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Paper Session #1: Materials & Reflectance
- Flexible SVBRDF Capture with a Multi-Image Deep Network

Valentin Deschaintre,
Miika Aittala,
Fredo Durand,
George Drettakis,
Adrien Bousseau
- On-Site Example-Based Material Appearance Acquisition

Yiming Lin,
Pieter Peers,
Abhijeet Ghosh
- Glint Rendering Based on a Multiple-Scattering Patch BRDF

Xavier Chermain,
Frederic Claux,
Stephane Merillou
- Microfacet Model Regularization for Robust Light Transport

Johannes Jendersie,
Thorsten Grosch
Paper Session #2: High Performance Rendering
- Ray Classification for Accelerated BVH Traversal

Jakub Hendrich,
Adam Pospisil,
Daniel Meister,
Jiri Bittner
- Scalable Virtual Ray Lights Rendering for Participating Media

Nicolas Vibert,
Adrien Gruson,
Heine Stokholm, Troels Mortensen,
Wojciech Jarosz,
Toshiya Hachisuka,
Derek Nowrouzezahrai
- Real-Time Hybrid Hair Rendering

Erik Sven Vasconcelos Jansson,
Matthaus Chajdas,
Jason Lacroix,
Ingemar Ragnemalm
- Adaptive Temporal Sampling for Volumetric Path Tracing of Medical Data

Jana Martschinke,
Stefan Hartnagel,
Benjamin Keinert,
Klaus Engel,
Marc Stamminger
Paper Session #3: Spectral Effects
- Real-time Image-based Lighting of Microfacet BRDFs with Varying Iridescence

Tom Kneiphof,
Tim Golla,
Reinhard Klein
- Wide Gamut spectral upsampling with fluorescence

Alisa Jung,
Alexander Wilkie,
Johannes Hanika,
Wenzel Jakob,
Carsten Dachsbacher
- Analytic Spectral Integration of Birefringence-Induced Iridescence

Shlomi Steinberg
- Spectral Primary Decomposition for Rendering with RGB Reflectance

Ian Mallett,
Cem Yuksel
Paper Session #4: Light Transport
- Quantifying the Error of Light Transport Algorithms

Adam Celarek,
Wenzel Jakob,
Michael Wimmer,
Jaakko Lehtinen
- Adaptive BRDF-Oriented Multiple Importance Sampling of Many Lights

Yifan Liu,
Kun Xu,
Lingqi Yan
- Progressive Transient Photon Beams

Julio Marco,
Ibon Guillen,
Wojciech Jarosz,
Diego Gutierre,
Adrian Jarabo
- Adaptive Multi-View Path Tracing
Basile Fraboni,
Jean-Claude Iehl,
Vincent Nivoliers
Paper Session #5: Sampling
- Orthogonal Array Sampling for Monte Carlo Rendering

Wojciech Jarosz,
Afnan Enayet,
Andrew Kensler,
Charlie Kilpatrick,
Per Christensen
- Distributing Monte Carlo Errors as a Blue Noise in Screen Space by Permuting Pixel Seeds Between Frames

Eric Heitz,
Laurent Belcour
- Fourier analysis of correlated Monte Carlo importance sampling

Gurprit Singh,
Kartic Subr,
David Coeurjolly,
Victor Ostromoukhov,
Wojciech Jarosz
- Combining Point and Line Samples for Direct Illumination

Katherine Salesin,
Wojciech Jarosz
Paper Session #6: Interactive & Real-Time Rendering
- Impulse Responses for Precomputing Light from Volumetric Media

Adrien Dubouchet,
Peter-Pike Sloan,
Wojciech Jarosz,
Derek Nowrouzezahrai
- Tessellated Shading Streaming

Jozef Hladky,
Hans-Peter Seidel,
Markus Steinberger
- Foveated Real-Time Path Tracing in Visual-Polar Space

Matias Koskela,
Atro Lotvonen,
Markku Makitalo,
Petrus Kivi,
Timo Viitanen,
Pekka Jaaskelainen
- Global Illumination Shadow Layers

Francois Desrichard,
David Vanderhaeghe,
Mathias Paulin
Paper Session #7: Deep Learning
- Learned Fitting of Spatially Varying BRDFs

Sebastian Merzbach,
Max Hermann,
Martin Rump,
Reinhard Klein
- Example-based Colorization via Dense Encoding Pyramids

Chufeng Xiao,
Chu Han, Zhuming Zhang, Jing Qin,
TienāTsin Wong,
Guoqiang Han,
Shengfeng He
- Puppet Dubbing

Ohad Fried,
Maneesh Agrawala
- Deep-learning the Latent Space of Light Transport

Pedro Hermosilla,
Sebastian Maisch,
Tobias Ritschel,
Timo Ropinski