This page tracks the new paper links made to my list of Eurographics 2023 papers.
Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang.
If you have additions or changes, send an e-mail.
July 18, 2023
- Generating Texture for 3D Human Avatar from a Single Image using Sampling and Refinement Networks
July 13, 2023
- Img2Logo: Generating Golden Ratio Logos from Images
- Online Avatar Motion Adaptation to Morphologically-similar Spaces
- Generating Texture for 3D Human Avatar from a Single Image using Sampling and Refinement Networks
- Scene-Aware 3D Multi-Human Motion Capture from a Single Camera
- IMoS: Intent-Driven Full-Body Motion Synthesis for Human-Object Interactions
- Learning to Transfer In-Hand Manipulations Using a Greedy Shape Curriculum
- Editing Compressed High-resolution Voxel Scenes with Attributes
- Interactive Depixelization of Pixel Art through Spring Simulation
- Subpixel Deblurring of Anti-Aliased Raster Clip-Art
- Scalable and Efficient Functional Map Computations on Dense Meshes
- Surface Maps via Adaptive Triangulations
- Unsupervised Template Warp Consistency for Implicit Surface Correspondences
- Video Frame Interpolation for High Dynamic Range Sequences Captured with Dual-exposure Sensors
- Learning to Learn and Sample BRDFs
- What's in a Decade? Transforming Faces Through Time
- Makeup Extraction of 3D Representation via Illumination-Aware Image Decomposition
- A Variational Loop Shrinking Analogy for Handle and Tunnel Detection and Reeb Graph Construction on Surfaces
- Evolving Guide Subdivision
- Directionality-Aware Design of Embroidery Patterns
- Non-linear Rough 2D Animation using Transient Embeddings
- Interactive Design of 2D Car Profiles with Aerodynamic Feedback
- Face Editing Using Part-Based Optimization of the Latent Space
- CubeGAN: Omnidirectional Image Synthesis Using Generative Adversarial Networks
- An Optimization-based SPH Solver for Simulation of Hyperelastic Solids
- Parallel Transformation of Bounding Volume Hierarchies into Oriented Bounding Box Trees
- Stochastic Subsets for BVH Construction
- Test-Time Optimization for Video Depth Estimation Using Pseudo Reference Depth
- Simulating Analogue Film Damage to Analyse and Improve Artefact Restoration on High-resolution Scans
- Differentiable Depth for Real2Sim Calibration of Soft Body Simulations
- How Will It Drape Like? Capturing Fabric Mechanics from Depth Images
- Physics-Informed Neural Corrector for Deformation-based Fluid Control
- Robust Pointset Denoising of Piecewise-Smooth Surfaces through Line Processes
- Evocube: A Genetic Labelling Framework for Polycube-Maps
- One Step Further Beyond Trilinear Interpolation and Central Differences: Triquadratic Reconstruction and its Analytic Derivatives at the Cost of One Additional Texture Fetch
- Investigation and Simulation of Diffraction on Rough Surfaces
- Monolithic Friction and Contact Handling for Rigid Bodies and Fluids using SPH
- Priority-based encoding of triangle mesh connectivity for a known geometry
- In-the-wild Material Appearance Editing using Perceptual Attributes
- A Semi-procedural Convolutional Material Prior
- Preserving the Autocovariance of Texture Tilings Using Importance Sampling
- Variational Pose Prediction with Dynamic Sample Selection from Sparse Tracking Signals
- Learning Human Viewpoint Preferences from Sparsely Annotated Models
- Decision Boundary Visualization for Counterfactual Reasoning
- Detail-Aware Deep Clothing Animations Infused with Multi-Source Attributes
- Designing Personalized Garments with Body Movement
- Delaunay Painting: Perceptual image coloring from raster contours with gaps
- Page Created and Published