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ACM Digital Library: Proceedings of the 2020 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and games
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Papers 1: Textures and Geometry
- A Three-Level Approach to Texture Mapping and Synthesis on 3D Surfaces
Kersten Schuster,
Philip Trettner,
Patric Schmitz,
Leif Kobbelt
- Adaptive Procedural Bands
Jimmy Etienne,
Sylvain Lefebvre
- Lossy Geometry Compression for High Resolution Voxel Scenes
Remi van der Laan,
Leonardo Scandolo,
Elmar Eisemann
- On Histogram-Preserving Blending for Randomized Texture Tiling
(JCGT paper presentation)
Brent Burley
Papers 2: Lighting and Light Transport
- Stochastic Substitute Trees for Real-Time Global Illumination
Wolfgang Tatzgern,
Benedikt Mayr,
Bernhard Kerbl,
Markus Steinberger
- Real-time Subsurface Scattering with Single Pass Variance-Guided Adaptive Importance Sampling
Tiantian Xie,
Marc Olano,
Brian Karis,
Krzysztof Narkowicz
- Real-time Approximation of Photometric Polygonal Lights
Christian Luksch,
Lukas Prost,
Michael Wimmer
- Real-Time Stochastic Lightcuts
Daqi Lin,
Cem Yuksel
- Interactive Simulation of Scattering Effects in Participating Media Using a Neural Network Model
(TVCG paper presentation)
Liangsheng Ge, Beibei Wang, Lu Wang, Xiangxu Meng,
Nicolas Holzschuch
Papers 3: Capturing the Real World
- Real-time Face Video Swapping From A Single Portrait
Luming Ma,
Zhigang Deng
- Image-Based Rendering of Cars using Semantic Labels and Approximate Reflection Flow
Simon Rodriguez,
Siddhant Prakash,
Peter Hedman,
George Drettakis
- Passthrough+: Real-Time Steroscopic View Synthesis for Mobile Mixed Reality

Gaurav Chaurasia,
Arthur Nieuwoudt,
Alexandru-Eugen Ichim,
Richard Szeliski,
Alexander Sorkine-Hornung
- Repurposing a Relighting Network for Realistic Compositions of Captured Scenes
Baptiste Nicolet,
Julien Philip,
George Drettakis
Papers 4: Characters and Crowds
- Generalized Microscopic Crowd Simulation using Costs in Velocity Space
Wouter van Toll,
Fabien Grzeskowiak,
Axel Lopez Gandia, Javad Amirian,
Florian Berton, Julien Bruneau, Beatriz Cabrero Daniel, Alberto Jovane,
Julien Pettre
- Interactive Inverse Spatio-Temporal Crowd Motion Design
Tharindu Mathew,
Bedrich Benes,
Daniel Aliaga
- DenseGATs: A Graph-Attention-Based Network for Nonlinear Character Deformation
Tianxing Li,
Rui Shi,
Takashi Kanai
Papers 5: Collisions and Physics
- Local Optimization for Robust Signed Distance Field Collision
Miles Macklin,
Kenny Erleben,
Matthias Muller,
Nuttapong Chentanez,
Stefan Jeschke,
Zach Corse
- A Time-independent Deformer for Elastic-rigid Contacts
Camille Brunel,
Pierre Benard,
Gael Guennebaud,
Pascal Barla
- Real-time Muscle-based Facial Animation using Shell Elements and Force Decomposition
Jungmin Kim,
Min Gyu Choi,
Young J. Kim
Papers 6: Modeling and Content
- Contour-based 3D Modeling through Joint Embedding of Shapes and Contours
Aobo Jin, Qiang Fu,
Zhigang Deng
- User-guided 3D Reconstruction Using Multi-view Stereo
Sverker Rasmuson,
Erik Sintorn,
Ulf Assarsson
- Fast and Scalable Position-Based Layout Synthesis
(TVCG paper presentation)
Tomer Weiss, Alan Litteneker, Noah Duncan, Masaki Nakada,
Chenfanfu Jiang,
Lap-Fai Yu,
Demetri Terzopoulos
- Progressive Regularization of Satellite-Based 3D Buildings for Interactive Rendering
Xiaowei Zhang,
Christopher May,
Gen Nishida,
Daniel Aliaga
Papers 7: GPU Techniques and Data Structures
- Automatic GPU Data Compression and Address Swizzling for CPUs via Modified Virtual Address Translation
Larry Seiler,
Daqi Lin,
Cem Yuksel
- On Ray Reordering Techniques for Faster GPU Ray Tracing
Daniel Meister,
Jakub Boksansky,
Michael Guthe,
Jiri Bittner
- Computing Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation Using the GPU
Jiaqi Zheng,
Tiow-Seng Tan
- Optimal Path Maps on the GPU
(TVCG paper presentation)
Renato Farias,
Marcelo Kallmann
- RANDM: Random Access Depth Map Compression Using Range-Partitioning and Global Dictionary
Srihari Pratapa,
Dinesh Manocha
Papers 8: Perception and Performance
- The Effect of Lighting, Landmarks and Auditory Cues on Human Performance in Navigating a Virtual Maze
Daryl Marples,
Duke Gledhill,
Pelham Carter
- The Role of the Field Dependence-Independence Construct on Flow-Performance Link in Virtual Reality
Yulong Bian, Chao Zhou, Yeqing Chen, Yanshuai Zhao, Juan Liu,
Chenglei Yang