This page tracks the new paper links made to my list of Eurographics 2015 papers.
Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang.
If you have additions or changes, send an e-mail.
July 17, 2015
- Woodification: User-Controlled Cambial Growth Modeling
May 20, 2015
- Pixel Merge Unit
- Compressive Image Reconstruction in Reduced Union of Subspaces
- Panoramic Video from Unstructured Camera Arrays
- High-Order Recursive Filtering of Non-Uniformly Sampled Signals for Image and Video Processing
- Hardware-Based Non-Photorealistic Rendering Using a Painting Robot
- Light Chisel: 6DOF Pen Tracking
- Rich-VPLs for Improving the Versatility of Many-Light Methods
- General and Robust Error Estimation and Reconstruction for Monte Carlo Rendering
May 9, 2015
- Approximating Free-form Geometry with Height Fields for Manufacturing
April 19, 2015
- Interactive Diffraction from Biological Nanostructures
April 7, 2015
- Procedural Modelling of Urban Road Networks
(CGF Paper)
- Robust Segmentation of Multiple Intersecting Manifolds from Unoriented Noisy Point Clouds
(CGF Paper)
April 4, 2015
- Inverse Procedural Modelling of Trees
(CGF Paper)
- Interactive Procedural Modelling of Coherent Waterfall Scenes
- PackMerger: A 3D Print Volume Optimizer
(CGF Paper)
- Optimal Spline Approximation via l0-Minimization
March 28, 2015
- Statics Aware Grid Shells
- Designing Camera Networks by Convex Quadratic Programming
- Rich-VPLs for Improving the Versatility of Many-Light Methods
- Object Repositioning Based on the Perspective in a Single Image
(CGF Paper)
- 3D Fabrication of 2D Mechanisms
- Improving Sampling-based Motion Control
- IsoMatch: Creating Informative Grid Layouts
- Interactive Dimensioning of Parametric Models
- High-Order Recursive Filtering of Non-Uniformly Sampled Signals for Image and Video Processing
- Jointly Optimized Regressors for Image Super-resolution
- Comprehensible Video Thumbnails
- Inexpensive Reconstruction and Rendering of Realistic Roadside Landscapes
- Hardware-Based Non-Photorealistic Rendering Using a Painting Robot
- Real-Time Subspace Integration for Example-Based Elastic Material
- Biologically-Inspired Visual Simulation of Insect Swarms
- Time Line Cell Tracking for the Approximation of Lagrangian Coherent Structures with Subgrid Accuracy
- Mobility-Trees for Indoor Scenes Manipulation
- Generating Design Suggestions under Tight Constraints with Gradient-based Probabilistic Programming
March 16, 2015
- Hallucinating Stereoscopy from a Single Image
March 15, 2015
- Rich-VPLs for Improving the Versatility of Many-Light Methods
- Improving k-buffer methods via Occupancy Maps
- Scalable Partitioning for Parallel Position Based Dynamics
- Adaptive LightSlice for Virtual Ray Lights
- Adaptive LightSlice for Virtual Ray Lights
February 25, 2015
- Layer-Based Procedural Design of Facades
- A Biophysically-Based Model of the Optical Properties of Skin Aging
- Selective Degree Elevation for Multi-Sided Bezier Patches
February 17, 2015
- Self Tuning Texture Optimization
- High Reliefs from 3D Scenes
- Replaceable Substructures for Efficient Part-Based Modeling
- Template Assembly for Detailed Urban Reconstruction
- Guiding Image Manipulations using Shape-appearance Subspaces from Co-alignment of Image Collections
- Implicit Formulation for SPH-based Viscous Fluids
- Adaptable Anatomical Models for Realistic Bone Motion Reconstruction
- IlluminationCut
- Object Repositioning Based on the Perspective in a Single Image
(CGF Paper)
February 10, 2015
- Quad Layout Embedding via Aligned Parameterization
(CGF Paper)
February 6, 2015
- Sample Elimination for Generating Poisson Disk Sample Sets
- A Dimension-reduced Pressure Solver for Liquid Simulations
- Interactive Disassembly Planning of Complex Objects
- Scalable Partitioning for Parallel Position Based Dynamics
- General and Robust Error Estimation and Reconstruction for Monte Carlo Rendering
- Approximating the Generalized Voronoi Diagram of Closely Spaced Objects
- Designing Camera Networks by Convex Quadratic Programming
February 3, 2015
- Database-Assisted Object Retrieval for Real-Time 3D Reconstruction
- Compressive Image Reconstruction in Reduced Union of Subspaces
- Panoramic Video from Unstructured Camera Arrays
- Implicit Formulation for SPH-based Viscous Fluids
- Layer-Based Procedural Design of Facades
- VDub: Modifying Face Video of Actors for Plausible Visual Alignment to a Dubbed Audio Track
January 22, 2015
- Composition-Aware Scene Optimization for Product Images
January 12, 2015
- Woodification: User-Controlled Cambial Growth Modeling
- Guiding Image Manipulations using Shape-appearance Subspaces from Co-alignment of Image Collections
January 11, 2015
- Shape-from-Operator: recovering shapes from intrinsic operators
- Template Assembly for Detailed Urban Reconstruction
- Paint and Click: Unified Interactions for Image Boundaries
- A Biophysically-Based Model of the Optical Properties of Skin Aging
- Statics Aware Grid Shells
- CHC+RT: Coherent Hierarchical Culling for Ray Tracing
- Distilled Collections from Textual Image Queries
- Skeleton-Intrisin Symmetrization of Shapes
- Composition-Aware Scene Optimization for Product Images
- Replaceable Substructures for Efficient Part-Based Modeling
- SmartAnnotator: An Interactive Tool for Annotating Indoor RGBD Images
- Page Created and Published