Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2024 papers on the web

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Eurographics Digital Library (open access): Computer Graphics Forum Volume 43 (2024) Issue 4 and Rendering 2024 - Symposium Track

Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2024 Youtube Channel (Keynote and Paper Presentation)

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Session 1: Sampling

Robust Cone Step Mapping Demo Program or Source Code
Robert Ban, Gabor Valasek, Csaba Balint, Viktor Vad
Learning to Rasterize Differentiably Paper Abstract Author Preprint Paper Video Demo Program or Source Code
Chenghao Wu, Hamila Mailee, Zahra Montazeri, Tobias Ritschel
Sobol Sampling: Faster, Neater, and Compact
Abdalla Ahmed
Path Sampling Methods for Differentiable Rendering Paper Abstract Author Preprint Demo Program or Source Code
Tanli Su, Ioannis Gkioulekas

Session 2: Relighting

Realistic Facial Age Transformation with 3D Uplifting Paper Abstract Author Preprint
Xiaohui Li, Giuseppe Claudio Guarnera, Arvin Lin, Abhijeet Ghosh
A Diffusion Approach to Radiance Field Relighting using Multi-Illumination Synthesis Paper Abstract Author Preprint Paper Video
Yohan Poirier-Ginter, Alban Gauthier, Julien Philip, Jean-Jean-Francois Lalonde, George Drettakis
Estimating Uncertainty in Appearance Acquisition Paper Abstract Author Preprint
Zhiqian Zhou, Cheng Zhang, Zhao Dong, Carl Marshall, Shuang Zhao
High Quality Neural Relighting using Practical Zonal Illumination Paper Abstract Author Preprint
Arvin Lin, Yiming Lin, Xiaohui Li, Abhijeet Ghosh

Session 3: Appearance

Practical Appearance Model for Foundation Cosmetics Paper Abstract Author Preprint
Dario Lanza, Juan Raul Padron Griffe, Alina Pranovich, Adolfo Munoz, Jeppe Revall Frisvad, Adrian Jarabo
VMF Diffuse: A unified BRDF for rough diffuse height fields and porous materials Demo Program or Source Code
Eugene d’Eon, Andrea Weidlich
Non-Orthogonal Reduction for Rendering Fluorescent Materials in Non-Spectral Engines Paper Abstract Author Preprint
Alban Fichet, Laurent Belcour, Pascal Barla
Does higher refractive index mean higher gloss?
Davit Gigilashvili, David Norman Diaz Estrada

Session 4: Light & Textures

MatUp: Repurposing Image Upsamplers for SVBRDFs Paper Abstract Author Preprint Paper Video
Alban Gauthier, Bernhard Kerbl, Jeremy Levallois, Robin Faury, Jean-Marc Thiery, Tamy Boubekeur
ReflectanceFusion: Diffusion-based text to SVBRDF Generation Paper Abstract Author Preprint
Bowen Xue, Giuseppe Claudio Guarnera, Shuang Zhao, Zahra Montazeri
Constrained Spectral Uplifting for HDR Environment Maps Paper Abstract Author Preprint
Lucia Todova, Alexander Wilkie
Employing Multiple Priors in Retinex-Based Low-Light Image Enhancement Demo Program or Source Code
Weipeng Yang, Hongxia Gao, Wenbin Zou, Tongtong Liu, Jianliang Ma, Shasha Huang

Session 5: Global Illumination

Residual Path Integrals for Re-rendering Author Preprint
Bing Xu, Tzu-Mao Li, Iliyan Georgiev, Trevor Hedstrom, Ravi Ramamoorthi
ReSTIR FG: Real-Time Reservoir Resampled Photon Final Gathering Demo Program or Source Code
Rene Kern, Felix Brull, Thorsten Grosch
Lossless Basis Expansion for Gradient-Domain Rendering Author Preprint
Qiqin Fang, Toshiya Hachisuka
Computing Manifold Next-Event Estimation without Derivatives
Ana Granizo-Hidalgo, Nicolas Holzschuch

Session 6: Stylization

Patch Decomposition for Efficient Mesh Contours Extraction Paper Abstract Author Preprint
Panagiotis Tsiapkolis, Pierre Benard
Scaling Painting Style Transfer Paper Abstract Author Preprint Demo Program or Source Code
Bruno Galerne, Lara Raad, Jose Lezama, Jean-Michel Morel

Session 7: Neural Rendering

Neural Appearance Model for Cloth Rendering Author Preprint
Guan Yu Soh, Zahra Montazeri
Neural Histogram-Based Glint Rendering of Surfaces With Spatially Varying Roughness Paper Abstract Author Preprint Paper Video Demo Program or Source Code
Ishaan Shah, Luis E. Gamboa, Adrien Gruson, P. J. Narayanan
Neural SSS: Object Appearance Representation Author Preprint
Thomson TG, Duc Minh Tran, Henrik Wann Jensen, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Jeppe Revall Frisvad

Session 8: Light and Reflection

Stereo-consistent Screen Space Reflection Paper Abstract Author Preprint Paper Video Paper Presentation Demo Program or Source Code
XiaoLoong Wu, Yanning Xu, Lu Wang
Precomputed Dynamic Appearance Synthesis and Rendering
Yaoyi Bai, Milos Hasan, Ling-Qi Yan
Bridge Sampling for Connections via Multiple Scattering Events Paper Abstract Author Preprint Demo Program or Source Code
Vincent Schuessler, Johannes Hanika, Carsten Dachsbacher

Session 9: Shadows

Real-Time Pixel-Perfect Hard Shadows with Leak Tracing Demo Program or Source Code
Rene Kern, Felix Brull, Thorsten Grosch
Learning Self-Shadowing for Clothed Human Bodies Paper Abstract Demo Program or Source Code
Farshad Einabadi, Jean-Yves Guillemaut, Adrian Hilton
Ray Traced Stochastic Depth Map for Ambient Occlusion Paper Video Demo Program or Source Code
Felix Brull, Rene Kern, Thorsten Grosch