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ACM Digital Library: Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance Graphics 2019
the Eurographics Digital Library Link for the paper
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Paper Session - Rendering
- HMLFC: Hierarchical Motion-Compensated Light Field Compression for Interactive Rendering
Srihari Pratapa,
Dinesh Manocha
- An Analysis of Region Clustered BVH Volume Rendering on GPU

David Ganter,
Michael Manzke
- Real-Time Analytic Antialiased Text for 3-D Environments

Apollo Ellis,
Warren Hunt,
John Hart
Paper Session 2 (short papers) - Ray Tracing: Hardware and Performance
- Mach-RT: A Many Chip Architecture for Ray Tracing
Elena Vasiou,
Konstantin Shkurko,
Erik Brunvand,
Cem Yuksel
- RTX Beyond Ray Tracing: Exploring the Use of Hardware Ray Tracing Cores for Tet-Mesh Point Location
Ingo Wald,
Will Usher,
Nate Morrical,
Laura Lediaev,
Valerio Pascucci
- Wide BVH Traversal with a Short Stack
Karthik Vaidyanathan,
Sven Woop,
Carsten Benthin
Paper Session 3 (short papers) - Doing more with each ray
- Dynamic Many-Light Sampling for Real-Time Ray Tracing
Pierre Moreau,
Matt Pharr,
Petrik Clarberg
- Stochastic Lightcuts
Cem Yuksel
- Temporally Dense Ray Tracing
Pontus Andersson,
Jim Nilsson,
Marco Salvi,
Josef Spjut,
Tomas Akenine-Möller
Paper Session 4 (short papers) - Rasterization Techniques and Ray Tracing Applications
- Patch Textures: Hardware Implementation of Mesh Colors
Ian Mallett,
Larry Seiler,
Cem Yuksel
- A Practical and Efficient Approach for Correct Z-Pass Stencil Shadow Volumes
Baran Usta,
Leonardo Scandolo,
Markus Billeter,
Ricardo Marroquim,
Elmar Eisemann
- Real-Time Ray Tracing on Head-Mounted-Displays for Advanced Visualization of Sheet Metal Stamping Defects
Andreas Dietrich, Jan Wurster, Eric Kam, Thomas Gierlinger
Paper Session 5 - Simulation and Optimization
- An Efficient Solution to Structured Optimization Problems using Recursive Matrices
Darius Ruckert,
Marc Stamminger
- Position-Based Simulation of Elastic Models on the GPU with Energy Aware Gauss-Seidel Algorithm
Ozan Cetinaslan
- Distortion-Free Displacement Mapping
Tobias Zirr,
Tobias Ritschel