This page tracks the new paper links made to my list of EGSR 2016 papers.
Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang.
If you have additions or changes, send an e-mail.
August 11, 2016
- Single-Shot Layered Reflectance Separation using a Polarized Light Field Camera
- Parallel Multiple-Bounce Irradiance Caching
- Constrained Convex Space Partition for Ray Tracing in Architectural Environments
August 7, 2016
- Perceptually Motivated BRDF Comparison using Single Image
- Local Shape Editing at the Compositing Stage
- Shape Depiction for Transparent Objects with Bucketed k-Buffer
- A General Micro-flake Model for Predicting the Appearance of Car Paint
August 5, 2016
- Fast Filtering of Reflection Probes
June 17, 2016
- Additional Progress Towards the Unification of Microfacet and Microflake Theories
- Nonlinearly Weighted First-Order Regression for Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings
- Subdivision Next-Event Estimation for Path-Traced Subsurface Scattering
- A phenomenological model for throughfall rendering in real-time
- Forward Light Cuts: A Scalable Approach for Real-Time Global Illumination
- Adaptive Image-Space Sampling for Gaze-Contingent Real-time Rendering
June 8, 2016
- Point-Based Light Transport for Participating Media with Refractive Boundaries
- A Robust and Flexible Real-Time Sparkle Effect
- Projective blue-noise sampling
- Predicting Visual Perception of Material Structure in Virtual Environments
- Deep Partitioned Shadow Volumes using Stackless and Hybrid Traversals
- Solid Angle Sampling of Disk and Cylinder Lights
June 7, 2016
- Line Sampling for Direct Illumination
June 5, 2016
- Nonlinearly Weighted First-Order Regression for Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings
June 4, 2016
- Sparse high-degree polynomials for wide-angle lenses
- Improving the Dwivedi sampling scheme
May 30, 2016
- Efficient Ray Tracing Through Aspheric Lenses and Imperfect Bokeh Synthesis
- Page published