion and Color Bleeding
Timo Ropinski,
Jennis Meyer-Spradow,
Stefan Diepenbrock,
Jörg Mensmann,
Klaus H. Hinrichs
Imaging and Warping
- The Shadow Meets the Mask: Pyramid-Based Shadow Removal
Yael Shor,
Dani Lischinski
- Detail-In-Context Visualization for Satellite Imagery
Joachim Bottger,
Martin Preiser,
Michael Balzer,
Oliver Deussen
- Viewfinder Alignment
Andrew Adams,
Natasha Gelfand,
Kari Pulli
Image-Based Techniques
- Image-based Aging Using Evolutionary Computing
Daniel Hubball,
Min Chen,
Phil W. Grant
- Image-based Material Weathering
Su Xue,
Jiaping Wang,
Xin Tong,
Qionghai Dai,
Baining Guo
- Image-Based Shaving
Minh Hoai Nguyen,
Jean-François Lalonde,
Alexei Efros,
Fernando De la Torre
Points and Meshes
- Distortion-Free Steganography for Polygonal Meshes
Alexander Bogomjakov,
Craig Gotsman,
Martin Isenburg
- Sparse Points Matching by Combining 3D Mesh Saliency with Statistical Descriptors
Umberto Castellani,
Marco Cristani,
Simone Fantoni,
Vittorio Murino
- Dynamic Sampling and Rendering of Algebraic Point Set Surfaces
Gaël Guennebaud,
Marcel Germann,
Markus Gross
Shadows and Lighting
- Accurate Shadows by Depth Complexity Sampling
Vincent Forest,
Loïc Barthe,
Mathias Paulin
- Deep Opacity Maps
Cem Yuksel,
John Keyser
- Practical Product Importance Sampling for Direct Illumination
Petrik Clarberg,
Tomas Akenine-Moller
Imaging and Projectors
- Characterization for High Dynamic Range Imaging
Min H. Kim,
Jan Kautz
- Modeling a Generic Tone-Mapping Operator (Project)
Rafa Mantiuk,
Hans-Peter Seidel
- Agile Spectrum Imaging: Programmable Wavelength Modulation for Cameras and Projectors
Ankit Mohan,
Ramesh Raskar,
Jack Tumblin
Short Papers
- Mining Motifs from Human Motion
Jingjing Meng,
Junsong Yuan,
Mat Hans,
Ying Wu
- Measuring and Enhancing the Legibility of GPU-rendered Text
Christoph von Tycowicz,
Jörn Loviscach
- Laziness is a Virtue: Motion Stitching Using Effort Minimization
Lei Li,
Jim McCann,
Christos Faloutsos,
Nancy Pollard
- Adaptive Remeshing of Non-Manifold Surfaces
Michael Zilske,
Hans Lamecker,
Stefan Zachow
- Real-Time Volumetric Tests Using Layered Depth Images
Matthias Trapp,
Jurgen Dollner
- Identification of Dynamic Mass Spring Parameters for Deformable Body Simulation
Bryn A. Lloyd, Sercan Kirac,
Matthias Harders,
Gabor Szekely
- Efficient Spherical Harmonics Lighting with the Preetham Skylight Model
Ralf Habel,
Bogdan Mustata,
Michael Wimmer
- Shadowed Relighting of Dynamic Geometry with 1D BRDFs
Derek Nowrouzezahrai,
Evangelos Kalogerakis,
Patricio Simari,
Eugene Fiume
- Video Carving
Billy Chen,
Pradeep Sen
- Interactive Stroke-Based NPR using Hand Postures on Large Displays
Jens Grubert,
Sheelagh Carpendale,
Tobias Isenberg
- Revealing Pentimenti Through Raking Angle Photography
Chi Yin Cheung,
Ankit Mohan,
Jack Tumblin
- Microquad soft shadow mapping revisited
Michael Schwarz,
Marc Stamminger
- Knitty: 3D Modeling of Knitted Animals with a Production
Yuki Igarashi,
Takeo Igarashi,
Hiromasa Suzuki
- Efficient Soft Tissue Modelling Using Charged Particle Control Points
Oli Buckley,
Nigel W. John
- A Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Authentication of Semi-regular Meshes
Kai Wang,
Guillaume Lavoué,
Florence Denis,
Atilla Baskurt